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Us English Should Have The Vote

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I think May should call her bluff. Give her the fecking referendum.

Which ever way the scottish vote, the ginger whinger is fecked. If they vote out, they will be bankrupt within a matter of years, if not months. If they vote in, the ginger looses her job and i wont have to listen to that god awful accent any longer. :thumbs:

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Im tearing up here lads ? glad to read not all English lads are falling into the nationlists trap. Cause so much division and anomosity trying to get us to hate each other.   what a f***ing horri

"Whole swathes "! Lol you're ignorance knows no bounds.   Yea I forgot the south has full unemployment and its T total.   As for Scotland being a shithole lol you evidently have never set foot in

Well I for one won't be buying into all this stupid politicians shit to get people at each other's throats......its f***ing old hat and boring as f**k. Yes the jocks are all ugly, yes they are comple

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A lot of the ones who voted for brexit also voted the way they did for the very same reasons.


Absolutely but the response was directed because mush said their wasn't another side of the fence. The point is that everyone had their individual interpretation for voting the way they did and the British public simply isn't active enough to keep up the pressure on what is important. Not to mention that with a 52/48% split that the other side is going to be working against them.


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

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Whole swathes of Scotland despise the English....They want to be free from us but want to hand power to Europe. They want migration but are to stupid to realise that migrants don't want to live in their shit hole country. Let's get rid of the pasty faced, dole dosing, pissed up traitors....And then build a wall!!!

one word to some this comment up


( bellend )

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You be joining the lodge next lab.want me to put you're name forward haha

You can f**k right off tae..

Maybe heading up your way mate for a job soon if all goes well. 6-8 weeks work.

Geez a shout if you do mate good to catch up.

it rains a lot lol

Definitely would do that mate.....been a while..??

Job could be closer to May/June so the rain should be a tad warmer...?

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The last independence referendum polarised my views on nationality. As someone who was born in Scotland and lives in Scotland I consider myself 100% British. I don't consider those down south to be English, but fellow Brits, no different to us up here. I say bring on the next referendum, at least when the remain result comes back in, it'll be the last time you have to put up with Auld Nick (aka Cunty McCuntface) on the TV again.

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They are trying to load the voting to make sure it goes their way and why 16 for this but 18 on other less important elections, why not 14, 12, or 8 as it will effect them as well, 18 is a better age to be able to understand what is fact and fiction and at least a little life experience, what next, now allow anyone over 75 the vote as it won't effect them as much/at all ?

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If the scots want independence id give it to em personally. The wifes a porridgewog so ive lots of family and friends who are too. I think it would be the biggest mistake they could ever ever do but let them crack on for me. I think that horrible cow sturgeon is going about it all wrong, shes coming across like a spoilt sulky child.

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When your up in Scotland if you keep your ears open then you will hear vile things said about the English, it's so open, they are living in the past with there views. Now before some go crazy I will say I've met some cracking folk up here.

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When your up in Scotland if you keep your ears open then you will hear vile things said about the English, it's so open, they are living in the past with there views. Now before some go crazy I will say I've met some cracking folk up here.

bit like on here with insults towards the scots. There arseholes both side of the border living in the past!

You will learn to just ignore them though

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on a serious note, the argument will be stronger this time.. before the starting gun was fired last time suppport was low, momentum changed as the campain continued. this time, support is strong, lessons will be learned from last time

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