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Child on a plane.............

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This child has a real problem. It looks like Autism to me. To us and those that have posted here, our reaction would be, " thrash it out of the little Btud." But if you have had dealings with this con

The other week, I was in the supermarket, and heard the screaming child as soon as I went in.............he was literally screaming at the top of his lungs at his mum, who had clearly refused some ind

I still don’t believe the nipper screamed for 8 hours solid.......not at all. May e they have tried beating the granny out of him?.......but let’s face it, who want to hit their child? I thi

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4 hours ago, scothunter said:

'Look you little b*****d scream like that again I'll leather you're f***ing arse"¡

Wouldn't give a f**k what his parents said. 

That wee c**t is clearly never been disciplined

That' my sort of answer mate ??

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This child has a real problem. It looks like Autism to me. To us and those that have posted here, our reaction would be, " thrash it out of the little Btud." But if you have had dealings with this condition you would have a different view. The boy is trapped in a situation of excessive noise, pressure,  people and not knowing what, where, when or why. Now to anyone the answer would be to communicate but the sufferers of this condition cant comunicate normally as you or I would. what I don't understand is how and why the boy was taken on an aeroplane where a meltdown would be almost a certainly.  This flight would have been an ordeal for the boy, his mother, the other passengers and the flight crew. Then they have to go through the terminal and the journey on to another strange place. Very stressful.  I bet they all slept well. I know someone with a boy that is showing signs  and it is a nightmare. There is so much of it out there. Wrecking families. So when you are in the supermarket and some kid is going bonkers at the cashout consider how hard it is for him and his unfortunate pàrents. How parents deal with it is mystery to me. Beating it out of them isnt the right way to go. It would just be counterproductive.

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Well take a boat journey. Or cargo 

Not saying you're wrong. But a lot of bad behaviour from crust grabbers there parents always say oh it's ADHD or its this and that. When in some cases it's just you have a spoilt brat and bad parents.

You know the type.

"Oh children need to express them self's" well there not my kids and why should be subjected to that behaviour on a long Flight. 

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