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The Future Of Working Lurchers.

Working lurcher Organisation - Countryside Alliance.  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. With the recent rumbles regarding a amendment. Do lurcher men want & club that is willing to promote legitimate lurcher work , communicate their concerns at a higher level and a platform to share knowledge,experience & field trials etc.

    • Yes - I think thats something we are missing.
    • I am not sure but, If i seen some action, id like to participate.
    • I am not interested.
  2. 2. Would You Join the CA "If " lurcher work was seen to be a concern of theirs?

    • I already am a member.
    • Id join "IF" they were seen to be working, to protect & promote legitimate lurcher work.
    • I am not interested .
    • No . Id not even give them Ten pence.

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This will be a long term campaign, tough and certainly not for the weak hearted or those who cannot commit to and stick to the proposals as regards time and enthusiasm. Every body ,who is involved in

The term lurcher work covers a wide spectrum of countryside and sporting activities. I personally dont think joe public has any great objections to lurcher work as most of them wouldnt know or unders

With the recent proposed Amendment going on hold & a few related posts and topics on here..   Its got me thinking and most likely a few others.   I've touched upon the subject with some like

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your using a steel knife and fork what about your carbon footprint to produce them should be hand made wooden cutlery and no chain saw to cut the trees down enjoy your meal :thumbs:


you used electricity from fossil fuels to enable you to type that :laugh:


natural gas my apparatus lol one of Sugars originals :laugh:

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Well thats a start dewclaw at least he acknowledges they don't do enough to communicate, would you be up for meeting the man or could we get someone off here to do it? To be honest its made my day has that, if there is owt i can do to help let me know :thumbs:

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I think people are starting o get ahead of things with talk of insurance etc, to get there you need numbers to bring down costs, would it not be better to start with a web site with all the good publicity it can be packed with based on a nominal membership fee. The aim to get it the top of search results. Once there are enough members then it can more forward to negotiating things like insurance etc. For me the most important thing is to get a platform that can be used to promote the positive aspects of lurchers. Later if it is backed by a lot of members then it has a lot of clout in negotiations with companies etc and so gain more benefits for individual members but for now do it for lurcher work rather than individuals.

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I think people are starting o get ahead of things with talk of insurance etc, to get there you need numbers to bring down costs, would it not be better to start with a web site with all the good publicity it can be packed with based on a nominal membership fee. The aim to get it the top of search results. Once there are enough members then it can more forward to negotiating things like insurance etc. For me the most important thing is to get a platform that can be used to promote the positive aspects of lurchers. Later if it is backed by a lot of members then it has a lot of clout in negotiations with companies etc and so gain more benefits for individual members but for now do it for lurcher work rather than individuals.

I think that's the way forward the pay off should be running dogs, anything else should come secondary, maybe you and a couple others experienced members can arrange to speak with Bonner about a way forward, check Dewclaws Topic it could well be an opening to move forward. :thumbs:

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Well thats a start dewclaw at least he acknowledges they don't do enough to communicate, would you be up for meeting the man or could we get someone off here to do it? To be honest its made my day has that, if there is owt i can do to help let me know :thumbs:

i'm up for anything but as per the title of the post i think it needs the attention of some more prominent figures. well up for being part of any delegation though

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Time to get a grass roots lurcher/working dog association started asap get a small organising /fundraising group set up and get it into the C/A by association and put the man to the test of his word this is an ideal opportunity for all sections of the dog fraternity to do some thing positive , Good Email Rob and genuine response from Mr Bonner lets get it on.

Edited by desertbred
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Well thats a start dewclaw at least he acknowledges they don't do enough to communicate, would you be up for meeting the man or could we get someone off here to do it? To be honest its made my day has that, if there is owt i can do to help let me know :thumbs:

i'm up for anything but as per the title of the post i think it needs the attention of some more prominent figures. well up for being part of any delegation though

That's my thinking someone with experience in these matters could lead way for us to follow, lets hope its the start of something

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with the tusks on that cwd and him being the dominant deer, how do they know it was dogs and not other cwd males fighting during the rut?????

Exactly, it seems lurcher lads are an easy target maybe because we dont speak out enough

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Hats off to you dewclaw. very good email from you and response from Tim. If a lurcher association of some kind is started then a firm email to Norfolk police would be appropriate and other governing body's who are trying to taint the public to dog men.you don't see the police warning us about drug dealers or how to spot a burglar etc.

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with the tusks on that cwd and him being the dominant deer, how do they know it was dogs and not other cwd males fighting during the rut?????

Exactly, it seems lurcher lads are an easy target maybe because we dont speak out enough


looks to me like put the attention on some body else to take it off me, long dogs will be the sacrificial lamb in getting the repeal

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