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You do realise London not Edinburgh is the finacial capital of the world and the that has/is driving the British economy into the fastest growing globally?? On you go vote independence and watch the disater unfold for your families, jobs, benefits, healthcare etc! Remember this.... I told you so ;)

Last thing am trying to do is piss people off etc, far from it( my last post on this, lets see what happens in next few weeks)id rather debate with undecided..



From the FT


The British economy is chronically unbalanced – tilted towards the southeast of England, and with too much emphasis on the financial sector to the detriment of manufacturing. An independent Scotland will remedy this structural weakness by providing a hefty counterweight. We must manufacture quality goods for export in sectors where we have a competitive advantage. A Yes vote is the first step towards setting Scotland on a sustainable economic path.

We will not be cutting ourselves off from the rest of Britain. Much will remain: the social union of family ties and friendship; the currency union; the defence umbrella of Nato; the single European market; even sporting unions, such as the British and Irish Lions, one of rugby union’s most enduring names.

All of this is in our mutual interest. But while we treasure what we have in common, Scotland must also be allowed to pursue its interests and compete in global markets on its own terms.

I have spent the past six years as chief executive of a company whose 17,000 employees work in Scotland, elsewhere in the UK and throughout the world. Businesses are accustomed to dealing with different tax systems and employment regulations in the countries in which they operate. This rarely causes real difficulties. And they know that national governments tend to collaborate where there is a mutual economic interest – indeed, they expect nothing less.

George Osborne has said there would be no currency union between Britain and an independent Scotland. Here is a Conservative chancellor of the exchequer nailing his colours to a policy that makes no business sense. This perversity will not last. Companies based outside Scotland that operate north of the border will not want to incur the cost of trading in a new currency. Westminster’s bluff will soon be called.

And there is a bigger point. Our countries’ economic fortunes will remain intertwined. The government in London will have a huge interest in a strong Scottish economy, which will be the second-largest national export market for the rest of the UK. Both London and Edinburgh will want the economies of both countries to prosper. Erecting political barriers that prevent this, as the coalition proposes, would be an act of pure spite. It will not happen. The demands of markets will prevail.

An independent Scotland will pool sovereignty on monetary policy but take control of fiscal policy. There is nothing about sharing a currency that will restrict an independent Scotland’s ability to attract jobs and investment with a competitive tax regime. I disagree with those who suggest that companies, including banks owned by the British state, will take jobs and investment elsewhere. A fiscally autonomous parliament will entice companies to make Scotland their home. With these levers in the hands of those who care most – the people who live and work here – our nation will thrive. A Yes vote offers the security that comes with knowing you are in control of the rudder, whether the waters are choppy or calm.

The real threat to jobs, capital flows and investment comes not from Scottish independence but from the very real possibility of a British exit from the European single market. Scots are uncomfortable with backward-looking isolationism. We have a long and proud history as innovative and outward-looking contributors to the world.

We should take our place as an equal member of the international community. Our choice is between two futures, both involving uncertainty. A Yes vote will give us the power to manage change. A No vote would hitch our wagon to Westminster’s erratic locomotive –

a dangerous gamble indeed.

Edited by Joe1888
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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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If it cant use the pound then any debts will not be accountable to scotland, we get out your toxic debt ....... how many trillions that again?! Scotland as a democracy doesnt work we have little to no say in general election s we are drowned out by england a vote for yes is giving us demicracy and a say in our future. Just my thoughts though.

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Of course an independent Scotland could use the pound, just as it could use the dollar, ruble, yuan, or any other currency. If it used the pound without currency union, there would be no central bank to act as lender of last resort, and no bail out of any Scottish bank that got into trouble. If there WAS currency union, then interest rates and monetary police would be set by the Bank of England and Scotland would have no say, what sort of independence is that ? Either way, keeping the pound would be bad for Scotland.

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Paulus, you sure about that? the torys couldn't get a mandate to run the country on their own and needed Cleg and co to climb into bed with them, so unless you voted tory your vote didn't amount to much. A no vote for Scotland will give Westminster the green light to ass f**k them like never before. The NHS south of the border is being privatised and sold of to private companies, another 5yr of austerity measures for the working man while the rich get richer, you couldn't get a fag paper between the differences between the main political parties....leap of faith ,maybe but I have no faith in Labour or tory so its a no brainer for me.

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Paulus, you sure about that? the torys couldn't get a mandate to run the country on their own and needed Cleg and co to climb into bed with them, so unless you voted tory your vote didn't amount to much. A no vote for Scotland will give Westminster the green light to ass f**k them like never before. The NHS south of the border is being privatised and sold of to private companies, another 5yr of austerity measures for the working man while the rich get richer, you couldn't get a fag paper between the differences between the main political parties....leap of faith ,maybe but I have no faith in Labour or tory so its a no brainer for me.

there is an alternative,vote ukip.

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Paulus, I'd rather pickle my balls in acid than vote ukip

Not sure acid would actually pickle anything successfully................... !


I can see your point, though. I don't think UKIP is seen as a relevant political force in Scotland !

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I don't think UKIP is seen as a relevant political force in Scotland !


Perhaps it will become 1 after a few years of the 24,000 immigrants a year the SNP want to let in



thats if the snp win after a yes vote... labour for indy reckon labour in scotland will return to the party of old, for the working man, no more right wing shite... either way, scotland gets who we vote for....


only twice in 100 years has a scottish vote influenced the general election

Edited by Joe1888
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I don't think UKIP is seen as a relevant political force in Scotland !


Perhaps it will become 1 after a few years of the 24,000 immigrants a year the SNP want to let in



thats if the snp win after a yes vote... labour for indy reckon labour in scotland will return to the party of old, for the working man, no more right wing shite... either way, scotland gets who we vote for....


only twice in 100 years has a scottish vote influenced the general election


Scots have voted in 40 Labour MP's and only one Tory MP at the last GE. So surely every time Westminister got a Labour government, the Scots got the government they voted for ?

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LMAO every shower of shite we have had in power over the last 20 years has been a Jock :yes: So on you fuuckin go and keep the war mongering, money grabbing, public fund wasting cnuts :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Economically you're fuucked you negate on the debt that you owe and not one single feckin bank in the world will lend to your economy! Jesus Scotland would struggle to get a loan shark to stump up a tenner at 6,000,000,000 % interest compound a day (That's six billion for all the Jocks reading this)

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