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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/22 in all areas

  1. Was invited by a mate to go out lamping last night he took his collie greyhound bitch and i took my 3 year old collie bull whippet. She hasnt done much at all on the lamp as i mainly use her for ferreting. Was over the moon how she ran only fault she only seemed to retrive half way back she is normally to hand when ferreting but gives me somthing to work on. Atb lads wallie
    20 points
  2. A old friend of mine did this for me and have to say myself it's one of the best tattoo's iv'e ever seen any where...
    17 points
  3. Another notch on her collar. She’s coming to be my old reliable .
    11 points
  4. local mooch this morning,she put a couple of rabbits up but didn't get a clear run at either. she's now 13 months old ,only had 1 rabbit a squirrel a mole and 2 pigeons. opportunities are limited locally. first whippet and despite whippet lads on here telling me that they would do anything a beddywhippet would I had my doubts. can only say so far they were spot on,she hunts up well is a natural marker and will find and put stuff out brambles ,cover even nettles.
    9 points
  5. Just put 3 cameras out around the marina trying for some otter pics have found a few eaten fish out on the grass at first light so recon there’s one about ??? other camera is round the other side covering the entrance ?
    9 points
  6. First propper time out for the dog with the ferrets worked a treat
    7 points
  7. Was out for a munty last night and within 10 mins found this guy holding 3 hinds with a calf each. Shit pic, but he was tearing up the field, head back with his lip curling. Let out the odd roar. I looked around for a lesser stag but couldn’t see one. Unfortunately the only reds I’ve ever had a chance on have all been master stags and so far I’ve refused to kill them… I did see something I’ve never witnessed or heard of before. I watched a munty literally chase a fox for two fields, before I lost sight. Came out the same paddock as the stag. Couldn’t have been more than five ya
    6 points
  8. Chilli and lime prawns with chanterelles
    6 points
  9. Pitched up for the night, parked in Scotland and walked back across to England for the night.
    6 points
  10. Mate once your over a certain age shoplifting is compulsory, even if you get caught just act a bit confused you get tea and biscuits and a hand to your car, your only old once mate don’t waste it ??
    5 points
  11. Nice day away down south with good friends today. What it’s all about all dogs worked well and a bit of craic and slagging ?
    5 points
  12. Getting pedantic now with replies , can almost write them in my head what he’s gonna say . Same shit , mud slinging , get some back , agendas, menstrual . It’s pathetic now as he does none of that . That’s why he can’t function in social circles as he’s incapable of criticism and acts like a bird , finding insults where there is none or being offended by proxy for any one of a myriad of causes . Mind numbing . anyway , was just yesterday walking my dog up the high street local to me and had him in a lead . He’s very placid and friendly being a lab , everyone’s pal , oratory
    5 points
  13. Had 8 madri last night just got 8 kronanborg this horrible c**t I live with is going to her mates for a bottle of wine and a moan
    5 points
  14. Standing recording instead of sticking a pike or knife through it
    5 points
  15. Most of the beaters on the shoot I was part of were redundant miners. Despite the hardships of the job they would have returned to the lits in a heartbeat. One of them used to say that he'd go back to the pit tomorrow, if only to catch up on his sleep. ? My Dad was a ripper dahn't pit and virtually everyone we knew hsd some colliery connection. Most of them over 50 were knackered through dust or injuries. My Dad succumbed to a kidney condition brought on by a rock fall. So why would the miners go back to working in such hostile conditions? Because the pits held the communities together. T
    5 points
  16. Did 2 years in the pit. On a good day when I got home I could cough up enough dust to keep the fire burning for hours.
    5 points
  17. The serial killers seem to focus on vulnerable people who wouldn't be accountable or who's absence doesn't raise concerns. So providing the abduction or murder is done discreetly all that could lead investigators to the killer is dna, fingerprints, evidence associated with the bodies, etc. Flesh disintigrates, bones don't so it is easier to permenantly dispose of flesh through fire rather than burial to avoid animals dragging it to the surface. That goes for clothing, etc too. Metal objects like mobile phones, buckles, jewellery can be retrieved from the ashes and disposed of in remote hedgero
    4 points
  18. Because killing it would do absolutely nothing for control but probably weaken the quality of what is only a small population, and produce no meat of value. I’d have a fantastic head sitting in peroxide right now, which I’ve wanted for some time. But he wasn’t the one, not this time at least. On other land, I’ve took plenty of heads. But it is just that, taking a trophy. Any other reason is just an excuse. Took a muntjac doe off the same place tonight. That’s actual meaningful control.
    4 points
  19. Funny you should say that, couple weeks ago a mate and me coming down from a summit camp about 8am and this huge bird glided passed us about 20m in front at eye level with crows and ravens flying around it but not mobbing it, I seen a satellite tag on its back and nearly pissed my pants with excitement, my mate argued it was a buzzard to which I informed him that they just don’t satellite tag buzzards… Few miles further on we bump into a local farmer, having a bit chat about dogs and adders when above us were 2 buzzards calling, my mate mentions to the farmer of our sighting earlier on and tha
    4 points
  20. In places that are hooching with stuff I wouldn’t be bothered and would likely be boiling his head out today. Just seemed wrong.
    4 points
  21. ? Mate i downed 4 Westons and i felt pretty decent to be fair this morning!! They suit me well... although my mrs banned me from having then at one point!? That's another story!! Thinking 2 bottles of nice wine for tonight.....?? If you're going to be a Bear... be a f**king Grizzly eh!!
    4 points
  22. Cracking buck in the woods; could hear him barking and he would come to about 100 yards to sticks on the trees. Found loads of random mushrooms that I didn't know and a few big caulis and some chanterelle
    4 points
  23. This may sound contradictory but the calmest types I found were from battle stock,well handled and mentally stable,,those pet/scatter bred types are the time bombs I think
    4 points
  24. And I was just replying on his other post, Charts! Too fukkin right, mate! I post for Me, first and foremost. Get out what ever's on my mind. Any kunt wants to look at it, or not? That's entirely up to them, isn't it? Ian never once said that 'All posts made here shall be of irresistible interest to every kunt else. Appealing and appeasing to all who blow through here, or it's wiped.' Nor did he ever stipulate that every last one of us with a username shall acknowledge the existence of every post. Be a bit like being Forced to read every inch of a paper, otherwise, wouldn'
    4 points
  25. Sounds like your in there mate... take her home for a look at the frog and some chick peas!!
    4 points
  26. I'll be ok with the local lass thanks mate just need to get it decided on and booked in, some of the birds she's done seem pretty decent to me and her dog portraits are good too.
    3 points
  27. I don't, but to ask how did you do it would be presumptuous ?
    3 points
  28. People disappear all the time. It is only when bodies are found that the real investigations start. Master the disposal of bodies and you would remain unsuspected. So, in reality we will never know how many serial killers are out there because they could have mastered the body disposal bit. After all, many of these killers only come to light after accidental discoveries of corpses.
    3 points
  29. No mate, that don’t really bother me that type of stuff…..no, imho it was just way too gratuitus, nasty. It almost glamourised him and I didn’t like that. Good actor mind you , the bloke who played him. Mindhunter is a way more interesting series and is done better.
    3 points
  30. Went up today also feeding wheat now. Topped up all ibcs and put out last of the feeders in the woods. Birds are scattered far and wide with the warmth of the sun on them. Growing well and certainly getting through feed in pens
    3 points
  31. Shift work gave a lot of miners like me more time to indulge in various hobbies like dogs pigeon racing and such like a few of the pigeon flyers and keen allotment men at the pit I worked at used to work the regular night shift so they had time in daylight hours for their hobbies.
    3 points
  32. At the start of the year my old friend who has a studio not to far from Northampton put up a comp with a tattoo as the prize and asked for suggestions,i said native finches,goldfinch,bullfinch etc and i won to cut a long story short and as iv'e never been inked before i just handed myself over to her and she chose the picture and did everything off her own back as such..Her skill is awesome and i'd recommend the studio to anyone and i travelled from Norfolk for it and it's worth every mile travelled... Creative Tutch Body Art,,,Kislingbury, Northampton......Check it out, ...
    3 points
  33. They're certainly impressive, but maybe better left where they belong, doing the job they were intended for
    3 points
  34. What about those two shithouses that went into shops and got bottles of milk of the shelves and poured them on the floor and over the cheese counters ? Some sort of vegan protesters. The staff stood by and watched, and when a shopper asked why they didn't intervene, they said "they weren't allowed to" ! The police said they were "aware of the incidents but no arrests have been made". I wonder if that was a bloke out of work, skint and at his wits end had shoplifted the milk for his kids, how would he have been treated........... Cheers.
    3 points
  35. Nice one Paul. Might sound a bit strange to some but I’m fed up with seeing them .Must of seen 20 in the last four months .Probably same animals but sighting all the same .Along the river Avon at Lacock ,the stretch in Chippenham town centre ,the Marden under the bridge by black dog hill and Bowood lake .Big size difference so guessing it’s cubs in one place adults elsewhere .If there’s sign Paul you’ll defo get a hit on trail cam .Saw 3 in the thermal two weeks back running across a field near Pewsham .Unmistakeable gait on the move and can’t be confused with anything else . Heard
    3 points
  36. Fair play a magnificent beast is some times better to watch than pull the trigger some on here will disagree totally I’m sure they will be along shortly atb
    3 points
  37. Never mind about embarrassment. Get after her and give her one before the drugs or the beer goggles wear off.
    3 points
  38. any dog can turn when it’s an apbt your in serious trouble
    3 points
  39. I reckon that's about 10 user names, maybe more that dogfox has had, binned off every time for being an absolute bellend but still keeps coming back. Sad, sad fukcer. ? Cheers, D.
    3 points
  40. not sure what the difference is between the 20's.. I know one of them uses a fair bit less powder! as for point and shoot its a good round, that said dont think ive ever shot anything passed 300yard with any gun.. im happy with an old duplex on me 6,5x55 easy to judge out to 300 not interested at all the clicks up and windage stuff
    3 points
  41. @iworkwhippets Just been out there to feed them, mate? Fukking Five of 'em out there! Fox fox was so crowded, she was virtually next to me as I poured the chicks out of the box. Pairs of eyes, at all distances, watching. Was thinking; Do your ones just stay the same? I mean, does it appear the same foxes come? Wonder about that. They being, what? Urban? No idea what / why this is all about. Dunno much about the seasonal goings on of foxes. Never took a lot of notice. Just tried to kill them, regardless Saying to my mate, only yesterday; 'I've learned more about wild creatures,
    2 points
  42. ????. I think he brightens the place up, best when you have two accounts on the go at the same time (gene and cocknose) and argue with yourself ????
    2 points
  43. @dytkos @sid g What do you think, love it personally
    2 points
  44. Twat was trying to steal a bike ? Cheers, D.
    2 points
  45. Jigsaw landing In New York
    2 points
  46. Out for mushroom mooch local. Been hoping for some Ceps or Hen-of-the-Woods to show, been finding Ceps of the side of the Moors but none local. The only Bolete I found was a Rooting Bolete none edible and come up same place every year, when cut it goes blue almost straight away. But Cep come in the same area a bit later usually so will have to keep checking. Loads and loads of field mushrooms this year, neighbours been doing okay out of it I'm a bit mushroomed out Lol. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  47. Your really showing your stupidity now mate, sometimes it’s better to say nothing when you no nothing rather than just making noise to be relevant, Harry is talking about proper country folk that have lived and worked there land for generations, they know what a dog attack looks like on there sheep as they see them all the time they no when a sheep is killed and eaten in ways not used by native animals they also no every animal and it’s routes across there land without looking twice so when they are stood in front of a black cat standing 23” at the shoulder they no it’s not a deer badger or fo
    2 points
  48. no different to multiple personalities/usernames on tunterweb....
    2 points
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