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Is It Worth It?!

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Hello, I am about to invest in my first pcp and was completely set on getting a compatto in .177 . However, I am now very much leaning towards spending that extra £200 on a daystate huntsman regal because I've been told it will hold value more and is a much better rifle but I'm just unsure if it is worth the extra £200 (I am straight out of uni so money is definitely a big factor for me)


So I need your advice, is it worth spending £800 on my first pop or should I just stick with the brocock compatto? The main purpose of the rifle will be hunting/plinking with the occasional hft course.

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For that money, I'd go HW100 every time   They're accurate and reliable. Mine never let me down.

dont over look the bsa ultra se very capable light and pointable rifle .

I got to fire and shoulder the hw100 kt yesterday, and I absolutely loved it! So comfy and the balance was perfect! So I'm definitely going to go for the hw100kt! Thanks for all your help guys, really

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If you do even just a little research on any of the Airgun forums, you will see that both the Compatto and any Daystate have big issues.

Maybe you would be lucky as both of these should be excellent choices.


Have a look through Pianomans posts.


You will be safe with an Hw100 - check the end of the barrel first - but there was a warranty recall for unfinished barrels.

I don't think Brocock or Daystate respect their customers as much when it comes to legitimate claims.


Good luck with your choice. There are many good guns out there that will last a lifetime. Sadly also some lemons.

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The only way to have a regal is to have it tuned by XTX air , airtech or ratworks ,that way you will get gun how it should be ,but expect to spend another £150 - £200 on a tune .

Shocking really when you just spent £800 on one

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