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Just started to use 24g 71/2 steel clay cartridges 37 pigeons today for 51 shots through semi surprised that they cycled OK,cheap I think they were £36 for 250,they seem to work fine on birds up to medium range, and also I can pass them on to people with hawks.Forgot mention I use all steel with 1/2 choke.

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Clear pigeon 32g 6's, Remington 1100 skeet, don't personally use anything more than skeet when decoying, still get clean kills and confident of knocking them down to 40 yards. Will be ditching the semi auto for the next couple of pigeon sessions though to get used to shooting an O/U again now the pheasant season is looming, seen a few partridge on one of my permissions but now their on the dinner menu they seem to have vanished, typical!!

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