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Like yourself mine gets used at work.


My .22rf is conditioned for vermin, ground game, fox and the humane killing of animals..


Incidentally, medium size quarry is fox, feral cat and other similar sized quarry whereas small quarry is rat, hare, rabbit, squirrel and other similar sized quarry. This info has been taken from the HO guidelines chapter 13.


Therefore if your fac states medium sized quarry you cant shoot hare, rabbit and crows etc.

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Mine has ".....and other medium sized quarry" on it, no idea what they are getting at to be honest.


Rabbits, possibly, but whats to stop me shooting a Medium sized Crow :D They need to sort their conditions out, I take it you are with South Wales Police?

HI SportingShooter' yes im with South Wales Police



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This goes to show pretty much what I expected...there is considerable debate as to whether VERMIN means fox, and I for one do not want to be the person to test the meaning in court...fortunately I do not have to as my rimfires, from .22LR up are specifically conditioned for FOX.


Madness apparently, as numerous regions will not even consider fox on the rimfire, another prime example of the inequality of the administration of the "Law" :hmm::hmm:



DEER, by the way, is a SPECIFIC condition...well, in my region anyway...If your FAC does not say Deer, (in some cases it may specify precise smaller species for calibres under .243) then you cannot shoot Deer!


Cheers all!!

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my licence states: the 17hmr, .22 rimfire & .223 rifle (s) sound moderator (s) & ammo (s) shall be used for shooting vermin & for zeroing on ranges ect ect..


so i called my feo & asked that i asked for permission to take fox, her reply to me was that fox is classed as vermin..


maybe i should ask them for my licence to be changed next time i send in for a variation..


edited to say: MET area, maybe inner cities class fox as vermin. im going to call them tomorrow.

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Vermin does not mean fox, under my county anyway... Fox has to be stated on the FAC certificate specifically , phone your FAC officer and they will confirm, obviously some may differ. Yes a .22 will kill a fox it will kill a brown bear if you put it were it counts, but I really don't think people should be shooting them with .22 rimfires, I've seen plenty of rabbits run on when hit wrong using .22 never mind a fox, and we all know we are not robots programmed for 100% shot placement everytime at all ranges... personally I think centrefires should be used, better having overkill than underkill with greater room for human error...

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Deker. I think you got it in the opening post, from memory, "untill it gets challenged" Well has anyone ever been persecu.....sorry I mean procecuted for shooting fox with a rimfire????????????????.


Under the correct conditions it is the perfect tool, not just for the professional, but also for the skilled sportsman. All and I mean all the foxes I have shot have been with the .22, none of them got up and complained ;)

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if a fox is not vermin and is defounatly not game what is it then



It is a FOX ...just like a deer is not large game..it is a DEER....that's why there is a specific FOX condition as well as Vermin!!!


Consider, many regions will NOT allow fox on a rimfire, but are happy with vermin for a rimfire, therefore fox is not Vermin on this basis...but I am not trying to debate this point...I don't care...I have fox, so no concern to me!!!


That's why a number of people have FOX specifically listed on their FAC for rimfire! No debate then!!

Edited by Deker
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I have open ticket for .22rf,.22Hornet,.223,.243 and.308.

I had to have the ticket varied to include fox for all calibres except the .308 they wouldn't allow it for that calibre.

I was told by the FLO that fox had to be specified I also have crows listed seperately for the Hornet but they won't allow it against any of the others,strange.


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Hi Deker before my FAC was open i asked to have fox put on it and the FEO told me fox comes under pest and vermin and thats on your FAC



Thats interesting WD seen as we are the same Police force, I was told that by my FEO, but if you were told that by a different one, it means its Dept. policy and is sanctioned in my mind.

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