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24/08/23 - 24/08/23
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7 points
6 points
Picked up at auction ...cracker,with the swivel quick hitch ,handy as fcuk for drainage6 points
5 points
love the comment on why he didn't want to shoot it, didn't want the publicity and only had his old BSA meteor on him5 points
You can come and watch my dogs whenever you want mate and you can tell me which ones are shite. All are fine with other dogs I walk them all round a public lake every other day off lead and all are fine with other dogs. I'm not being a nob, I just can't understand why you'd want a busher that picks fights with other dogs and then goes for you when you try and stop it. If I had a dog that went for me or my son with intent to do harm that'd be the end of it.5 points
5 points
4 points
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4 points
4 points
Thats same one I've just seen, doesn't look or act big to me, scale wise he claims 6ft so they must be some big old oaks he is hunting in..... Edmund outdoors Age 31 (@fur_feathers_fish) • Instagram reel WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM 183 likes, 21 comments - fur_feathers_fish on August 23, 2023: "A big cat I estimated to be over six feet...4 points
3 points
Nothing too much really. But this popped up on my YouTube yesterday. A couple of the big names that do the camping vids pitched up at the exact same spot I used on Kinder a few weeks ago when I knackered my ankle up! No massive coincidence I suppose but I enjoyed seeing the spot again after that eventful night!! Lol..3 points
Sinn Fein are up north saying brits out , down south ,they are in favor of open borders . About ten years ago Sinn Fein voted to have the union jack taken down from belfast city hall . All they achieved was to upset tens of thousands of working class unionists . The same sinn fein a few years back were protesting out side of a church in dublin because the church was not flying the pride flag . Sinn fein are in favor of open borders , hate speech laws ,LGBTQ being taught in primary schools .3 points
3 points
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3 points
My nephew got his exam results done fantastic I said I’ll take you anywhere you want for lunch he choose the Toby carvery lol3 points
Well you are being told wrong ! The British disease: “We are totally f****d but we think you may be getting f****d too so that’s ok !” It’s one of the contributing factors to how Britain and its communities and its culture and its ability to say “words” has allowed itself to get rinsed out ! Most British people won’t even get off their arse and go down the polling booth…..easier to let their kids future go to the dogs !3 points
3 points
3 points
It's not mine my bitch has been socialised with other dogs I've a mix of dogs. I've a Stafford, parson which is the mother to the bitch , then my sight hound , All my dogs get on with other dogs except the sight hound when he's on the lead. Hates other dogs approaching him it's strange. When he's off lead he's fine.3 points
May be of some interest to some of you. A hunting lad I follow but don’t know personally, on instagram has taken a video thru thermal he believes is a big cat in the UK. Just the messenger! Have a look. What do you think?3 points
3 points
3 points
2 points
You evil barstewerd , we give millions in aid to India , thankfully they've managed to provide sanitation and clean water , oh no they managed to land metal on the moon lol2 points
2 points
2 points
Shutters for a Garage going on the side of a plot... lovely little brook comes down off the mountain and through the garden2 points
2 points
Strangely enough there are no official photos or footage of the landing,however one of the mission ground crew was tweeted one and it’s been leaked…..2 points
Life is cheap who ever else was on the plane don’t get mention not that there likely to have been any better than him2 points
I don't believe anyone had Diana whacked. The royal family are so incompetent they couldn't arrange a decent pr company to deal with the prince Andrew scandal.....I doubt they the intelligence to arrange an assassination by speed crash2 points
2 points
That was my first thought. Prigozhin is a switched on bloke obviously. Im sure he understood the real threats and rules of the game along time before internet experts in other countries. Who knows what's really going on in these big games. He may of retired peacefully somewhere with the agreement of his mate Putin for all we know.2 points
It comes down to dogs i have seen in the past hunting in a pack in cover and the odd dog they had was a liability for fighting that so happened to be lakey types the same lads now would not entertain that type of dog for hunting and bushing i just think it's an added stress having a dog aggressive dog around you and not worth the hassel no matter how good a worker it is.2 points
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2 points
Looks like the gun was over powered Jimmy and they have been into block and tuned gun down the amta is the airgun manufactures and trade accotiation the sticker covering were block comes apart2 points
Yea good fish and chips there Kev no book just have to stand and wait sometimes. Britannia do a good Sea Food Platter share between two think its £39. From May this year. Cheers Arry2 points
Here is a snippet of ours Wolfdog. Might give you a few idea's. As Arry said, we also done it our way, and was very laid back. To be honest, the wife was the brain child behind it all, and I just turned up on the day.2 points
What got me into the wild camping was about 17yrs ago and old cumbrian mate I used go lamping with asked me if I fancied a camping trip up in Scotland. I can't remember the exact route, but was on Rannock moor above Kinloch Rannock we started from and did a solid 5 days and 4 nights out. Stopped in boffys for 3 nights and 1 night in the tent. I loved it, I add my old dog with me. I remember back then I had all old bog standard kit which weighed a ton lol. Kit has seriously moved on now as my pack now fully loaded is about 6kg ( that's without food or water ) tho. A old pic of me2 points
1 point
Walked a trail earlier,sweltering weather,found a snake slough,saw a couple of snakes,and stood very still as a brood of wild Turkey came down the trail.1 point
Did 10 miles yesterday,went to the river looking for snakes,saw 4 but because of the heat they were really fast and slid off quickly,three garter and one milk snake,hundreds of leopard frogs everywhere.The cottontail here are unusually tame,it’s not difficult to get within a few feet of them.1 point