Muntjac Deer

As you read this little condensed piece about Muntjac they could well be the most common deer in Britain.Pair of muntjac. The spread of this deer can be attributed to their uncanny ability to live anywhere and breed like mad. Practically every piece of woodland south of Lincolnshire holds muntys and they also exist in smaller pockets all over the country due to releases by well-meaning deer lovers. The Muntjac is pretty secretive and they don’t like travelling away from cover for too long, but as the season ticks by they will be found wherever there is food to be had.

These Asiatic critters are not the fastest of deer, but they can certainly turn with speed. Most lurchers are able to come to terms with the Muntjac but once they get a grip then the trouble can start. The bucks in particular put a terrific struggle and many a dog and hunter has been slashed quite badly by these deer. They are a great quarry, but be careful and make sure you’ve got your vets number handy…you might need it!

Muntjac Deer

Muntjac Deer Male.

Hunting Quarry Species