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Big Dog Fox...has It The Power??

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Out walking my patterdale the other day, he went missing, for 40min,the russel went down a hole,and came back up in 20-25 with minor cut. But when the patt came out,he was worse for wear. How can you exactly tell..without seeing or digging to it. My patt is well marked but no major rips to the chin

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We shouldnt show pics of injurys to dogs from work or ragged foxes on a open forum for the bloodsport mob to get a hold of because they can use it as propaganda and put any story to a picture to mislead people who know nothing about our ways of life and build sympathy for their own cause. Which is to ban all types hunting, fishing and farming practices. Videos made the general public aware of badger hunting and the antis were regarded as nuts but they shouted the loudest at the time and now you cant hunt them. They done the same with the hunting with hounds act. Because its legal to hunt fox in Ireland at the moment doesn't mean it always will be, so its best not to give them any ammunition against our pastimes in the form of pics or videos on open forums. Thats the best I can explain it.

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