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Absolutely nowt wrong with it at all, it'll do the job for ya no probs, it's OK to buy all the latest if you've got the bucks, but I used Gen1 and it was ace :thumbs:


It's surprising how close your quarry comes when you can sit there and watch them with no light, my problem was after looking through it, I'd have trouble re-adjusting to the darkness, but that was just my eyesight and would be the same with any NV. :drink:

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Absolutely nowt wrong with it at all, it'll do the job for ya no probs, it's OK to buy all the latest if you've got the bucks, but I used Gen1 and it was ace :thumbs:


It's surprising how close your quarry comes when you can sit there and watch them with no light, my problem was after looking through it, I'd have trouble re-adjusting to the darkness, but that was just my eyesight and would be the same with any NV. :drink:

hi i went out with my cobra merlin last night with a 100mw ir laser fitted after initial moving to focus it i was amazed how clear it is i was only looking up a 35 yd garden and honestly i could see snails crawling up wall the only down side is you completly loose your night vision when you put it down im looking at a couple of hours monday night at my permission fitted to my rimfire the merlin cost me £250 used and the laser was £150 new but well worth it

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  • 2 weeks later...

simple fraise to sum it it up



you cant see in the dark, but with one of these you can! ;)


most the stuff today is loads better than than a few years back, always get a peek through one if you can...


main issues are silent transducer..doesnt wuh-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-uheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's silent.. if the tubes good you get used to it quickly..


electrostatic protect..or reduction, gets rid of the wandering black dots on the image..


and heres a big one... overlight protection in gen1 is usualy just a voltage cut..NOT a total protection. t pospones the tube life though.


half the russian 'crap' is what the americans are selling to you under the new badge of US is grester and god bless america...re branded.(or so a lotta rumour has it...)

isrealy stuff is is sposed to be 'inferia'..i havent seen one so dont know, same for the arab stuff, which is probably the same as the isrealy.. but.. end ogf they day everyone likes a bit of name calling..


if theyre too bright you cant see jack shit when you take your eye away, so dont jump the gun if it's not true bright green, mines a sickly green, but, it works well, and when i take my eye away i can walk np's with no blacked eye vision from glaire..


the bigest issue is nearest focus.. that's what you can focus to nearest, for airguns a 20 yard minimum focus aint no use for ratting.


most are 2.5 mag with the availability of a 'doubler'.. whith more mag theres less feild of veiw usualy, unless it's made to be wider, they are available on the net etc but it's a fair trawl through a lot of repeats and bogus no info sites... if they cant or wont pruduce specs then why not!..so unless you know already...it's got to be really cheap to dare try it.


ebays is sourse, take your chances though, anything from abroad will cost more to ship back and take longer to get dixed, a lot have had no problems some seem to be rife with bad veiws..








think these are the new soviet bizar peoples





heres the english site



just a few of many..... most need weaver to dovetail adapter, but make sure theyre going the right way, airguns are dovetail...

Edited by ghillies
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