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A broken front leg ment he was retired to ratting and day time mooching but decided to give him a run recently. Two out of three slips.10 points
Greb ? I had kept a line of lurcher since the late seventies the best dog I have ever owned was from then if I told you what he did there would be the usual idiots saying no way but trust me he did.. I had to live off the juks so maybe my circumstances made the dog more I don't know but he was rated he had over 200 pups I never took one even though my best mate at the the bred two litters from him .. The only time I did was when the lads who owned Merlin of the Merlin and Eve breeding used him. I took a bitch the imprint of the dam and also ended up with a brother when she8 points
Of isolating I can get the dugs a half decent walk… first thing I see when I park up was the sign, what constitutes “suspicious” and how would it differ from the posh boy who hadn’t seen his two weemememeers (weimaranera) for half an hour after they took off after deer? Does he get reported? it’s getting to the stage beyond silly now. anyway good to get a couple of miles in with the dugs.7 points
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6 points
I believe that is incorrect Brother.. or ambiguous at best.? Most days, I walk ground that I am trapping moles over,...I also need my canine helpers to find ensconced rats and rabbits, for me and my paying client... If a hare or deer crashes out of cover, or rises from the set aside when I am walking in, couched conies,.. there is little that I can do, to prevent an unintentional catch. To be honest, these accidents happen all to frequently,.. I just wish someone would shoot these noxious pests,.. I am trying to do my job FFS! Stay safe now,...?6 points
I've said it for a while now.......that message.....if you see a man with a lurcher in a van or 4x4 call 999 ......... imagine saying,if you see a black guy with a bull terrier in a BMW ......? ....talk about selective policing.6 points
They will make the lurcher a band breed like the pit bull soon ??? f**k sake I hate this shit hole of a country we live in6 points
We're not sending billions of pounds to an unelected, unaccountable politburo to spend on vanity projects like moving the whole EU shebang between Belgium and France every month, just to keep the french happy ! No doubt the money saved will be wasted by profligate politicians, but I'd rather we might see something of it here, than it disappear into the EU financial black hole that refuses to be audited. But then again, being a jingoistic, chauvinistic English man, I'd rather be governed by a British government that I can at least have a vote on electing, than a foreign set of Commiss6 points
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Yes, that's two birds already! Our dogs got a toy one somewhere- this is turning into a red letter day!5 points
5 points
I guess it's all down to man and dog as to when it's started. A dog man who spends a lot of one to one time with a pup will have a good idea when it's ready. Ive an eight month pup here who looks like it could pull a bull down, but it's still a daft pup ! When it does that mad, full speed, pretend coursing around a field, you can think " it'll kill a hare , no problem" , but a puppy playing around in an empty field is massively different to being towed around on a grueller ! Mistakes can happen when an unexpected one jumps up, but try and let them be pups, don't ruin4 points
Well, all set for tomorrow, missus just needs to iron my shirt, feet up and chill out before I have to get up at daft o’clock ?4 points
Is it the man behind the dog that makes that difference ? But first you need an animal that can too and not only hares pal but if they can feed you and give you sport in all-sorts of situations that's the one for me .. I grew up running half bred salukis out of Lou Cuggar Edwards saluiki Tevor I didn't know anyone then when we caught deer when no one was at forty quid a time we didn't have no one to show us .. I imagine there are plenty out there now that have animals just as good as long as they are not ruining the meat ? It's what suits pal me every time mine I hun4 points
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Mint thread this ? I reckon Green lurchers ain't so green and having fun ,? Right from catching up salukis and their xs don't retrieve ??? Or take you back to stuff they can't carry ? They are thick as a brick ? And they need slop to run on ? How deluded are you FFS ? Now I ain't knocking the whippets to be fair one of the best providers of game for me was a whippet with a smidge of collie but if sally got up at fifty yards it was probably safe anything under that is was a done deal ? But to say probably the cleverest of the pure bred s4 points
To be fair to the Septics, a fair chunk of that budget goes on defending Europe. Trump was pissed off that most European countries didn't meet the agreed 2% GDP that was agreed on for funding NATO. If it wasn't for the Americans huge military might and nuclear deterrent, the Russians would probably be massing on Germany and Polands borders instead of Ukraines ! Cheers.4 points
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The landowner in question is a 36 year old model who bought the estate for 28 million and is most likely a front for Chinese triad money laundering. These are the kind of people buying all of our farmland ...... and removing it from good production.4 points
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Silly poster? Hares can rise at any time when you are walking out,...what can you do ?4 points
Weather forecast for Basra, yellow weather warning of heavy showers of tungsten and distant rumbles of thunder....4 points
4 points
Just gone an seen a local lad for this bit of kit well made ? Proper gent. Sorted me this catty , catch box few targets an ammo an Bands , spool of elastic for wrapping bands too for 40 quid well happy. Try beat our youngen now with his catty game on lol.3 points
3 points
hi all my father in law has asked to post this story he wrote on his behalf, Its about his match winning bitch he had in the mid 70's, a few may or may not recognise some of the names inside either way chaps tell me what you think please My Lou - By Billy Bruce Saluki x Greyhound x Bedlington I am about to tell you a story about a little coursing bitch called Lou. It all started one day back in April 1974, my cousin Phoebe's husband, Johnny Coates, came round to where I lived near Abbeywood and asked if I was interested in two pups. He knew someone who3 points
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Do u still get the stars on a sawn off ,just asking ?. He, is from Nottingham way you know ??3 points
That’s not cynical that’s just called understanding the world we live in ! Like I said it’s easy to manipulate the masses with simple things or distract them with bright lights and pretty colours.3 points
Nail on head....and there is the problem for every person who a government policy negatively effects there are a greater number that it doesn't and when it doesn't effect you the vast majority don't care about it. We are selfish, self centred animals and as much as it pains me I count myself in that statement as well.3 points
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id say that has a lot less to do with the fundamentals of brexit, and more to do with the current government popularity contest. If the agricultural sector wants full controll over what is done with the land in there ownership they shouldn’t have allowed themselves to become subsidy junkies in the first instance. I personally think this whole rewilding thing is a crock of shit and actually goes against the principals of sustainability. 20 years from now money will be ploughed into these areas to bring them back into food production. the issue you have personally is a b3 points
Never mind the biggest issue, I still can't see it is even an issue. Where I lived at the time, my street had a street party! There was a DJ, everyone got hammered, at one point two fellas had a tear up, and the police turned up and didn't seem to have a problem with it. These are people that do not interact daily as part of their work. Xmas 2020, I can't remember what the crack was with lockdowns or tiers etc but I organised food and drink for all the depts with staff in the office. Only rule was they had to stick to mixing with their colleagues and not be socialising with anyone and eve3 points
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How do they know 21T is missing if the budget is "totally unaccountable"3 points
Its always been the same making money from crime is the easy part....keeping and spending it is the hard part......naive,opportunist types get greedy and want to keep every penny they make whereas folk who have been around a bit pay the people who need to be paid,everyone go's on their merry way and the wheels keep turning. Who in their right mind would be seen with one of them ridiculous hideous looking little dogs anyway ....." trends " are funny !3 points
And this is sort of my earlier point . . . . . the whole country is shitting a brick and demanding blood over a 30 person outdoor drinks party amongst colleagues. Meanwhile the Chinese are infiltrating our government and bribing MPS. . . . . . Im fairly sure I know which one bothers me more. .. . . .3 points