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  1. Big Ron

    Big Ron


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    Daniel cain


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/12/18 in all areas

  1. Took lad out with terriers on some new permission this morning found four earths there last week checked this morning 3 were occupied bolted two cleanly dispatched by farmers son with shotgun dug one at 1.3m farmer more than happy getting full run of his cousins land as well lad can’t wait to get out in couple of days
    15 points
  2. few pics of my young bitch about 19/20 month, turning into a handy little bitch. How's everyone else's young uns doing ?
    8 points
  3. For me I like to turn up on a field like an Apache gunship. I flick into scan mode using the red beam to highlight any potential targets. One detected 80yard! I prime my four legged missile which also scans the field with built in night vision and state of the art air scent detection system. Target acquired “Fox one” missile is released and like a f****n tomahawk she navigates the contours of the field with an ongoing risk assessment for any dangers in its path. The target knows it’s under fire and a “dog fight” is under way. Twists and turns, speed vs speed, intelligence vs intelligence. We h
    8 points
  4. Dogs, like all predators, hunt better on an empty stomach. Not only is it dangerous to feed before working, but it must be damned uncomfortable for the dog to have food sitting in its stomach when it's trying to catch something. There's no reason why you shouldn't feed a small meal at least 4 hours before working, but personally I've never done this, BUT, any dog, no matter how fit, can go off its legs if it is over-run. That's got nothing to do with lack of food, unless the dog has been routinely starved and is massively underweight. The most common reason for a dog to go off its legs is bec
    7 points
  5. Simple minded fool
    6 points
  6. As a council estate kid, mother worked in Mill dad in foundry and I'm a rat catcher.....i can heartily recommend it.....yes at a few pack you will meet posh people, you will meet people who want to be posh but the vast majority are working class just like you and me. And that's just the mounted followers, the foot and car followers are all solid fieldsports people and salt of the earth ?
    5 points
  7. You got ginger hair i can smell the fox piss / cabbage coming through my keyboard ? Nature is the trainer and gets them in the best shape of their lives for the fight the Rut , like any boxer come the final round they are not in the best shape as at the start of fight ...i quite like how i explained that do you ? ?
    5 points
  8. Back in the day,it was not a question of if your dog would take a deer, it was just getting on land that actually held deer, I,ve always been in Bristol, and today I can walk across the road and find deer in most bits of wasteland but back in the day I would have to be driving down to Salisbury or Yeovil just to see one, a round trip of over a hundred miles usually in a mk1/2 ford escort van that may or may not make the journey without breaking down, then finding somewhere safe to hide the van for the night, then it was running the gauntlet of getting back to Bristol with a van full of deer
    5 points
  9. Not sure about others but my Christmas has been rush, rush throughout, today included. Managed to nick a whole 30 min`s to myself this afternoon and gave a session to my Pro Sport on the target air cards. Boy are they trying, the squirrel target only being the size of a bloody mouse to start with. The untouched Pro Sport .177 was carrying a fair zero but these targets don`t half sharpen your zero up lads, a must have bit of kit now. Here`s the target stand again, very strong and rigid. Take in the size of the squirrel targ
    4 points
  10. My dog, bout same age, doing everything asked so far with a serious prey drive.
    4 points
  11. My youngsters all learning there trade
    4 points
  12. To me it looks like a load of decent hard working people enjoying their day
    4 points
  13. that’s her all cleaned up chilling in front of fire with her mum
    4 points
  14. Just fine thanks!
    4 points
  15. I have once or twice lamped like this on places that are hot , my thinking behind it if it comes on top and they got that close the shock would give me that extra advantage ? got to watch getting over fences thou ? im only 9 stone really so they would find out why im called big Ron ??
    4 points
  16. My oldest kid is on a diving/snorkelling/free-diving trip at the minute,him and his girlfriend swam with these yesterday and threshers and mantas a few days ago.
    4 points
  17. Had a pal out this morning , he’s never shot a fallow buck , he’s shot a few doe’s but never a decent buck ...then this walked out ! he was fairly chuffed with this , capped , its off to Rob , the rest hit the chiller at 129lb ...
    3 points
  18. I've been dying to get out for quite a while using the lamp but we've had either unbelievably windy Weather or it's been tipping it down so tonight was the first time I've been out with the lamp for a few months now. It was one of those lucky lamping sessions where the rabbits hang around just long enough for you to get the shot off comfortably. Having said that i did stalk one across 3 boggy fields before he finally made off through a creep and onto private land.....next time bugs! The 99 that Si sent over earlier this year has probably only just bedded in. Its climbed to 11.6
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. Just nicely raided Morrisons, 3 turkeys reduced from £40 each to a £5 each.......£30 of chicken breasts £6 £45 of belly pork £10 £195 of meat for £31 fecking eyes are bigger than my belly..................well they are for now lol..............if nothing else the dogs will eat well
    3 points
  21. I’ll strap an iPhone to the f****r and use “find my iPhone” app, that should do the trick. ?
    3 points
  22. exactly my point....most lads running daytime on the seed would feed a normal meal the night befor...so the dog has 12 hours or so to digest....same with lads going ferreting the next morning...bushing ...foxing whatever......nobody that goes out first thing in the morning hunting....would have fed the dog the morning befor ie 24 hours earlier.... yet loads of lads still persist with this theory in lamping....
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. Blood sugar and salt levels would be low if they had went without food for too long, empty tank is no good to man, beast, or motor
    3 points
  25. Only went to the meet, as usual. Then pissed off to look for snipe and timberdicks. The mounted packs don’t really compare to fell or border packs for following. South notts always get a good turn out on Boxing Day. At a guess around 1000?
    3 points
  26. I’ve always had an interest in gun dog lurchers. Been someone that just mooches about these days I like a good biddable lurcher that is a natural hunter. There was an article in shooting news/ c m weekly years ago about a fella who had a lab x whippet called topper or something, he loved it as a one for the pot dog. Anyway I was out with my two the other day and I came across an old bloke with his black Labrador, I’ve never seen such I lovely looking lab ( in my eyes ) sleek and racey with a more lively nature than most I’ve seen.......first thing I thought was I’d cross that with a nice
    3 points
  27. quick hr out with the pup,only the 3 slips ,almost caught her first on the lamp...plus side is she's now following the beam and straight back when I switch it off ?
    3 points
  28. Anyone else like this type?
    2 points
  29. The kid is a little bit simple with learning difficulties, he wets himself and stinks of piss, you may as well just turn and explain it to the wall, much more chance of it sinking in ?
    2 points
  30. A long time ago,we did what we had too... to get them in the bag...quicker they were caught and silenced ,the better in my experience.....meat on the table?or watch them run away into the distance?never been one for driving around alnight 'exercising 'stuff lol,went out for results ....by any means necessary ?
    2 points
  31. only pic iv got of her.... mad Aggie in the happy hunting ground in the sky.... anyone else working this stuff?
    2 points
  32. Nice pack you have there pal you carnt beat good russel types ?
    2 points
  33. If I was..... you would be safe ?
    2 points
  34. Your wasting your time trying to explain some people are to thick to understand what should be common sense.
    2 points
  35. .....are magic. This morning after shooting stoaty I found some good sized fresh fox prints around the chicken unit so tonight I took a casual walk with the 22 and boogerin Eck there was three fresh killed birds in the usual spot! Then I spots him and he is coming my way! At the shot through old wire fencing I heard a metallic sound and the fox got away! I chuntered all the way home, put the 22 away and got the WMR out because now all of a sudden I could hear fox's all around barking and vixens squealing. I was soonback on the neighboring farm try to home in on the calling but n
    2 points
  36. Running a dog with grub in its belly can cause bloat even if it's been fed several hours earlier, this can be a life threatening condition, I have always ran a dog with an empty gut and never had a problem, from what I've experienced with my dogs and mate's dogs is they seem more focused when they're run with an empty gut, after a meal my bitch takes about 15 hours before she needs to shit but every dogs different and every owner should know their own dog, there's no hard and fast rules in this game, it's each to their own, I want to feel confident every time I lamp and for me thats running th
    2 points
  37. The reds did seem a lot harder to get off their feet but much less agile and less aggressive than fallow, an angry fallow would stop turn on a dog in a heart beat and try and rack them into the floor.
    2 points
  38. if a stag or buck turns on the dog caus it knackered thats bad enough , if one turns after 50 yards cause he knows the dogs behind him then you can look out , seen both turn many a time over the years , id say the fallow is the most dangerous , he's fast agile and nasty , the red is a bit slower and i would not so nasty , I'm going by what iv seen with my own eyes , I'm talking about deer thats fresh not ones that been run into the ground by cars or dogs
    2 points
  39. Having seen my own dog that wasn't bad on all stuff a fully committed sort get totally owned and killed by a red stag in rut then watch it prounce away barking and the two lads who had give it the big one about there dogs all night bottle it to even slip them trust me there a different animal in rut
    2 points
  40. I think the answer to this question is in the eyes of the beholder we all some what put our dogs in high places even when some people will say nots my type of dog or that's not for me etc but you've gotta think in the big picture is this dog getting me out the house on a windy night is it not catching me a couple of bunnies for the table is the dog making my heart race when I see it working or in hot pursuit it's all down to what the owners happy with cause that's the only person that the k9 has to please
    2 points
  41. If I thought you was watching in your thermals I would of shown you the worst moon you would ever see at night ?
    2 points
  42. His plug sockets are surprised by it as well
    2 points
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