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Took a short drive to the back of Newcastle airport this afternoon to have a look and to see what was heading to Sunderland airshow, dull and grey sky was brightened up somewhat with these guys...8 points
6 points
While you were playing with your new rifles I went and got me a 3" hatsan ford escort 12g and to be honest I am quite impressed! I put 28, 29, 32 and 36 gram loads through it and home loads some of which were subsonic and it cycled the lot! And with no O ring present! I eventually did put an O ring on it but it was to thick and just would not allow the hammer to strike the firing pin although the action was locked. It's quite a precise fit. I later fitted a smaller section ring and now it fires. The reason for the ring despite perfect function without one is that the barreled action5 points
But it’s nice to see some of the old names popping up who frequented the page years ago!! Dogs are old and one has passed so don’t look in as much now,5 points
5 points
Tbf he could have knocked the fish head instead of leaving flapping about in a public area ,he done himself or his fellow fishermen no favors there. He gave the whack jobs a reason.5 points
5 points
5 points
Bloody hell Ben, everyone is just looking at the rifle and your casing the joint out? Sure you weren't a burglar in the past??5 points
We all live (hopefully) to a set of morals, it is against my set of morals to leave a fish to a lingering death when I can simply knock it on the head so to do so is (to me) immoral.4 points
I think that we as hunters and fishermen have a moral obligation to treat our quarry with respect at all times. To leave a fish flapping it's life away on the bank when all it takes is a knock on the head is to me immoral and shows us in the worst possible light....4 points
Every dog I own is better than a coursing dog ……………………. to me ?4 points
4 points
4 points
It's not just people like him. Has anyone seen the articles in the Daily Mail about trophy hunting? They use words like Vile and Despicable in headlines about stories they really know nothing about. There's no background or any actual facts in the article just a diatribe about how sick people who hunt are. If I wrote the same sort of stuff in mainstream media about any other legitimate sport I'd be sued or worse.3 points
Those fishermen were to blame in so many ways. 1. Why leave it flapping about 2. Why not fill the cnut in as soon as he started.3 points
the ban has never meant much to me. I only really keep little rabbit dogs. I used to lamp and had dogs that could take a few hares lamping. they weren't hare dogs by any means. never had time for organised meets either. now dogs that can find there hare in the daytime, put it up and catch it on its own ground that is a thing of beauty and a true sport.3 points
Think I’d of thrown the mouthy cnut in.. shown his young son that there are repercussions to being a gobby twat! had plenty of shit shooting but never fishing?3 points
Thing is Wilf that 'The EU' is actually two entities. One is made up of power crazed Eurocrats who are on to a good number and want to keep it that way. The other is made up of Pedro the fruit farmer, Pierre the trawler man, Fritz the car worker, Luigi who makes fridges and Hans who operates a crane at Rotterdam docks. The Eurocrats aren't likely to lose their jobs and if they do they have a gold-plated pension to fall back on so they don't give a schit. The other crew however could lose their livelihood so when the push comes to shove and the UK actually walks away they will lobby their MPs w3 points
3 points
? Mrs wasn't happy, feckin fleas everywhere?? Mental what the damage they do, at least you know if you hit something it's dead before it hits the ground3 points
That's still got me laughing, even if we could get a delivery they'd need a drone ? Here's some of the 56000 acres of the estate I shoot ?3 points
I thinks that’s all very sensible stuff Nicepix but I don’t agree the the EU won’t cut off it’s nose......I think they have to mate. I think they know fine well that they can’t allow the UK to be seen as a success for leaving and will bankrupt almost every country in the block to put obstacles in the way.......these people are fanatics. They know that if the UK makes a go of it, others will want out too. That gobshite Varadkar has let his mouth write cheques his countries farming industry can’t cash.3 points
I've seen a few hunters lose interest and their passion for hunting,mainly family or work related.Things change,kids grow up and they get back into the dogs.I don't think it every leaves you completely.Once your hooked you take it to the grave or pass it down to your kids.3 points
3 points
3 points
whats different about it there's still hares and running dogs a few seasons ago I had nothing but bad luck at the time id 9 couple of foxhounds I losted a bitch in pup and two very good hounds due to kennel fights then I lost one hound and got 3 shot when a fox took them for miles and on to ground we had no permission then we losted are kennels this was one season from hell It broke me I lost heart and for awhile I done nothing but got back into mma and weights but if its in you it never leaves that desire to be out on the hills in pissing rain and snow walking mile after mile and watchin3 points
2 points
8 legs is 4 deer. Go to a butcher and ask for a front leg of venison.2 points
I've been looking for the full version of this on YouTube that shows the guy after ,it literally splits his face in half ,I got sent it on WhatsApp .2 points
I thought it was 20, I've only had it a few times, normally after a few drams ???2 points
2 points
That’s what keeps us all going watching the dogs work that’s why we do it ?2 points
definitely no hindrance it keeps me sane no better feeling than watching your own hounds working hard across open ground then marking to ground makes all them early mornings and late nights worth it2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
Brits have to respect their culture ? Honour killings,male rape,and grooming gangs,truthfully (and I have been there several times) what’s so good about pakistani “Culture”?2 points
the peddlers are the same now as they were at the beggining of the working dog scene your either in it for the money or in it for the dogs.. if your friends with the right lads you wont pay big money if any at all for a dog, things in the past always seem better and a lot of lads seem to look at things through the rose tinted glasses. A lot of the big names in dogs were and still are charging huge fees for pups and stud fees. They were always at it and always will be.2 points
Loved every minute lads Slept like a brick too. Thanks for the nudge Phil, that site looks beautiful Fecking work in the morning. atb. Mark.2 points
Failed dog men have a tendency to swap to shooting, they were never serious with running dogs in the 1st place IMO2 points
2 points
At least it looks like they are sorting it before it actually gets revoked, which is at least a lesson learned.2 points
What a slag! He's only had it for an hour and he's already taken it to bed. Enjoy your new love. Hope the wife likes the garage!2 points
2 points
A likely story! I suppose the mirror on your ceiling is just for checking nasal hairs?! ?2 points
It’s a digital alarm clock you nutter lol ? at my age it’s only for peeing out off it’s all a distant memory arr well ! Stav it’s the T3x one of them limited edition things atb lads2 points
found this picture from the spring it was in my little field think its a star of Bethlehem or grass lily. also saw this today in the rain soap wort.2 points
Watched a fantastic sound and light show of Canada history last night projected onto their parliament building, pics don't do it justice.2 points
2 points