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Changes To French Gun Laws

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Very interesting. Ragondins in dept 85 chasse season ends 28/02/2017.

So EU law states these are pests and must be eliminated.

This is upheld by dept of Agriculture .So enshrined in French law.

The other ONCFS in LA Vendee says they mustn't be chassed until next season starts.

Left and right hand then?

Then they prosecute one on private land/lake for despatching them.


See http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/chasse_2016/ouverture_cloture_chasse_2016_dep85_vendee.pdf


Happy days

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If anyone travels to or holidays in France regularly, this may be of interest.   The laws in France just changed, with effect from 6 September 2013. Prior to that, you could only buy an air rifle of

Illegal, mate. I use a .22 rimfire, and have done ever since I learned that pest control with air rifles is illegal in France.   Good excuse for getting a Rimmie, as I explained to Her Indoors!

15 ft/lb would be just sweet for hunting. Especially in .177. It's just about perfect.



I was referring to trapping laws when citing how a trapped Coypu may be despatched.

As we both know they cannot be shot at all except by the gentlemen of the Chasse. So no coypu hunting on private land or lakes. Anytime.

And as I mentioned earlier when my daughter was chased in flipflops by a Rag. My dog needed a vets visit after meeting one , the only recourse is put a trap down and hope the b...y thing gets caught. HAH! The prime duty of the state is protection of its citizens, as in Paris not, so if they cannot do it I will. Eg protect my family.

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According to my local ONCFS, they can be shot on provate ladn, with a permid de chasse.




La destruction à tir des espèces chassables (ragondins/rats musqués) est un acte de chasse et requiert par conséquent la détention d’un permis de chasser, même en terrain privé."


At least .22LR can be used on them, even if air rifles can't. This from my local ONCFS in response to my emailed query:


"2) De l’utilisation de la 22 LR pour la destruction des ragondins/rats musqués :


Aucun texte de portée nationale ne prohibe l’utilisation de ces armes pour la destruction des espèces classées nuisibles type ragondin/rat musqué

En revanche, localement, dans de nombreux départements il est fréquent que des arrêtés préfectoraux en réglementent l’usage ou interdisent l’usage de la 22 LR au titre de la sécurité publique.


En conclusion, si cet arrêté préfectoral ne prévoit pas de restriction quant à l’utilisation d’une carabine 22 long rifle (ce qui est le cas en Ille-et-Vilaine), alors il est possible de l’utiliser pour la destruction à tir du ragondin ou du rat musqué. "

Edited by Coypu Hunter
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Think we are going round in circles.

Extract of my earlier post

As we both know they cannot be shot at all except by the gentlemen of the Chasse.



So UNLESS a pdc one cannot shoot them , EVEN on private land.


One can only trap them , run them over with your car, put a pet alligator in the lake or any other non shooting methods one cares to dream up. I am thinking of running mains electric in the water where they exit. :p


I an out of this conversation now.


Safe shooting

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, new member.....moving to lower Normandy. I collect 19th century British military rifles such as Brown Bess, 1853 Enfield, Martini Henrys and Snider's.....all black powder.


As I understand that the Martini's and Snider's are D2 legally even if shot.


Any tips for taking to France, storage and general law.


I don't intend to use them for pest control as they are .577 calibre.....lol.....but would like a small range on my land for black powder.


Thanks in advance



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