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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/20 in all areas

  1. If it wasn't for the shoots then I would of given up on the terriers when the ban first came in...only real legal way to carry on. We all need each other... The enemy are the establishment and these f***ing arse holes given air time to push their agenda... They are laughing at us all infighting and bitching amongst ourselves ?that's how they keep winning and chipping away at what we got left.... f**k me, only got to have a read on this place to see the old' I'm alright and f**k you all attitude'.... Stand there and argue the colour of shit... When we could be sticking together and fighting the
    9 points
  2. I went to the supermarket yesterday and the woman on the till , whispered to me to look at the people behind me , a pile of pasta , meat , rice , bog roll and beer and wine . She said , “ they are panic buying , there are signs everywhere about it , we aren’t shutting , I’m getting the manager” , the manager came over and they had to put a load of there stuff back . I loved it .
    8 points
  3. I'd rather go hungry than drop to that behaviour. f***ing idiots.
    8 points
  4. I just don't get it.seen on news this morning massive ques everywhere people coming out of supermarket with 20 packs of bog roll.the country is going into lockdown for a month the world isn't ending.if all the numptys just carried on as normal they wouldn't be any shortage of things for everyone.
    7 points
  5. Weekend away ,terriers only ,had a great weekend with some top fellas ,done a lot of spots, 5th spot of day was right next to pheasant pen .brian showed lot of interest outside if earth .then in he popped .5 mins ,we could hear him running about screaming. Fox out and was shot by my lad . Second day.my lad and and keeper went stalking for reds .they ended up with a nice red hinde . We pushed a couple of spots out and missed a easy fox ?? Young lad who missed it got some real stick . 40 years my dad has been top friends with keeper .all started over a gifted terrier .
    7 points
  6. I wouldn't say so... He's probably sick to death of having his livelihood ruined by clowns disturbing his birds and riding roughshot over his ground..same as a shepard etc... Let's be honest, there's plenty of clowns in the dog game who think they can go and do what they please... Every action has a reparcussion... If your caught, you take it on the chin like a man... Don't cry and bitch like a little girl... What's the harm in introducing yourself and asking for permission? You may be pleasantly surprised? Or just maybe the keeper is a good judge of character and switched on, sees your a nob,
    7 points
  7. Strange how many “dog men” rush to defend the shooting community, when BASC & the countryside alliance throw us under the bus at every given opportunity. In their last press release regarding hare coursing they called for all dogs to be seized when lads were pulled on suspicion. Less shoots = more freedom for dog lads.
    7 points
  8. Bit lighter note I was at Bedlington High school as a lad, had and worked a Bedlington named ranger and half Greyhound/Bedlington in my lamping days. Any way the town has few these up now i personally thing its good especially the seats. PUD
    6 points
  9. How about guys like me, with guns and runners? I don't know who I should hate!?
    6 points
  10. I don’t support packham but am I f**k going to support keepers & shooting men when 95% of them will grass you in as soon as they spot you
    6 points
  11. Back out again today trying earths round pheasant penned areas .another fox bolted and shot .
    5 points
  12. My last two were brindle; Cheers.
    5 points
  13. With all this doom and gloom I thought I would go for a mooch with the pup ? He put a few pheasants up for me and I managed a couple. Will go crazy if I have to stay indoors ?
    5 points
  14. Not been to a shop yet since announcement, the kids are a bit peckish..but we'll survive..lol
    5 points
  15. so you want the dog to look hard.....and not like a puff with high viz thingy on..... somthing like this then...
    5 points
  16. Ive got a lot of perm, about 6000 acres or so of it, is on keepered shoots. Its riddled with game, and the keepers are sound. Regularly get offered digging, lamping, ferreting and shooting. I dont even really go beating for them or anything. I'm just not a knob head to them, and do the job they require with no fuss. They just arent fussed if I use a gun or a dog, and in fact appreciate the place dogs have in pest control and game management. Even taken runners on shoot days and had keepers stand me and mates in good spots and then work hard to get us some good runs etc. Just like absolutely ev
    5 points
  17. "Can't stop ,l have a pike to catch!" These were my words to my mate as l finished doing the photographic honours for him with his second big bream of the day. I'd already spent much of the previous few hours running up and down the bank to photograph a variety of specimens for him ,including two roach an ounce under 2lb and a 4.5lb chub. In between all this exercise l had been struggling with a swim yhat kept running hot and cold . Alternating between float and swim feeder kept a few small fish coming between periods of inactivity but l was begining to suspect the prese
    4 points
  18. Dam was a collie grey/beddy whippet type and Sire was a Laguna whippet. Long gone now but would have loved to have been able to clone him.
    4 points
  19. man will never stop hunting with dog's while he has a hole in his arse.
    4 points
  20. You would have thought a little research would have made for a sturdier type of bench.
    4 points
  21. What competes? Woodpigeons eat similar. Crows maybe. Finches find plenty. No known species is under threat that I am aware of due to pheasants. Buzzards do extremely well from pheasants as does the fox. In summer they eat invertebrates but not every species. They certainly do not encroach on other birds invertebrate diet requirements at all. This is a pure fabricated clap trap veneer to conceal a hidden agenda. The real agenda is communism in as much as they will decide for you what is right or wrong, acceptable or what is not acceptable. Such a shame these idealist look
    4 points
  22. Keep your head down do your own thing who cares what anyone else does if field sports is banned so be it I’ll loose a bit of permission I mainly freelance any how but I’d not loose any sleep over permission to be on a bit of land to legally run rabbits id just push forward doing my own thing most of us ain’t exactly ligit so it won’t effect us any way the only ones it will effect is people who lamp only on permission or shoot on permission. Tbh I couldn’t care less what the likes of packham does or if a full hunting ban is put in place it’ll not effect me or many other freelances who love runn
    4 points
  23. Cracker, I hate that scumbag with a passion, I hope he gets cancer, God forgive me, but see if he still wants to defund cancer research an direct it to animals, he should be put down, slowly.
    4 points
  24. Does sound a bit like you’re the one with a superiority complex mate. Or a chip on your shoulder. You seem to view the whole world as if it’s neatly split into two camps. Not meant as a dig, but life just isn’t like that.
    4 points
  25. Lol it's like Mr bean being cast to play nelson mandela. It's bloody ridiculous..
    4 points
  26. So the packham is definitely a bellend then
    4 points
  27. Thing is lots of folk have perm and still go where they like to. Its handy having a reason to be about at night, with dogs. Life isn't always so black and white as it appears. Life isn't always about 'taking sides', just getting on as best you can to achieve whatever it is that you wish to.
    4 points
  28. 4 points
  29. Anyway I was invited duck shooting tonight to my mates shoot. The guns went on the main pond and as I was a guest me and my mate went on a splash 2 fields away . Anyway we were out of the shooting but I did manage a first for me , 2 teal came in and I dropped both with 1 shot ? The guns on the pond had a good flight shooting 4 Canadas ,mallard , teal wigeon and a gadwall.
    4 points
  30. First time out for this lad,who lacks a father ,cool wee guy to spend time with & he loved it !! Big fat rabbits are found in central .
    4 points
  31. Well she still does but I’m not worried about her leg being as much as a concern anymore. She’s just turned 7 months and is a baw hair off 24tts. Sure on her feet and lightening quick with it. Perhaps ready to try a few low jumps
    3 points
  32. I panic bought a big slab of Victoria sponge today..
    3 points
  33. Dam Wheaton bull grey, sire saluki bull grey. Young starter aswel had him out on daytime mooches since 4 months old and by time he got to 9 months he self entered out on a walk one day by himself and not really looked back. Had done a few bits of everything by 12 months so happy with him so far Atb Igz
    3 points
  34. No I’m not. But I happen to live somewhere there are thousands of hares, and to be honest a lot of the lads who come out after them are a pain in the hole, in a major way! They cause lots of damage and waste a lot of folks time and I can understand why some folk just want rid of the problem. I personally hate the idea of hares and stuff being shot like that, I don’t shoot. Luckily our hares are too good for most folks dogs and so it’s only the odd half grown one I find killed and left. Some of these sporting hero’s you talk of are doubling up on stuff in July just for the recor
    3 points
  35. Again,its how indoctrination works though aint it mate some folk see things coming and stand up for their own....others have been brainwashed not to care for their own and are busy cheering their own destruction.
    3 points
  36. It would be a good fight for Chisora ,not so good for Allen ,the lad is already on his way to being punchy ,I wouldn't want to see him getting beat up just for my entertainment .
    3 points
  37. It happened before, and more than likely it the ame type people again. I've always said, people show there (true) colours when bit pressure, times like these puts me off people for life?
    3 points
  38. I’ve just organised to shoot on Wednesday, it’s upset a few of the members that can’t make it but sod them, I don’t think they will get another opportunity this year to go game shooting
    3 points
  39. No one's siding with that prick Francie... Some folks can't see the wood through the trees?I wouldn't drop a terrier somewhere I wasn't allowed.... But when Out with a runner/catty... Then I go where I like... If I get caught, I won't be on here crying, slagging off anyone who has a few brain cells and permission, jealousy will eat you up like a mother f****r?, that's why the games f****d?
    3 points
  40. pig hunting country & one of the biggest boars I and the dogs managed to catch.132kgs
    3 points
  41. let december hit and i can sort a day or two with a foor pack if you fancy mate. Not the best in the world but we hunt some lovely country and have a good craic atb
    3 points
  42. As a upstanding citizen who has his feet on both sides I must say I have not met one keeper yet that hasn’t poached
    3 points
  43. Collie/ grey /whippet had this old girl till she was 16 , long time ago now , feck I feel old ?
    3 points
  44. I hope lads still keep in contact with him and go see him regular. It’s a dam shame and we see it too much older generation just left to rot. Just think 30/35 years ago his phone and yard would be busy with lads calling in when he was a name. Now the fella has nothing to offer dose anyone still care? Love it or hate his his name will always be known in the working terrier world And a bet he’s put a fair amount of soil on the bank as well in his time.
    3 points
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