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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/12/22 in all areas

  1. 10 points
  2. Other than knocking lights off,stuff off standby,we have carried on regardless since all these energy price hikes started....Gas, Electric and the mortgage,is just shy of £1200 per month,add fuel to get back and forth places ,running a couple of vehicles....I've found I'm working every Saturday and most Sundays ,the Mrs is also grafting at every opportunity...It is what it is,and you do ,what you got to do,to keep and provide for those in your care? I've had a plan for yrs to be done and dusted at 50 yr old,sell up everything and go live on the road off grid....The government and cnuts p
    10 points
  3. It was a female attacker Alexandra Dennis,...what kind of women are about that would do that,...I always believed no man for any reason should ever lay hands on a female but I'd make exceptions for that cow
    10 points
  4. Rabbits bolted well this time for some reason but wee farmer well please
    9 points
  5. Agree with first sentence but totally disagree with second? I’ve dug to seasoned dogs with various animals in ground including rabbits and ducks! Telling a young man to PTS a young keen pup because a rabbit bolted out of a hole near where she was at wouldn’t be my advice. Keep bringing her to good active holes putting proper game in front of her. Never encourage her to go as it sounds like she certainly doesn’t need it… nice and calm around holes. The more she works the more she “should” settle. If she is to be a clown that trend will show itself over time. Then it’s up to you to see what stan
    9 points
  6. As is so often the case this thread has widened out considerably. Apparently 99 ILLEGAL immigrants came across the channel on Christmas Day and are no doubt in a nice warm hotel somewhere now, having all their medical/clothing/food/etc needs taken care of for them at our expense. Whilst The Salvation Army is begging us to donate money to the BRITISH, homeless rough sleepers, in this county! Go figure!!!
    9 points
  7. There are many medical and personal reasons to abort a fetus and seeing as you don't own a womb,what the fcuk has it got to do with you except to push your warped god shit upon people?... .
    9 points
  8. Sorry this is all thats left of a Baileys Cheese Cake I made yesterday. Cheers Arry
    8 points
  9. Litter sisters earning there keep can even run rough ground ?
    6 points
  10. Mrs rustled a few bits up that was left in the fridge
    6 points
  11. should only be available for victims of rape/abuse and on medical grounds imo ....NOT because your to lazy to put something on it or got no elastic in your draws....
    6 points
  12. Egh from what I see y'all always posting about your folks in office I'll take trump any day......
    6 points
  13. It pisses me off when people moan about others wealth or what house they live in. ( I don’t follow any of the royals by the way , I do think they are out of touch ) my boys at work do it, chirping in with comments about it, I said to one of my lads , you spend your money on drugs, beer, paddy power, kebabs, fizzy drink, fish n chips and fags. That’s why you got fuk all. If it worry’s you get out and train to be plumber, sparky etc you will be busy and earn a decent wage. It’s out thier just need the desire to have a go.don’t sit it your bed sit on the weed moaning about others.
    6 points
  14. We didn't have a massive turkey this year, but it did Xmas dinner for four, fry up for two on Boxing Day, sandwiches for two today, and the carcass is in the slow cooker today making turkey broth ! Its a good job we like turkey, and it's only once a year ! ? ?? Cheers.
    5 points
  15. tell you what there's some good chefs on this site....a good few I would sit down and eat with... green lurcher would be one to sit and dine with...like a proper chef is his food.. mackam cos you would be eating out in some fancy place...with top scran.. Arry. ..you would be eating some real home made cooking pies casseroles etc. .. socks would be OK an all especially if you wanted the meat sweats...and no vegi shit. . Yeh some good cooks on here
    5 points
  16. I'd wager its dislocated and popped back in . ( stubbed toe) don't cut nail back . The swelling is nature's way of protecting the injury. The blood inside the toe will eventually form a callous . That toe will be stronger than the other toes if left for 6 weeks . Road walking only. If you run the dog the likelihood of the little bit of bone that cups the other bone will break . Then it's toe off time . Hope this helps . Source a good greyhound vet if you take him . Edited to say . Please do not add heat to that injury.
    4 points
  17. I was about 12 had my first ferret and I used to go with with my father and other chaps but I wanted somewhere I could go on my own. One day I plucked up courage to go and ask the nearest farmer who was a fox hunting man and he never let anybody on his land. I knock on the door that seemed to echo down an hallway the dog was trying to come through the door and I nearly bolted. I stood there and a grumpy farm looked down at me as I asked for permission to ferret I was shitting myself. To my surprise he said yes think I sort of ran come danced the two fields to home. Over the years we
    4 points
  18. frittata. ..Ham. .bacon ..sausage. .onion..garlic..leek..pepper
    4 points
  19. People who hold their phones out in front of them on loudspeaker or just put the bottom thin end of the phone to their ear with the top of the phone pointing away from them but still have it on loudspeaker . The 4 people who live directly down the street from me who for some reason would rather park outside my house rather than their own even when there’s nothing in front of their own houses .
    4 points
  20. I'm pretty confident If any of our toes swelled up to that size we'd be rushing to A and E. However expensive it might seem, I'd take him to a vet ASAP. They can do the emergency bit although most have no concept of full recovery for a running dog. Be prepared it will take weeks, maybe months to heal before he can lamp again but it's a lot cheaper than and less time than starting with another dog. There could be many reasons , I have had collie lurchers on and off for 40 years and they don't have particularly bad feet, accidents can still f...k them up, knocking a toe up on stones, tho
    4 points
  21. Not as simple as that. Theres a "buffer zone " around abortion clinics, to stop protesters harassing women going into the clinics. This woman has form for this, and runs some sort of anti abortion group. She thought she could protest silently within the "buffer zone" by praying. The " rights and wrongs" of it ? I don't know. But it must be horrific for a some woman to make the decision to abort a child, they don't need people protesting them. Just my opinion. ? Cheers.
    4 points
  22. NEVER dig any terrier unless you're 100% sure it's with it's game, once you've dug them to rabbit you might as well pts, it'll only get worse
    3 points
  23. People who seem bloody brain dead in the supermarket that just wander about half asleep. The ones that block off a whole section by having a trolly at arms length while viewing something. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  24. It does but at the same time a man can just up and f**k off any time he likes as many many do.Something my girlfriend has said her mum always told her and her sisters was"If you're gunna have a kid make sure you do it for you and that you're prepared to bring it up alone because you cant rely on a man to stick around and do the right thing.I bet a lot of blokes that are anti abortin would have a different view if they had to carry it and face the chance of bringing a kid up alone for the next 18years.
    3 points
  25. I have turned nothing off. I just pay the bill. If it gets to were I can't afford I'll put a jumper on and turn the fire or heating down.. Just to add I did originally turn stuff down when the bills jumped up but I see no point in being uncomfortable if I don't need to .
    3 points
  26. One of my Xmas presents Jok.
    3 points
  27. Why not mate, if theyve nothing to hide there shouldnt be a problem, seems to me there getting it handy enough, charles an william dont care about yous at all, theyve watched the british values be ripped apart, plus there linked to alot of nasty stuff true or not, but the king was best muckers with saville, that in itself is shocking, mi5 an co knew what that dirty rat was at but yet charley boy still was best pals with him, same with andrew an epstein.
    3 points
  28. Yes its very hard to come to terms with asking an abortionists to brutaly murder your own child,theres no excuses these days chart, what with the amount of precautions available,no excuses at all imo mate.
    3 points
  29. beef stew and dumplings with pigs in blankets thrown in for good measure, the boys mortified as takeaway nights are few and far between since I bought a ninja gizmo?
    3 points
  30. The royal family remind me of country sports organisations. They are betraying their most loyal supporters in a misguided attempt to protect their own existence for a while longer. Their supporter base is traditional, countryside loving, old values type people .....yet they are totally abandoning them. Like a load of queer, eco, leftwing, concrete countryside and immigrant based population will support them in future.
    3 points
  31. Good to hear you ok ,_15 cold but new York got _ 45 so your lucky . Look forward to hearing about your digs , keep at it Mooch
    3 points
  32. The big corporations run the world, they have there 'secret' meetings every year an discuss these things with 'elites' There trying to get rid of the middle class, make us all poor in the process, they want us to stop using fossil fuels but not them, we are f***ing spineless, we will sit here an complain but do nothing,either get off your arse an do something or stop your complaining.
    2 points
  33. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? mate, that stuffs old hat !!! No one goes around recruiting like that ? How do I know ? I was on a recruiting team . many many many officers are from worse backgrounds than you or I can imagine , I know many officers , rough violent council estate lads who are officers in the military . There is very very little parity as a junior officer regarding sandhurst , the regiment they are assigned to reflects their performance in training and their preferences , the best usually get the infantry where a cadet with a degree in engi
    2 points
  34. I was going to post this on that daft football thread we had on here originated by that daft Max bloke. Anyway, couldn't find the post. Stocking fillers from yesterday but my favourite received gifts.
    2 points
  35. Christmas tourists; c**ts from up country that can't drive on any road with less than 4 lanes
    2 points
  36. Don’t use bone radiol til swelling and bruising away.
    2 points
  37. We are all being took for mugs and then folk are condemning those who choose to strike for more money wile the energy companies profits go through the roof.
    2 points
  38. This is a follow up to the above post. Well forgot to photo the whole meal was a bit stressed cooking. I ordered a three Rib of Aberdeen Angus Beef from the local butcher. When I picked it up I thought f**k me look at the size of it 10lb 3 ffs, well I ordered it I didn't think I could back out lol. Wallet a lot lighter I brought it home with loads of stick from wifey, ah well. Anyway up at 4.30 to put it on low and slow looked at it thought I would cut one rib of, what a cracker will look forward to getting that on the BBQ later in the year. If I can wait that long.
    2 points
  39. Thanks, We doing ok.We haven't had any snow but freezing cold for our area.Electric company was doing rolling blackouts to conserve electricity.On the plus side all coons have went to ground meaning I don't have to walk very far.Yesterday morning I had a dig it was -15Celsius. That's cold for our area. I recieved an early Christmas present last week that has helped me digging in the cold.If any of y'all dig alone in cold temps I would recommend a pair of these.
    2 points
  40. A bit of Devon Accent. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  41. This dog was bred by ginger French.. he’s was a brilliant dog.. there’s not much I didn’t do with him. He excelled on hares, obviously being a saluki cross, but he took fox, deer, lamped the beam perfectly, ferreted etc.
    2 points
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