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Cracking Morning

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Why do you feel the need to advertise next time your out all over the internet???

Do you know how many antis troll this site??

Enjoy your hunting,but keep your info,photo's too yourself, we live in an age where everything is public.

Not trying to stir up anything,but if this little bit of advice stops you getting anti trouble,you will thank me ...

happy hunting

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Why should we as hunters hide in the background and be afraid to post of our days out ... If you start down that road the antis have one ... Put your hand down your trousers fiddle about until you find your balls and stand up and be proud and un afraid of what you love to do .........

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It's important to tell others about good days or even bad days but the manner in which it's done should be written with an air of caution especially when there are people out there that hunt hunters with as much zealous as a good hound would hunt a fox. For me the who's the why's and when's are irrelevant the stuff in between is what interests me .


It's nice to read people days out just leave out the details or unless your like myself and your hounds only hunt rabbits then tell the world but even I have to be mindful.

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Am at a bit of a loss here, I hunt with registered pack of fox hounds, who hunt totally within the law following trails. If I have given the impression of anything other than this, although I fail to see where,then I can assure you it is completely unintentional. As for broadcasting my next day out, to the best of my knowledge we have met on Tuesdays among other days that I obviously dare not mention for at least the last hundred years.

I was under the impression this was a hunting site and so I was merely writing about my hunting days.

I had another lovely morning today. I feel blessed to be out with friends well mounted, watching hounds and look forward to the next time I can repeat it......, whenever and wherever that may be.

Edited by MFH ONEDAY
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Sorry if it was me that sounded negative.


Each pack has its own policy about what is put on the internet and social media, the pack that I follow, even though they they operate within the law would not be happy with me writing things on the internet, as it is the masters and hunt staff that run the risk of 48hrs hand cuffed to a radiator getting rodgered by a police officer trying to claim they were doing something illegal.


You, as we do, obviously do things right and legal and its great you do the write ups for us all to read...just make sure you are doing it with the hunts permission, sorry for my sarcastic post previous....please keep the pics especially coming, its what the forum and hunting section need.

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