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My New Saluki Just Imported Him Back What You's Think Lads?

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Just got him back on Monday.   Bred by hamad al ghanem Saluki centre of Dubai Saluki club of Arabia   Some pics of him at four months.   And pics of him last night at 11 months old now.  

Update on my dog boys running really well. Shot and retrieved yesterday.

Here's two pups off him as a friend of mine used him on a genuine first cross saluki greyhound bitch he has. Both bitch pups 7 pups in the litter I kept this red bitch and my mate kept the black and c

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Who judges the dogs? Here in UK loudest voices heard would be coursing lads who try a pure to run or breed from. Then there's who choose too course Salukis and hunt with them they don't have as loud a voice coz it smaller amount of interest


So those that say UK stock rubbish maybe not best placed too say that what it could be is it dint improve their aims and objectives or they simply don't like the breed to work with


Most who have coursed worked and shown lures have done so via breed clubs dedicated too these dogs some choose too simply hunt by self or with chosen company they all happy with what they have


Then there's the other type that simply wants too own them rarer more pricey the better certain clicks are hard too get into sometimes it worth effort sometimes not


The only crime is too not treat them right or too allow them too hunt and have freedom

Not wishing to argue and have no axe to grind about salukis, or over who owns what strain/line etc, or what country their dogs come from. But the owners/breeders in this country that have ran their dogs at european brown hares successfully, and have won comps etc, surely will have the better type of saluki, and as a saluki owner yourself, surely you must see that?

And by the way, feel free to dismiss what I say, as I don't even like salukis! Lol, but wish the lad who's just imported his dog well :thumbs:

the desert hare and yanki jack rabbit dont compare to the european brown hare on a good day on the east anglian desert , .but nor does wild gazzell , wild donkey .mountain goat ,wolf and a miriad of other game , fur or feather , salukis have not been bred for 6,.000 yrs or so just to run puss , they were bred to to fill the pot , and run game down that man couldnt catch ,,dont fall into the trap they are one trick poneys they are not .and yes they do make fkn.draft excluders for the door :laugh:
? well put that ?
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rio hog saw several salukis more than can mention they tioled on some of the new mexico blacktailed jack rabbits , but they would had caught the brown hare in the east on arable land , the new mexican jack rabbit lives in a dry area and had thirty years or more of getting coursed serously , they only get caught regulary with the saluki longdog cross ,over last ten fifteen years , saw about three or four great salukis , but saw longs dogs bred by d h salmon catch loads of jack rabbits , diffrent class of dog , never chased the jack rabbit on arable land were the feeding is more nutrious , maybe not as good , but on the dry grass pastures and rough cactus land they take some catching

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  • 6 months later...

Just seen this thanks for the comments , cant wait to run him again this year now he's two years old ,was over the moon with him last year as a first season dog was doing the job every week all season think he could be a top class dog this year but have to wait and see.

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Here's two pups off him as a friend of mine used him on a genuine first cross saluki greyhound bitch he has. Both bitch pups 7 pups in the litter I kept this red bitch and my mate kept the black and cream bitch,Fred Holmes had a cream bitch and a white dog and the rest went to good homes so be nice to see how these pups turn out



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