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Im an amature taxidermist and am looking for capes to practice on for all deer species in the uk


iv posted below the ideal way to skin out a cape for taxidermy purposes





Caping for a Shoulder Mount

With a sharp knife, slit the hide circling the body behind the shoulder at approximately the midway point of the rib cage behind the front legs. Slit the skin around the legs just above the knees. An additional slit will be needed from the back of the leg and joining the body cut behind the legs.




Peel the skin forward up to the ears and jaw exposing the head/neck junction. Cut into the neck approximately three inches down from this junction. Circle the neck, cutting down to the spinal column. After this cut is complete, grasp the antler bases, and twist the head off the neck. This should allow the hide to be rolled up and put in a freezer until transported to the taxidermist.




These cuts should allow ample hide for the taxidermist to work with in mounting. Remember, the taxidermist can cut off excess hide, but he can't add what he doesn't have.



When field dressing a trophy to be mounted, don't cut into the brisket (chest) or neck area.


If blood gets on the hide to be mounted, wash it off with snow or water as soon as possible

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