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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/22 in Posts

  1. After 7 years of mind numbing call centre work I've finally took the plunge to go fully self employed bait collecting. The place was slowly eating away at my soul
    27 points
  2. Yeah, I feel the same fellah,...I don't really care whether a pup of mine goes to a working or a pet home, just as long as it is well cared for...? I always try to gift pups to genuinely nice guys,.. I've no desire to profit from a litter.. Also, there is always the risk (albeit it miniscule) that the person who you allow to take a pup for free , turns out, not to be the man, you thought that he was, and instead he mistreats or neglects the poor tyke... In that case,.. because no money has changed hands, and no financial agreement put in place,...it is far easier to ask for the
    10 points
  3. If you’re dealing with decent fellas & you’re a decent sort yourself you’ll get a pup for free, it’s the ones charging a grand id be wary of
    9 points
  4. Hamster ,good luck to you ,but don't send that letter mate ,you never know ,sometime in the future you may need a reference off these people ,,burning your bridges is not a good long term strategy .
    8 points
  5. Is it an entire male socks? Would be handy that! The little bitch saved my life on Sunday. I got well and truly battered by that cow and she got it off me. F*cking lucky I’m just battered and bruised!
    7 points
  6. Yeah mate it can just be luck with people like that, me myself the few lads I run with get theirs for free, which isn’t many I keep myself to myself, and rest go to pet homes. Most dog lads are messing c**ts that don’t know what they want, one minute it’s deer dogs then it’s terriers then it’s a fox dog then it’s back to coursing dogs. I’d sooner know my pups was laid infront of a fire getting looked after than getting passed round one messer after another
    7 points
  7. Met up with a mate to introduce boys to a bit of camping, sausages on sticks and marshmallows for afters , knives and an axe all good fun. Got a big parcel cooking with diced beef potato , onion and carrot with butter , Worcester and seasoning. Going to be a late one tonight....
    6 points
  8. The second amendment is the foundation for which the constitution is based off of. Without the second amendment, the government is free to do as they will. Don’t believe me? Research the Bundy Ranch Standoff and the peaceful armed protest in 2020 in Virginia over the governor wanting to confiscate firearms. If you wish to look further, research every violent dictator in history. All of them ruled over a disarmed population. Secondly, if guns are banned the only people that would be disarmed is law abiding citizens. Criminals don’t follow the law. Hence why they are criminals. I deal
    6 points
  9. Breakfast Chilli Sausages & egg rolls before the main event.
    6 points
  10. Did some goose breast in the slow cooker yesterday. Never had it before, well impressed and tasted more like beef, nice and tender too ??
    6 points
  11. Distrust of government is fundamental to a free society. Following your government like sheep is the recipe for a dictatorship. A government that doesn’t have a healthy fear of their citizens is akin to a terrier having zero respect for its owner. Democracy is a beautiful thing as long as there are checks and balances. And for the record, I’m adamantly against my country sticking our nose in other countries business 95% of the time.
    5 points
  12. There's an app called grinder that shows you all the different makes and reviews
    5 points
  13. Just rowing with my boss for months Exactly mate, that's what I thought tbh. I've been talking about it for about 2/3 years and now finally in a position to do it Yeah plenty of money in bait mate and is all cash work I know I won't mate and if it don't work I'll drive an amazon van. I've always had the sprogs helping and will now get more time with em I can do 5lb twice a day 7 days a week mate; I've got 2 shops I dig for that both want 10/20 lb a week and 2/3 shops that bug me regular. plus I have eeling, crabbing, prawning and a bit of commercial s
    5 points
  14. My ship it complete Union Jack aloft ????
    5 points
  15. You sound like you have a perfect work/life balance now, we are a long time dead, Life's about being truly content and making memories, anything else is icing on the cake ?
    5 points
  16. Done it before but wouldn’t these days, even if you get lucky and it’s not been ruined you’ll still never get that bond with it or get it 100% how you want it like you do with a puppy straight out the nest
    5 points
  17. Last nights healthy option before I go full 360 today with a meat fest
    5 points
  18. This terrier was a more than a competent ferreting dog. Not a job he was bred or really trained for but just took to everything. Particularly useful in places where rabbits were thin on the ground, or rather the easy ones had long since been hunted out. If you can't find them you cant catch them. Would dearly loved to have put him over a whippet but never got around to it. Carried on grafting until the age of 12, above ground anyway, and even then wasn't showing signs of slowing down much until the big C got him. A very happy 12 years.
    5 points
  19. I was out again last night. It had been raining hard and the ground was treacherous in places plus the water courses were all up. Over a small valley about 650 meters away, I spotted four pigs feeding on a hillside at the edge of some thick bush. The wind was not entirely in my favour but I could account for that. Yep, I thought, definitely worth a crack Nigel....so off I went. Had to take a detour of about 1.5 km in order to stay down wind of them and in the end the closest I could get was 230 metres. I couldn't get any closer without crossing a usually small stream, now rather swollen by the
    4 points
  20. Dusted off the trowels again today.
    4 points
  21. Venison burger my first new potatoes my own Lettuce, Cucumber, Radishes and Carrots in the Coleslaw. Cheers Arry
    4 points
  22. .......... But an AR-15 just makes it so much easier.
    4 points
  23. Not forgetting my little helper...
    4 points
  24. This calls for a new tattoo!
    4 points
  25. Keeping lead away from water, that’s a joke. Lead flashing to keep the rain out of roofs, millions of them all over the country every time it rains.
    4 points
  26. Wood pigeons can be awkward and frustrating for young dogs not used to loose feathers..?. I would always try to avoid them until the lurcher is properly made...
    3 points
  27. 11.5 hours in total, we had pulled beef tacos ? absolutely banging, best thing I've done to date!
    3 points
  28. or just keep it on the lead aye bangers ? ?
    3 points
  29. 3 hours in halfway, first proper cook up in my smoker in ages i always seem to be at work I should take a leaf out of South Hams Hunters book and bin it off for good ?
    3 points
  30. I don't know the answer to this.....the UK banned handguns and made all other firearms very hard to get, but that didn't stop the atrocities. The Manchester Arena bombing was done with ingredients that can be bought at Asda and B & Q. Anyone who is fanatical enough can kill numbers of people in many ways, like driving an HGV into a crowd, building a bomb, running amok with a blade. Of course, the ease with which guns are available in America is a huge contributing factor, but would banning guns stop the fanatical nutter ? I doubt it, but it might make it harder for them.
    3 points
  31. 1 albino hob,4 jills...a runner and a Plummer ?
    3 points
  32. Said it on his thread we do a bit local to me like a big circle it’s maybe ten 12 miles on foot leave at midnight sometimes not in till 5 or 6 am if u drop on a few bits and bobs I reckon ten miles plenty .... there’s few guys in here walked that with me an it’s no fun lumping gear up that hill and home.... 40 miles lamping sounds like something out of one off plummers early books haha
    3 points
  33. The Royal Marines have to do 30 miles in under 8 hours, mixed speed march/run, not all of them do…….40 miles on foot, with a dog, lamping from midnight to dawn is frankly ludicrous ! Lol
    3 points
  34. Rack of ribs going on for later the tried and trusted 321 method, still can’t get Kannys cow leg out of my head it’s like a beef kebab on a marrow bone lol enjoy your day chaps.
    3 points
  35. If politicians hadn’t proved time and time again that if you give them an inch they will take a mile then there may be room to talk about it……but that’s not how these people operate ! Look at the UK, terror laws used to look in peoples rubbish bins, cctv used as fine collectors rather than to protect people, a wad of cash basically outlawed……all pushed through using double speak and worst case scenario and folks go “oh yeah, that’s makes sense” until it’s getting used for everything else except the thing they said it was for. Its like the new crime bill that gives police the power to
    3 points
  36. Whippet x border Lakeland back to whippet,he’s been on before on a similar thread,catches rabbits well enough, any cover, but a b*****d with strange dogs.
    3 points
  37. Fukcking scum! Cheers, D.
    3 points
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