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Another Buck And Decent Track

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This particular buck has lead me a dance for the past 3 seasons and his demise was no less dramatical than his escapes in previous years .He frequented a group of fields that lead up to a flat field bordering forestry .I only have the shooting on a couple of fields here that belong to a farm in the valley further down .I first saw him whilst fox shooting after the silage cuts but left him for the rut and ever since he's been elusive ,only ever showing in very bad light .With the rut on I decided to sit up and call after stalking the main farm seeing only does .Sat against a telegraph pole in the middle of the field as the wind dictated and called with the old rubber ball .I had a buck thrashing the other side the hedge ,in a maize field and got a glimpse as he went by an opening but no show my side .With crops all around ,he just had to come out on this newly cut grass sooner or later .

With the light fading fast he finally put in an appearance in a hole in the hedge ,looking majestic I have to say but it was time.The six points that were there last year were 4 this time round but no less shorter or thicker .I shuffled to get on him with packed down sticks and he obliged by coming into the field and running towards me . I barked as he was only 30 yards now and sky lined .He ran back to the hedge and into a small dip giving me all the back stop I needed and a chest shot saw him race away through a hedge to my right that leads to some very thich cover .I knew the shot was good so after finding the strike I took the rifle back to the truck and drove to the field I'd shot him in ,locked up and started the search .Luckily I had my blood finder with me ,a small torch that has a lilac beam on it .The first 30 yds was obvious as there was blood everywhere glowing back like red lights but then he turned through a fence and into a patch of those huge cabbage leaves ,name unknown ,and the blood was reduced to spots .It was getting dusky by now and the finder aluminated the spots perfectly .From there he straight lined out into the middle of a corn field after ploughing through the tall headland grass .Found him stone dead as predicted but what a death run ,all of 80 yards .

Dragged him back to permission for a pic and the gralloch .


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