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If meat eaters acted like vegans....

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I don't give a shit what people eat,but I can't see the difference between people killing one beast to feed a large amount of people or a dumb ass vegan killing a thousand sprouts to feed himself.Everthing kills to survive,whether its plant or animal.

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Vegans, vegetarians etc, are like any other group of deluded muppets. Need wiping off the earth. And before any mentally weak 'sap' has a go, humans as a race, wouldn't have evolved to what we now are if we didn't eat meat. Spout all you like about modern day 'choice' etc, protein from animal meat is needed for certain brain functions.

In other words, over time, those who have gone down the wrong path, will end up as stupid as the modern day 'choice' that they have chosen is! :)

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4 hours ago, shaaark said:

Vegans, vegetarians etc, are like any other group of deluded muppets. Need wiping off the earth. And before any mentally weak 'sap' has a go, humans as a race, wouldn't have evolved to what we now are if we didn't eat meat. Spout all you like about modern day 'choice' etc, protein from animal meat is needed for certain brain functions.

In other words, over time, those who have gone down the wrong path, will end up as stupid as the modern day 'choice' that they have chosen is! :)

Well in the modern day it's all about choice if you choose not to eat meat then it's your individual choice because you choose your path and it's this choice that lets you choose your choice but lets not be choosy about who's choice it is to choose in the modern day

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6 hours ago, Saltmoon said:

Way I look at it is if no one ate meat then alot of animals would no longer be here as they would have no use anymore 

i think what making  quite few people give up meat, its the gases  from animals cows, sheep, affecting   Ozone layer, was watching it few nights ago, it deff got you thinking a bit of the amount of farm animals that are in the UK.  i could do with out  beef, as  i can take it or leave it , but lamb, chicken, pork , i dont think  i could pack in , as love lamb  and chicken dinner and like bacon/sausage   sandwiches  :D

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4 hours ago, Black neck said:

Well in the modern day it's all about choice if you choose not to eat meat then it's your individual choice because you choose your path and it's this choice that lets you choose your choice but lets not be choosy about who's choice it is to choose in the modern day

It's anyone's choice to choose what they like. BUT............. to choose a way of life and eating, that is fundamentaly dentrimental to one's 'long term mental wellbeing' is f***ing NUTS! A MEN BROTHER :)

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The only thing I agree with vegies,vegans is I don't like some intensive farming methods that's why I grow my own vegetables,and raise chickens for meat and eggs and hunt.Everything I eat has had a decent healthy life and you can taste the difference.To me the only cruelty in meat is if the animal has been badly managed or mistreated,but with increasing population I can only see farming getting more intense with worse coditions for some animals.

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11 hours ago, Black neck said:

Well in the modern day it's all about choice if you choose not to eat meat then it's your individual choice because you choose your path and it's this choice that lets you choose your choice but lets not be choosy about who's choice it is to choose in the modern day

Come on now I said choice and modern day loads of times ffs 

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:laugh: first time I seen the vid today, very funny.  Was on my phone the other day when I gave my first comments, and couldn't access the vid.

B n, as long as you get some beans into you with the meat, you'll be ok.  Eating animal protein and veg protein at the same time makes it a complete protein, so no problem :thumbs: :)

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