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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/05/19 in all areas

  1. Had to put the old lad to sleep last week .....what a dog and a decent producer .....he has given me some great me memories and I would love to do it all over again . over 13 year old and still doing a bit with the terriers and dog that put some amount of stuff to sleep and lived to graft plenty of stuff with his blood coursing through their veins and have 2 dogs in my yard that are breed from him and if they are half as good as he was I will be a happy man .
    20 points
  2. Saw pics at the comp that certainly make you think...besides that Greyman is a decent fella and doesn't try to force his views on you..either on here or in person... just shares his experiences.. It's an interesting subject and with the amount of escapees, released animals over the years shouldn't be so easily dismissed IMO... Id love for greyman to achieve his own personal holy grail, and believe even if he did it would not be spread all over the net/press...I don't think he's that sort of person tbh.
    6 points
  3. Balls rolling on the home cut chips bit of sea salt and chopped rosemary they take some beating and they added bonus of Essex strawberry’s so fk the eu thers no country in the world that can top our strawberry’s ?
    5 points
  4. Starting to get a little bit nit pickie again and most of the questions have been asked before and answered several times, but for anyone that is interested this is just one small area I,ve been round this morning, thought if I took a few pics it would help, the landscape is almost always the same from Scotland to Cornwall, I,m looking for a tree covered ridge overlooking vast areas of flat pasture land, the ridge especially in winter has to be running from north to south and your target will be on the side that picks up the favourable winds, ie southerlys and westerlys and definitely not east
    5 points
  5. Do you mean ass stabber...? If so yeah katchums still here.?
    4 points
  6. Good, he is affecting people’s life’s and there livelihood with his actions and it’s only right he shares there pain and realises what it’s like to be persecuted and hounded going about your everyday lawful business, prize prick ?
    4 points
  7. Keep posting Greyman! Personally I am undecided as to if they are out there or not but I find this a very interesting thread and enjoy reading about your search to find an elusive big cat. I completely understand people’s scepticism but can’t understand why some feel the need to belittle you and undermine you, this is one of the few threads on here worth reading.
    4 points
  8. ak 48 x critical kush...indica purple erkel x matanusku thunderfuck zittles og kush x blue gelato anuska purple x g13.... few I've been blizting down to make oil,around 300 gram of flowers to make 150/200 ml of oil?
    4 points
  9. Now all sorted thanks Walshie!
    4 points
  10. A nice Beretta o/u multi choke will cover all your needs. Here's my 687 sporter. I've seen no need to change guns in over 25 years. atb. Mark.
    4 points
  11. I fired off email to the Green Party and the Libdems kept it polite saying how I can't give a vote to a party that does not respect the result of a vote. Makes my blood boil when they are on the box blatantly saying we as Parties stand for remaining, what right have they got call them selves a Political Party in a democratic country, and one has the hypocrisy to have Democrats in its name ffs. They haven't answered of course but all their shit pamphlets came through the door fired me up, did get one from the Brexit Party though so thats a plus. Cheers Arry
    4 points
  12. The only reason i dont use that word is because i know they dont like it thats not out of respect for them,respect is a valuable commodity to be earned not expected.... but i,ll extend common courtesy to every man so for the same reason i wouldnt call a disabled person a spastic or a fat person lard arse i dont call blacks nigger. But what that has got to do with a Chimpanzee or fruit god only knows......the same as i refuse to cut out every single word in the dictionary that could possibly be interpreted as offensive to fat people or disabled people im not going to do it with black peopl
    4 points
  13. My two Russell's , the dog was keeper bred and I was given him by a lad who used it for bushing , he said “I can’t put up with him anymore, he keeps going to ground “ , “that’s a shame” I said , “ I’ll take him off your hands “ . And to be fair he’s been spot on , also done a bit of hunt service when the terrierman was short . The small bitch has been spot on , bred by DB .
    4 points
  14. Just paid £20 and sent of my variation form . Put down for 17hmr plus silencer and .22 rimfire plus silencer hopefully two week wait so I have been told
    3 points
  15. Got a bitch lent to me to breed of after the last 1 fell through, so just a waiting game now!!
    3 points
  16. Wash ya mouth out New Zealand lamb yuk Suffolk spring lamb is in and that too is better than any lamb from abroad ?
    3 points
  17. I don''t think it's ethical to hunt large game in Africa for trophy purposes, or use bows on certain animals rather than a rifle, but hey if its not my thing and not in my back yard.............I tend to keep my gob shut, as the very same trophy hunter might not like what I do.
    3 points
  18. At the beginning of all this when I first mentioned it I was asked by the collective on here if I would show someone that was elected by the members on here and considered trustworthy, the person that was elected to view it was socks, I drove 45miles each way to meet him at a pre arranged place near his home and shared a good breakfast with the man, we had never met before and both new nothing of the other, Ken is a very well travelled and knowledgable countryman with a wealth of experience he saw the video and put up his conclusion which was the same as mine that it was a large young cat the
    3 points
  19. Your comments are bang out of order, show me some evidence, stop hiding behind ridiculous posts or comments, just what is the secret all about. I'm out all over the country all the time and have been for nearly 50 years, I also have guys that work for me in many other parts of the country, and I know large numbers of people in the pest control and gamekeeper business nationwide, that amounts to being out far more than you. EVIDENCE is required, not opinion or suggestion or stupid pictures of domestic cats or deer eaten by fox etc. Seems some of us have far more experience than o
    3 points
  20. Found this on ebay half price kids love it and alot more space for the fish had the little barrell before this is much bigger and a bargain at 150
    2 points
  21. Let’s hope the rifle boys give us a break this year lifting with Charlie locally .... roll on September YIS ...T
    2 points
  22. Made a start ,got plenty to do and after the Holidays the Weeks will fly by
    2 points
  23. Too true Francie, judging by the performance my kids put in tonight at the doctors , the park and the walk home they must be a genetic mish mash of Godzilla, lady gaga and Attila the Hun. Cant take the feral c**ts anywhere
    2 points
  24. Thanks but still makes no sense. There was a time when katchum could deliver a good insult,look what he's been reduced to.having to have his remarks explained.tut tut katchy baby.
    2 points
  25. Well said knob
    2 points
  26. Just been to a local town for a birthday treat lunch. going by the name I thought it was a head shop selling bongs..... how wrong can one be cool ceiling of vinyl, they smoke all their own meat. I had the venner and deep fried brussel sprouts
    2 points
  27. Jok if you think that’s lamb you need your eyes testing mukka lol and Tesco have English strawberry’s in I think lol
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Exceptionally sad story,theres two guys on her whose good ladies are battling illnesses,both are really decent guys.
    2 points
  30. Then why is the mrs an old boiler?
    2 points
  31. That "i work whippets".he pops on sometimes. Real shame that because he was always out with his whippet and ferret.got a beddy x and a busher too but had to pack it all in sadly.
    2 points
  32. Thier Worst hobbies to have.roaming about the countryside is great.very relaxing.i personally think caravanning is a load of bollox,and golf cant make head nor tail of it.....but each to thier own.
    2 points
  33. Daughter doing a bit of beating
    2 points
  34. To a degree I am doing my own thing, but by joining with other people it gives me access to laboratory,s vets, dna, and much more stuff, if you went to a meeting held by Rick minter you would realise he is not a nut job but a government advisor on many wildlife issues, qualified biologist and all round decent bloke who has also been bitten after a chance sighting, Rick does talks and slide shows all round England and has done more to get the subject recognised than anyone else and as I said talking to any paper is also a massive risk as you have no say in how they interpret what you have said,
    2 points
  35. Its a shame greyhounds end up like this,the one I had was a great mate,loyal and a good guard dog and snake killer.
    2 points
  36. i have 2 and you couldnt get a more laid back relaxed animal ,except for when the one of them sees a cat ,christ then it gets emotional...but what a pet ,they make
    2 points
  37. I couldnt disagree more i have very little interest in history i think its good as a useful guide but ive often found people who hang onto the past cant deal with the future.....it can subconsciously limit peoples aspirations. A bit like a Sunderland fan who has read that his club were big when the sport first started but refuses to accept they are f**k all in todays times ?
    2 points
  38. The JP one a fella I know had was pretty decent from what I heard although never seen it myself, his land is moorland towards the border to Devon. Cheers, D.
    2 points
  39. Next week on time team 2099, we uncover the worlds smallest trophy cabinet in sunderland. After being cryogenically frozen , Tony Robinson has been thawed in order to investigate the discovery of a large amphitheatre in the north east whose existence has baffled scientists for millennia. So tony what do you think this stadium was built for ? “ well , the north east of England and County Durham in particular was renowned for absolutely f**k all , so quite frankly I can’t see why the f**k this stadium was built , archives have shown that a small third tier football side that p
    2 points
  40. I got one off a mates dad, about 30 years ago and bred a couple of litters from her, she was a nice good natured bitch, she died at 15 kids loved her.
    2 points
  41. The self proclaimed political "elite" couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery ? I hope nigel storms home he gets my vote I voted out because this area is slowly becoming an overspill of warsaw or prague or Bucharest,i didn't vote out with clauses or conditions,i just voted out.
    2 points
  42. If you draw your family tree you have two parents. Four grandparents. Eight great-grandparents. Sixteen great-great-grandparents, and so on. If you keep doing that for about 40 generations you end up with a number around a trillion which is more than two thousand times the amount of people that have ever existed on earth at that time. Gentlemen, that is a paradox and we can only null it by understanding that our ancestors are not independent of each other. If it were possible to accurately trace their ancestry back, and their ancestors, and so on we'd loop back to a common ancestor and wh
    2 points
  43. I was only just thinking that....does Chris's theory not fit almost perfectly in line with the whole Adam & Eve way of thinking.
    1 point
  44. Can I just step in and get offended on behalf of Gnasher for your use of the colloquial slang word “cockney”........could you please reword your reply and replace this hideous label with “London inhabitants born in the vicinity of bow bells......whatever their colour.......or religion......or sexual preference” Disgrace you are !
    1 point
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