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The REAL reason Jewish men get circumcised is because Jewish women love anything that got 33% off.

It’s f***ing sick, mutilating babies simply because they believe an imaginary friend told them to. No different to FGM in my opinion.unless medically needed then leave the kids dicks alone!!!!

As you know I'm more of a medical necessity kind of person as opposed based purely on tradition. This case is one of many and highlights the dangers of such practice, and isn't exactly rare in that co

9 minutes ago, ChrisJones said:

Iceland proposes to ban male circumcision, except for medical reasons. Certain members of the community are losing their sh*t over it, as they weren't consulted.

I hope they see it through !

Muslim and Jewish boys have it done by someone who isn't medically qualified, as a result of having their parents' religious beliefs forced on them. I'd like to see the French idea adopted, and have all religious symbols banned in public places.

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4 minutes ago, Born Hunter said:

Got to be honest, I don't really think it's that big of a deal so long as it's done by a medical professional. Is it still the case that something like 75% of yanks are done, simply because it's the done thing?

As you know I'm more of a medical necessity kind of person as opposed based purely on tradition. This case is one of many and highlights the dangers of such practice, and isn't exactly rare in that community. Even the ritual itself is questionable. Like with a lot of these things I think they should be left until the child is old enough to make the informed decision for themselves unless there is a medical issue that requires earlier intervention.

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 i  was  done as child  , the took to much off only got   7  1/2 in left now    haha   ,  had done as kid  think i was having probs pissing  that what me old mom always said , they reckon it cleaner  ? my lad not been done he 31 , dont think  he ever had any probs,!.

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4 minutes ago, ChrisJones said:

As you know I'm more of a medical necessity kind of person as opposed based purely on tradition. This case is one of many and highlights the dangers of such practice, and isn't exactly rare in that community. Even the ritual itself is questionable. Like with a lot of these things I think they should be left until the child is old enough to make the informed decision for themselves unless there is a medical issue that requires earlier intervention.

I tend to errr that way too, after all I can't really justify it as necessary or as harmless so it broadly falls into the category of cruelty to a child.

However..... I also recognise and respect folks rights to raise their kids how they see fit, even religiously. I also don;t think that the procedure is all that actually harmful if done by a medical professional.

For those reasons I'm tentatively of the belief that the practice needs regulating to maintain standards but that my personal moral judgement on it should not become policy and remain personal.

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11 minutes ago, mackem said:

I wonder if Iceland also has a FGM problem?

It doesn't say but they banned that in 2005. I'd speculate that it will always be a problem where it's seen as necessary. Having to legislate on the matter suggests that it was frequent enough for the law to be passed.

From the article...


Progressive Party MP Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir is the driving force behind the legislation.

“I didn’t think it was necessary to consult,” she told The Independent. “I don’t see it as a religious matter.”

“Jews are welcome in Iceland. But this is about child protection and children’s rights. That comes first, and before the religious rights of the adult.

“Every individual, it doesn’t matter what sex or how old… should be able to give informed consent for a procedure that is unnecessary, irreversible and can be harmful. His body, his choice.”


That pretty much sums it up for me.

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5 hours ago, Born Hunter said:

Got to be honest, I don't really think it's that big of a deal so long as it's done by a medical professional. Is it still the case that something like 75% of yanks are done, simply because it's the done thing?

Or it's done because the jews run the place and it's a dark power hold over american manhood,that's why most white yanks are done.The hispanics and other christian imports and the black folks and their witch craft tend not to have it done as the dark power can't reach them..:hmm:

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