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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/19 in all areas

  1. 12 points
  2. Was out on a shoot this morning and due to the sun shining and a wind to dry anything out we didn't really expect to find but we showed willing and you don't find feck all sat at home with dogs sat bored in kennels,so we set off and as we checked and walked many places and hedge rows and blanked.Well we had one final place to check and we'd had one out of there a month or so back and yep that was empty as well,but you don't just check the holes you know and i let my old( 12 1/2 years old) plummer bitch work the rest of the hedge row and she squeezed into a tight little place and settled at a m
    8 points
  3. Seen most of what has been said all the normal shite work commitments, not enough room blah blah blah all f***ing shite talking c**ts who shouldn't have dogs!! I remember when I split from a girl when I had my bull x I had to move back in with mother she said the dog can't stay aswell so I said ok put some stuff in the house had a shower and went back out to my van with my pillow, mother asked what I was doing so I said staying out with my dog. It lasted an hour before she was knocking at my window saying you can't stay out there bring the bloody dog in!! If you want to keep the dog there is a
    8 points
  4. Selective breeding is much quicker than Mother Nature and without man we wouldn’t even have a terrier. It is the most unnatural thing for a dog to do, but through years of selective breeding by man we have a strain of dogs that wants to go to ground and work in total darkness often facing quarry larger than itself, that is some achievement and we definitely haven’t wrecked anything, just tailored them to our needs, even if the odds are against us.
    8 points
  5. This mild weather has melted most of the snow .....it was breezy on the tops today ...scent was all over the place
    7 points
  6. Cant make head nor tail of this inbreeding linebreeding genetics x y chromsomes stuff il just take a chance and breed them as close as possible and say prayer for them everytime they go ta ground if they stay till dug to my prayers been answered and if they walk well they have a bed in doggy heaven.
    7 points
  7. I think you will find that the EDL were exposing the truth about what was happening on our streets to our children by Muslim grooming gangs as early as 2009 and are responsible for putting the problem into the public eye so that people like Nazir Afzal could no longer turn a blind eye and had no choice but to do the job they were being paid extortionately well for by the British tax payer.
    6 points
  8. I get what you're saying here, but most people into lurchers these days are not the same types as years ago. Alot of them, especially since the ban, are plain and simple clueless nerks, that don't even know how to look after a dog. Might sound a bit harsh, but it's a fact
    5 points
  9. Same old boring shite from the same old boring shite ...
    5 points
  10. Its more important that the young lads getting into the sport have good mentors!
    5 points
  11. well I got a flyer today so went home filled me flask and grabbed the semi.. didn't fancy sitting about watching crap on tv so headed to a nearby perm with a nice little copse, its overgrown as f and a nightmare to get on anything but thats why I like it there! when I got there I poured a coffee and had a look at me phone and instantly missed a perfect chance the first down was an easy retrieve but the second was a nightmare, I gave up after about 15 mins of looking and put it down to not being dead although it dropped like a brick, dropped a few more on the other side
    4 points
  12. think the doggies won't to go for a walk short drive and set off up hill
    4 points
  13. It's a pleasure roosting and flighting with mine now he's had a couple seasons at it. Knowing your dog will find the bird you just shot and be back immediately while you can focus on the next bird coming in is great. A lot of dog for 30lb.
    4 points
  14. bumped in to some wild goats
    4 points
  15. What you on about ‘hard up’. This is Flynn’s profile from fbook...
    4 points
  16. this level of training can be difficult to achieve, but with experience anything is possible. (note the concentration on the dogs face)
    4 points
  17. skinner .from austrian bohler n690 stainless red g10 over black g10 liners .handle
    3 points
  18. Went to put my first Squirrel feeder up tonight lads and thought it rude not to take the Pro Sport along with us. Once the feeder was in place, myself and Kaiser settled in by some small conifers to wait and see what was about the big sitty trees. Full leaf suit on and these were taken with heart/ lung shots to 41 yds, instant dispatch. atb Mark.
    3 points
  19. Couple pics from today he’s finding his feet now
    3 points
  20. Had a similar thing my self salt at one point found my self out on my ass with no were to live bar the back of a mk4 golf it lasted a week of living out the back of the motor before me mum An pops gave in to the no dogs in the house policy only because they didn’t know were I was or living they become worried I think for my safety maybe I told them straight it’s only the dog I’ve got at the minute that’s stuck by me through thick an thin so wouldn’t dream of doing wrong by her she had loads of work that season because I didn’t have family commitments I could come An go as i pleased from the ho
    3 points
  21. I did, couple years back now. Made a few really good contacts on that trip and since then so reckon this trip is going to be amazing! My missus is pretty easy going, I'm sure we will be doing some fishing and hunting with her but will be spending time exploring and sight seeing too. Once she goes back home and my mate comes out we will be doing some more serious hunting. We will be staying in a cabin and doing some multiday trips during the red roar. We have some goat and possum shooting lined up too and some pig hunting and plenty of fishing!
    3 points
  22. This is a true 1 from 2 year ago Best dog in UK 200 slips 200 kills lads seen it run all said best they ever seen unfortunately I've not the room for it having 4 other dogs
    3 points
  23. Cheers mate seasonal so called Lurcher owners do me nut same as regular dog swappers it called for the long thread title to get what I was getting at. What’s my prize ?????
    3 points
  24. Been toying with the idea of a cocker as it’ll be a lot more manageable for my mum or dad to take for walks and stuff if I’m away, the Brittany I had was to much for them.. it was good as gold for me but use to drag everyone else all over!! just been offered one by a mate who drives a 360 on site, from working stock and 7 month old £350! think I’ll have a look at it this week? Cheers si
    3 points
  25. If it sells off here I will put 10% of procedes as a donation to the fishing comp charity pot.
    3 points
  26. Taken today Ardmore distillery, and Tap O'Noth Aberdeenshire.
    3 points
  27. You should never wait until the line shows signs of being too close as you are already on the downward slope and don’t use an out cross that is too far from your own type or you may undo all you have strived for . My own breeding experience included a mate who started with similar breeding to my own ,even used my first stud dog but bred to the Nuttal side rather than the Wheeler that I preferred . He maintained the size using a son of my Razor,a bull headed Nuttal type dog to all intents and purposes called Sand .Subsequent breedings were up and down within his type ,not my style but
    3 points
  28. Well I bought a cheap entry level eos350 and a couple of lenses for a 100 nicker.
    3 points
  29. One of kg ,s I snapped few yrs back
    3 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Try Foxpack 2 mate his little dog goes out to stud proper grafters
    2 points
  32. 2 +2 doesn't = 4 in breeding, you'll only get out what you put in. If you put hard in, you'll get hard out, it doesn't dilute down when crossed with steady. I agree that you've got to use a terrier with drive and spite to keep the edge in the mix but when you use hard over steady you'll just get some steady and some hard.
    2 points
  33. Dont think you can compare to natural world as man is trying to go away from nature with terriers and game animals in my opinion.
    2 points
  34. Onion bhajis and filthy flip flops at thirty paces
    2 points
  35. So if a line of dogs is kept from work for say 20yrs as in kept on the couch as pets then a young keen lad started working that line of dogs.would the 20yrs have an effect on the line ? Maybe not as the blood is all ready there. And how many years would it take to Perfect a line of dogs. Now I know no such line exist as in perfect. even after the digging terrier blood of maybe 150yrs. Maybe 1000 years.woudnt even scratch the surface.or even 10,000 years the time cycle could even be infinate. .And I think never end I'm pretty sure after all these years and 1
    2 points
  36. I wish I could be on this planet long enough to figure out how things work Glyn but I won't haha I just stick to the blood I know and hope it works. ?
    2 points
  37. But could you say the same from non descript breedings that also once worked .I know what you are saying Glyn but the same old boys advocated working a dog hard ,kill him and use his non working brother as a stud lol.Id rather things ticked along from generation to generation with no room for guessing and so I think would you .
    2 points
  38. Went for walk with the wife along Slapton Sands today, it was like a summers day. If any body is interested the road it now open from one end to the other. Walking along the tide line nice to see some Rays eggs among the flotsam and jetsam. Then at the back of the beach the what I call "Old Mans Beard" shining as it seems to climb the cliff Cheers Arry
    2 points
  39. Good job catweasle didn't get her pregnant,that would be some fugly kid
    2 points
  40. Well, here I am, in the woods with my new HW tac, hoping to bag a few squirrels ?. It’s even got grippy hands, I mean stock? So much better than shooting with those old spring powered behemoths....?
    2 points
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