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300,000 houses a year?

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Is it just me or do others think that this is just la la land. I know that there is a housing shortage of affordable houses but it's not just the land it's all of the infrastructure that goes with it. The doctors, hospitals, schools, teachers, ambulance,fire brigade, water, sewage. You think of anything and it is at breaking point. The government ain't got the money to run what they have got so this is just compounding the problems and distroying the natural order of things.

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I worry about all the greenbelt near me that's just been earmarked for thousands of houses if we had not imported thousands of unskilled workers and hundreds of asylum seekers to the town we would not need to build thousands of houses I predict then the corrupt labour council that runs my town will no doubt have a slum clearance policy were a lot of these people live.

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It's a "commitment to build"...........a very different things to having the planning permission, money and land to build. 

"Commitments" are much easier to get out of than "promises".

I could tell Hammond was lying all the way through - his mouth was moving !!

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 A lot of houses are going up around my part of the world .sites everywhere 3/4/5 bedrooms( with a few affordable houses on the planning application to ease the way for the planning permission)  don't know who's buying the  larger houses as they are not in the affordably bracket for the average wage  in this part of  GB.  I think money lenders,  land owners landlords and builders will get the most out of this.Just to add that we have a lot of poor housing around here should be knocked down and replaced before green field sites are used .

So my question is do we have a housing shortage nation wide or (A) are we prepping areas for an increase in population .

                                                                                                                    (B) or is it simply to make money for the money lenders land owners etc.



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Never happen total bullshit.

will build a couplebof thousand and that be you're lot.

then  give the keys to the tribes who will turn them into ghettos. 

This is the same lot who pledged not once but 3 times to get hard on immigration and reduce the numbers coming here.  Its now as high as ever been. So yea i wouldn't hold you're breath on this latest pledge.

f**k there about to give away 4billion lol

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Last night's news made a big thing about removing stamp duty for new buyers.

First off, when Milliband proposed this, the Tories ridiculed the very idea, saying it would inflate house prices.

That aside, it was said that it would help first time buyers to buy properties that they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford.............is it wise to sell people things they can't afford ? Isn't that what got us into this mess in the first place ? Sub-prime mortgage debt ring a bell, Mr Hammond ?

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3 minutes ago, Blackbriar said:

Last night's news made a big thing about removing stamp duty for new buyers.

First off, when Milliband proposed this, the Tories ridiculed the very idea, saying it would inflate house prices.

That aside, it was said that it would help first time buyers to buy properties that they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford.............is it wise to sell people things they can't afford ? Isn't that what got us into this mess in the first place ? Sub-prime mortgage debt ring a bell, Mr Hammond ?

I think sub prime mortgages are fine in principle provided that they are rated appropriately for the people who want to invest in them. My understanding is that the core of the problem before was that the ratting companies were essentially in the pocket of their clients, the banks, leading to a totally fraudulent system! The financial markets were unwittingly investing money in bonds that were far riskier than the ratting companies were claiming. Had the whole system not been (still is!) so fraudulent the market pressure would have forced the banks to reduce the number of sub prime mortgages because no one would have been willing to invest in them. I think...... LOL

Anyway, I don't think doing away with stamp duty leads to sub prime mortgages, that's entirely up to the banks, it simply means that more of the cost of buying goes towards the house price therefore gives the buyer the ability to get more for their money. That increase in demand for higher value houses will probably push house prices up a little but I doubt so much as to make the policy ineffective.

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Housing shortage?Planning permission?Just follow the example of the residents of southall,hounslow,slough,Hayes etc...watch the vid,that's how to create a UK slum and get away with it.We already have thousands of new homes being built in the country each and every year,it's just officialdom turn a blind eye.



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You are such a racist Mackem !.........you must be ignoring the hundreds of British Home owners who are housing loads of their fellow countrymen in sheds at the bottom of the garden........

I know from my old area I can think of at least......errr.......zero cases ! 

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8 minutes ago, WILF said:

You are such a racist Mackem !.........you must be ignoring the hundreds of British Home owners who are housing loads of their fellow countrymen in sheds at the bottom of the garden........

I know from my old area I can think of at least......errr.......zero cases ! 

Racist?Realist :yes: seen it with my own eyes,I know it's huge in certain areas,Mohammed or javid sees his mates getting 1200 quid a month for multiple tennanting his garden shed and he wants a piece of the gravy train so follows suit VOILA a slum is born,government could raid the areas of course but then what?Rehouse the illegal immigrant slum dwellers?Your going to use up some of those 300,000 legal dwellings they are building then.

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