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-== Sir Storms Progress ==-

Guest world.hunters

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Guest world.hunters

Iv decided to just do one thread for storm from now on and update it every week or so.


Storm is a 3/4 grey 1/4 border collie around 10months, 60lb and 26"tts


i started taking him out as soon as he had jabs with the air rifle retreiving shot game.


and now to date he has caught 21 rabbits and 1 duck.


iv not long got in with another brace of rabbits just went down to one field and had 2 out of 2, now this field was not lampable due to the crops that have been left to die and re-grow through out the year now the change in the weather has finally killed them off and its now possible to lamp this field has never been this good and i think the crops have helped attract rabbits as the last few times i have been out theres always been a few on here, even though its a crop field these rabbits can still fly,


1st catch was a squatter, it shuffled slighly to the left so i slipped storm he ran out the beam to the left and came in from and angle and picked it up before it had a chance to move,


2nd catch was on the run and he picked it up like a pro.


i also have had my ferret for over a week now and the 2 are getting on fine


here is a couple pics






































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Have you thought about using the blog faility on this site????? I think you might do well with it because unlike all the other bloggers there you would be putting up regular posts....


Just a thought.


Anyway , good to see Storm doing you proud. Mind you YOU put the effort in along the way.


Happy Hunting

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Nice one matey.........you have put a bit of time into the dog so it seems and I hope he will do you proud.

Some good piccys there as well, but the only downside was the one with the black mans jeans and chav trainers :laugh:

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Guest world.hunters

Took Storm out today Rew met me and we split up, rew took bramble to a few warrens and i took storm, Only had one bolt today i didnt net it up as it was in a field so i wanted storm to run it, put ferret in, within 20 sec rabbit bolted out storm was in it he turned it once and then it ran past me inches away, storm ran into me then managed to turn it again before picking it up nicley it was a cracking run, then did another set but there was a lot of blackberry mushes etc covering holes etc ferret worked the bushes but it wasnt to be, rew then returned with 2 that he had caught in the nets.


a good walk out and ferret and storm did very well.









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Guest world.hunters

00.00 i left the house, arrived at the first field as i did i was watching storms happening a couple mile in the distance, weather was looking good but this was not reflected in the number of rabbits as the first few fields produced no runs what so ever, i was half way through the night before getting the first run, but it was close to a hedge row and storm lost this one, next run storm travelled out down the beam and took the rabbit on first strike as he ran cutting it off from the fence line. The next run was lost out of the of the beam alot of the fields i do are hilly which doesnt help, but on returning to me a hare bolted so i shot it :whistling: now this was a total accedent so dont go getting the wrong idea and i didnt want him reteiveing them till his second season but even so i was so happy with him i as fekin buzzin. Got to the last field and storm chased another rabbit which he picked up on the run on the second strike. Cant be more pleased with him, and looking forward to next season. it was a strange night concerning the weather when befor i left it was pissing it down so i left camera, but as i was walking the rain stopped, then the sky was perfect and dark then red and pissing it down constantly changing which may have been the reason that the rabbit where not out that and the amount of foxes i spoted.







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