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Atn Shot Trak Hd Gun Camera

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Hi all


I was thinking of investing in the above camera to fit on my HW100s, for when I go down to the stables to do a spot of bunny bashing.


As I know absolutely nothing about the Shot Trak Camera, I Was just wondering if any of you guys have any experience with the camera and could give me some advice. I have never fitted any kind of camera or recording equipment to any of my guns, but from what I have seen, this unit seems to be the most simple and less bulky than most.


Any advice wil be greatly appreciated,





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Hi John.


I've never heard it mentioned before. It looks OK though, if you want to use it on an air rifle. I watched a Youtube vid of a guy from the US with it on his hand gun ................. waste of time. You were seeing more footage of the treeline and sky because of the recoil.





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