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14 points
that and mobile phones and posting photos on the internet fkd the job proper ,,14 points
13 points
Bottom line is,...You either use your dogs, or you don't use your dogs,...? I have plenty of places that I can walk over, and hunt , 'proper'.....it is not a problem.... But, for most young bucks and other, super keen lads,.. a wee bit of permission sure ain't gonna to last for long... You can only kill the same bunch of deer and hares once,...then you generally need to move on... Men freelance, because they need to keep on, keeping on....simple as that... So,..it would be ridiculously hypercritical of me to say,.. please don't trespass or poach game,...? Facts ar13 points
12 points
Wheaton bull grey sire. 1st x deer grey dam And the Bitch I kept back ?? recently covered her with 1st cross dog12 points
11 points
It’s only going to get worse and it all started from the next generation driving the fields and damaging stuff.So blame them mate as they have been doing it now long enough.And if you look when the ban 1st came in look how many lads started getting lurchers in who never had a dog before.11 points
Loads got into it after the ban...and out just as quick on to the next thing?after bringing it on top for those who fly under the radar?9 points
9 points
Got to be cautious now if a cars coming lamp off walking is key if you take your car stick it out the way and walk put whatever you catch up next to road leave it either pick it up on way home or go put the dogs in the house and come back for it ??8 points
7 points
7 points
7 points
6 points
The most dangerous folks imo to watch out for ...are other dogmen...bitter because your doing abit?5 points
5 points
5 points
Feeding again this afternoon and I feel I’m turning into a proper keeper, I’m constantly angry, about things people haven’t done properly and I’m sick of telling people to put dogs on leads, I also keep finding idiots walking through my drives instead of sticking to the public rights of way, why is it when you tell them they can’t be where they are they look at me like I’m the dickhead Anyway the birds are looking ok, the ones I could find that the dog walkers hadn’t terrorised, they are using every feed area throughout the shoot and with 4 weeks to go this is what I’d expect at this tim4 points
Hare coursing was collateral damage to the fox hunting ban. The vast majority of people hadn't even heard of coursing. Labour wanted fox hunting banned to, in their words, "give Tory toffs in red coats a bloody nose". Nothing to do with animal welfare, simply class hatred! Hare coursing was caught up in the general catchall of banning hunting of mammals with dogs. Nothing to do with gambling, as I say, collateral damage, sadly. Cheers.4 points
I don't think many disagree with their cause......it's their actions that most disagree with. Pissing off people who may agree and support your cause seems a strange way to get your point across....... Cheers.4 points
4 points
Its always funny to watch people try to pretend we are all the same....ive had these type of conversations over many years and it now seems that Frank Bruno has taken over from Denzel Washington as the standard " whats the difference " reference ?....i dont want to patronise you Greb but its a desperate and childish comparison to make as you are going to the extreme on 1 individual to emphasise your point.....i could go to the other extreme and ask how anybody could possibly say we are the same looking at the picture below....but i know its silly as when discussing billions of people you have4 points
?? what the feck are you smoking ? Would you love Frank and Lewis Hamilton to spit roast you ??4 points
That’s the way we ended up doing it mate,but I’m one of these that can’t leave stuff like a lot of the young lads these days.I wouldn’t be able to sleep.4 points
Draconian punishment for poaching/coursing are not new! Theres a lad on here got hammered when caught with hares in his motor; I may not be absolutely correct with his punishment, but I'm not far out. He had his car, dogs and gear confiscated. £1,000 fine. Tagged for a year. Banned from keeping dogs for ten years. This was a good few years ago now. I can go back almost 50 years when I got caught running a hare with a Whippet; The magistrate, who also happened to be the landowner, leant over to the Clerk of the Court, and asked "what is the most I can fin4 points
Your a fecking muppet lad and talk a load of bollocks.Got gave you legs for a reason use the feckers instead of sitting behind a wheel and throwing a dog out of the window.You aren’t going to get permission of fecking lord byron are you ya loon.So you have to go in the dark and be stealthy about it and not let every Tom dick and Harry know you have been and gone.Ffs talk some sense will ya and why would you need insurance for a lurched or terrier.That problem is easily sorted,if it’s not stock broken you don’t let off near livestock do ya ?4 points
the main man in THE CHIEFTANS has died,RIP...I dont expect many will be familiar with their music or even appreciate their greatness but he was a tremendous human being Paddy Moloney, The Chieftains founder, dies aged 83 WWW.RTE.IE The death has been announced of the founder and leader of The Chieftains, Paddy Moloney. an incredible man,who has written and played some of the top themes for block buster movies.hes played with Pavaroti The Chieftains went on to become one of the best-known Irish traditional groups in the worl4 points
Yeah....well I'm a picture of health & virility ? you crumpled up old fart wrinkles4 points
Well been feeding them for some time now so thought it was time to Hit them Me and JayB0 set up early this morning And just sat waiting so peaceful sitting there in the dark And just as it broke daylight the first one came to the feeder So sent it a jsb rs 22 for its breakfast It just fell off and onto the ground Then jay saw one coming he followed it all the way to the feeder Where it ran down the tree then ran back up and along one of the branches where it stopped I new it had clocked us and Jay was taking that long to take the shot I sent it a3 points
Welcome to over crowded Britain. Where you can't spit without checking first incase you gob on someone's shoes!3 points
Better off sneaking about on your own with a pocket rocket type these days..3 points
3 points
When a full ban on hunting including rabbits comes in to force ive decided im gunner keep a stiff upper lip an I’ll Probably jack in running dogs in the end though. they have been a massive part of my life through out the years from my very early teens I imagined me keeping running dogs till day I was put in me wooden box at the end….but I think there’s a all out ban a coming3 points
A debate between a fan of boxing and a fan of a boxer is always hard work and go's nowhere ?3 points
They want us all to sit on the sofa ordering from just eat and deliveroo so the government can get more tax..3 points
Well no need to worry about that. You haven't bought any because you are tighter than f*****g cramp! ?3 points
And all the time your doing your sneaking around some f****r could be watching you with a thermal.3 points
3 points
The old keeper round here had my mate in court for coursing a pheasant, it got laughed out of court I think.3 points
Well to be honest,anywhere I have digging permission I'm allowed to drive the land...you obviously use your f***ing head and stick to the designated path/ruts and don't go driving through the middle of a load of crops? when I go lamping you be lucky to walk around a 1/4 of the land on 1 farm on foot in a night...drive around one place lamping all night and you still won't cover the whole place and that's with us alternating dogs per run..some fields down south where I go are bigger than whole farms I have in Wales for digging....few times when we are down there the keeper has rang and asked3 points
You might as well stay in the house and shoot your self instead of watching that depressing sh*t ?3 points
You're better off walking local these days and claiming accident should you ever get busted.3 points
3 points
Tbh I think it’s the final count down for hunting with running dogs I know a number of people that have chucked in the towel recently3 points
3 points
I borrowed a pard add on thingy the other week. What a faff! Buttons everywhere. I needed a torch and magnifying glass just to work the piece of junk. When I did get back on the fox I couldn't believe what I saw. It was leaning on a gate smoking a fag and checking its claws!! Useless junk, I went and got me lamp.....3 points
3 points
3 points
I've been down in Florida with my wife and girls.Tried shark fishing a couple times but they have moved offshore.Last night we went and shot stingrays.Me and my oldest daughter shot 46 in about 4 hours.Most were cownose rays.I kept a dozen of them for shark bait next summer. We shot a few good southern stingray that put up a fight. There is four types of ray that you can legally shoot in Florida.Usually we get 3 types but the fourth type is a little more rare.Last night was the first time we ever got all 4 species of ray in one night I think.My daughter man2 points