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Shotgun Cerftificate

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i had my interview for my shotgun licence the last week in november and was later told everything was fine and shouldnt be to long before it comes through.still no sign of it and was just wondering if anybody else in scotland has experienced the same thing? i have also been told there has been a backlog with renewals so will obviously be priority over grants.


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Ring and ask. I think once they've dug it out to check while you're on the phone they just plonk it back on top of the pile and it gets done. Tell them that the shotgun your mate's selling will be gone soon and you really wanted it as it's a good price. ;)


Down here they're quite reasonable in the office, just normal office girls, very helpful.

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thanks for the replies, rang my local firearms officer up and he said he had approved it and sent the report away to the head quarters of dealing with grants and renewals, so hopefully wont be to long now.


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Im in Renfrewshire bud,,glasgow pitt st office,and i waited around 3months for fac and shotty after interview, wouldnt do you any harm in phoning your licencing office and asking what stage your applications at,and be nice or it may find its way to the bottom of the pile!.

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  • 1 month later...

still no sign of the certificate yet, phoned the firearms licencing again today with still the same answer! think it could still be a a couple of months by the sound of it, would be good to hear if anyone else having the same problem


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  • 5 weeks later...

so finally got my certificate through today after months of waiting. was just wondering what steps would be taken when buying a gun, who would you speak to for getting the gun on your licence? local firearms officer? letter email?


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For a shotgun go and buy your gun and let the police know within 72 hours there should be a form on your local police website for sale and transfer of firearms you and the seller both fill it in.

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Might be worth checking with your department, but I normally just send them an email these days,


You go and buy your gun, dealer fills in "Table 2" of your certificate, you send the firearms people an email and job done, that's it,


All within 7 days though, any more and it's breaking the conditions of your SGC.

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