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Running doubled up daytime

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Single all the time for adult dogs in my opinion. You lads doubling up are being quite generous compared to some travellers near me who think triplling up is fine, was watching them one day and they had 2 dogs running then another fellow slipped his dog in as they passed him :icon_redface:

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can help a young pup get going but then single all the way

#  must be a real shit dog to kill 5/5 singlehanded down the fens the other week there

if your dog can't catch a hare on his own, i think its best you leave them alone

Single all the time for adult dogs in my opinion. You lads doubling up are being quite generous compared to some travellers near me who think triplling up is fine, was watching them one day and they had 2 dogs running then another fellow slipped his dog in as they passed him :icon_redface:

twos company threes a crowd
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Tell you what,, see if I ran coursing Salukis. or x`s the last thing I would do is put anything up on here while all the coursing twats are hanging around.



Seriously, they need there own website to sit and bitch and fight on,

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wheres the respect for the hare should be 1 on 1 and if it gets away it deserves to be away no hounded down with 2 dogs

i agree mate thats what i was trying to say until the cuntledgend started slagging peoples dogs off..
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Speak for yourself.....I ran doubled up 35 - 40 years ago but how can a person assess the quality of a dog when another animal is helping out?

i am il walk one lose an one on the slip an change them round its never about getting a kill with me if one gets up it gets a fair go and if it was one on one i wouldnt slip the other dog if one gets up a good distance away both are going....at least im honest
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wheres the respect for the hare should be 1 on 1 and if it gets away it deserves to be away no hounded down with 2 dogs

i agree mate thats what i was trying to say until the cuntledgend started slagging peoples dogs off..


fcuk that mate any old shite could catch a hare stuck behind a good dog doing the work no sport in that 1 on 1 and abit ae respect :thumbs:

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wheres the respect for the hare should be 1 on 1 and if it gets away it deserves to be away no hounded down with 2 dogs

i agree mate thats what i was trying to say until the cuntledgend started slagging peoples dogs off..


fcuk that mate any old shite could catch a hare stuck behind a good dog doing the work no sport in that 1 on 1 and abit ae respect :thumbs:

1 on 1 is the only way anything else is just a ripping session :thumbs:
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