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Since my wife required to be dropped off at her mother's place in Central Otago ,I thought it rude not to take advantage of the high rabbit populations that can be found around the lake in central Otago so I threw a couple of young lurchers ,ferrets and nets on board and after dropping her grace off, I bolted off to one of my favourite places, an area of flat ground with some large pine trees around the local collie club. There is a walking and cycle track that runs along the water's edge at one end, a busy man road at the other and the two other boundaries are both fenced in rabbit netting.15 points
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7 points
Do you think we don't know that?, that's part of your problem mate, you think anyone who doesn't agree with your political persuasion is somehow thicker than you. A concept the majority of left leaning people buy in to. I'll let you into a wee secret shall I ?, we know we're being screwed, we also know your labour luvvies would screw us as well, in short it won't matter who is in power we're fcuked. Difference between you and us is that you think anything would change with a labour government.7 points
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5 points
Just contradictive as usual francie …. That’s why we are in this mess people thinking one party are better than the other or vote for tories because there bad but not as bad as labour f**k the lot of the politicians there all corrupt scum playing us like fools …. People stand together as one and demand change instead of point scoring like wee school girls in the play ground5 points
Glyns right bullshitters cousin owned 1/2 share of Tan, and was told he was lost to ground. Tan was sold by bullshitter. Frenchie bought the dog, and Tan was then sold to Wil mac in Scotland. Tan was put to WMs little ped lakeland bitch to produce a nice red bitch. A bitch going back to this mating was then taken to Bill Brightmore, and bred to Deek, a choc dog out of 1 of my dogs x Tug, a daughter of Bill's choc dog Shaka. Al St kept this line, and took his bitch to NS to produce Jake Drum etc l. A keeper Steve I dug with once who owned Drum, and showed me the ped, and asked if I could fill5 points
5 points
The rarity of wild boar and the draconian hunting laws in the U.K. are the obvious answers to that question. Interesting, if misleading map. Surely it was the British who introduced "bull" type dogs to a lot of countries, when they conquered a quarter of the world ? The British were using "bull" types when the USA was still owned by its native peoples, long before colonisation. Just my opinion . Cheers.5 points
5 points
Yeah, dogs give us unconditional affection,...they 'live in the moment' and they don't seem to worry too much about the past,... or the future.... I wish I could think like that....?5 points
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4 points
You will be right Glyn I only knew the Tan dog. What was behind him was told to me by bullshitter. 2 of my mates had pups out of gin, and they were given different peds. 1 stated that they were sired by Rice's Bullet another was sired by a son out of Foxy cross Dilly, a mating that apparently never happened Glyn I was called by Brian and asked to sign a statement about all the lies bullshitter told at the time. He told me kevin and DW were righting letters to back Brian up. I think they were put on a website called Rookies or something like that, but I didn't want to be involved with pu4 points
I will never get my head around why anyone would dump good meat like venison if you plan to poach them at least have a plan to get them home . I know some times in tricky situations they may have to be left but to just dump them is madness imho.4 points
I am surprised you haven’t set yourself up to reload. It is cheaper and you can tailor the rounds to suit your rifle far better than factory stuff. I have just prepped some cases for loading this week. Crow and magpie battering season is here so I will need them.4 points
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3 points
ROM1, Brian came to see me with all the letters to post on the internet , i was pretty shit on computers at the time so after a chat with the owner of Roady's terrier site she typed them all and put them up and i just watched the mayhem unfold both in ireland and USA i got death threats from both country's seems gullible fools don't like people to know they got conned lol , some of the biggest defenders of rob a dog have now moved on to the AC bloodlines3 points
Agree with that sandy but labour will do nothing different.3 points
3 points
Think another problem we have to face is the totally one sided bias reporting of everything and anything, these hunt sabs put up footage or story’s true or untrue but they get a platform and are totally unchallenged the media is there to steer the population not give balanced views so no one ever gets to see the good many country folk do but are quick to believe all the bullshit they are fed by MSM, you could put a picture of roadkill up and 99% would believe it was killed by badger baiters as they are the unknown enemy fed to them by the press, in times of trouble and hardship all these wanke3 points
Cheers Arry..ive done a bit of research and they are turning up in strange urban places...the key is the wood chips as they are imported, so go check out any places that have been recently wood chipped,around new supermarkets ect, Identification is pretty easy as long as they are completely hollow and the cap and stem are one they are good to go. Good luck ? Edit to add they do need cooking well , raw can cause stomach upset3 points
Anyone heard of people in england using bulldogs and knivesanymore? Anyone??? Yes thanks but they would no more talk about it on the internet than post pictures of themselves in pink panties or walking an Akita ??3 points
Always pushing hare out of plantations and woods around here mate even heavy rains put them in cover, makes sense though to shelter3 points
3 points
I already seen some nice dark grass rings while out with the detector. St. George's Mushroom WWW.WILDFOODUK.COM A great Spring mushroom that can usually be found several weeks either side of St. George’s day. Cheers Arry2 points
Your right Arry the wildwood site is my go to site every time and it seldom lets me down, I remember you putting it up years ago.2 points
2 points
Is it possible that they were not dumped...and the poachers were planing on collecting them...but they got rumbled...or had simply not got to collecting them yet2 points
Never found one myself. Would dearly love to reckon your on the money Flattop but I would be checking every thing ID wise. That wildwood.com is a brilliant site for ID with their videos etc. Cheers Arry2 points
2 points
See Tyson fury expecting another child. Thought he had more practice at pulling out then that.2 points
Just to point out that the hare wasn’t covered in leaves just jugging tight mate and you didn’t see it .They winter in woods out the wind and rain which we’ve returned to cutting short the mating activity out in the pastures . Not too sure about your catty on roe and it’s a buck mate ,roe buck not a stag .2 points
2 points
You clowns fall out over patterdale peds never mind pits history that's why we can't take you serious2 points
2 points
Yes that's a common problem over your way Aussie Whip, once the dog has heated or heat stoke (call it what you want)the dog then becomes prone to it, over heating faster each time. In some cases, this has ended a dog's working life, making them unsuitable for any hard running and hunting.2 points
Little update.. if anyone's interested. Picked a Rab accent 700 down bag up after a fair bit of research and it's one that Zandy recommended. Mega price from Go outdoors.. in-store price of £174. Cheapest online is around £220. Seems proper good quality. Fingers crossed it will be tested soon.. Packs down nicely to about the size of a honey dew melon!!?2 points
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2 points
Paddy and his wife went to a sex therapist .Paddy’s wife was feeling left out for not having an orgasm during sex .All her friends did apparently . The doc said he thought she was over heating during sex and that a fan should be installed overhead . Paddy thought for a bit then rang Mick who came round that evening . Paddy gave Mick a tea towel and asked him to keep his missus cool while he did the deed. Nothing ,no orgasm ,no screaming ,nothing . Paddy totally knackered asks Mick for his advice . Being a good mate Mick offers to do the deed and tells paddy to tr2 points
From my experience there would be very little heat being felt from that height, if it’s cold enough for it to be needed to be on it should be around 2 to 2 and a half feet above the bed, even at that height you don’t feel much heat if you hold your hand under it at the same level as the dog would be but if you turn your head to the side and put your face by where the dog would be and leave it there for a few seconds you can feel the heat more, I find that the best way to gauge what height to put the lamp2 points
Good spot that Zandy regarding the Laser. Don't end up like me though when it comes to reading reviews.. I can spend 2 days reading reviews on umbrella's or something and still can't make a decision! Lol.. As for kitting myself out.. I've got a Gregory Katmai 55 coming anytime now after ordering a 58 ltr Kestrel and sending it back. Long story!!? Bag wise.. I was pretty much set on a Rab accent 700. Pretty sure it would be mint quality and it's 3 season which would do me nicely. But.. I'm swaying towards the OEX Leviathan 900 with it being a warmer bag and £60/70 cheaper. Apparently2 points
I think I’d be a bit pissed off about that too tbh .The hounds go where the fox is that’s a given but the huntsman should be thereabouts to take them off a tricky situation .In what realm do the hunt think they are allowed onto private property ,leave hounds behind to save his own skin and not go back and tidy up with a bag and bucket of water .I bet nobody apologised to the home owner or spoke to them about it . The hounds on the road wasn’t a problem at a time there were fewer cars on the roads .Nowadays it’s an rta waiting to happen .Either hunting tidies itself up radically or it will2 points