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washing and lubeing pellets?

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Haha your not alone mate, I've washed and lubed 3 tins of pellets now and have not seen one shred of evidence they are more accurate, but as others have said, each to their own mate. I won't be washing any more pellets now.

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I can't see why washing and lubing pellets is not worth doing, apart from those that say it doesn't make any difference or its a waists of time.   I wouldn't say its a ritual either when people do

Thinking about it, this weekend it will be a good test of the pellet weight theory as we are not setting the course up to standard HFT rules (unless Davy has changed his mind) so we will be shooting f

Roughly the same for nappy's eh Buster.

Haha your not alone mate, I've washed and lubed 3 tins of pellets now and have not seen one shred of evidence they are more accurate, but as others have said, each to their own mate. I won't be washing any more pellets now.

Going to try Mr sheen polish aswell or maybe brasso..or even auot glym resin :whistling:


I might win the nationals next year


Marty :victory:

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there was an interesting article in one of the airgun mags(for once!) last month i think, and the gist of it was that over time lead pellets oxidise and arent as accurate as a result, and following on from that it was said that the lead left in a barrel would do the same, and affect your rifles accuracy quite a lot.

not a problem if you clean the barrel from time to time, or if you lube the pellets it should leave a film of lube on the barrel's inside it'd also prevent it.


i dont know if there was anything in it, or whether it was just a way of getting folk to buy lube etc mind you.


personally, i clean and lube my pellets most of the time but only to get rid of the swarf and crap on them in order to save cleaning the barrel very often, and cos its one of those funny little habits. having said that, some of my pals dont bother and theres nothing wrong with their shooting and i havent noticed any difference when i dont lube up first so as usual, if what youre doing suits your shooting then thats the best method for you!


cheers, wurz

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ive just been out this morning for a few hours trying to bed my rifle in so i put 1500 pellets through it in about 7 hours lol and my hand was shiny silvery grey color with all the excess lead!! thats from 3 full tins of pellets that hadent been washed or lubed. also i was getting pretty tight groups when i was really concentrating.


maybe its not so important but its probably worth doing anyway so you dont have to clean your rifle as much?!


there was a white pigeon sat on the shed roof outside so i got the gun out loaded it, 27 yards aimed and.. skimmed its head by about 3mm gave it a haircut LOL


got 2 squirrels within 2 mins of eachother 1 i hit in the thoat area so it needed finishing off. other way dead before it left the branch



then i went t check in the shed again because the pigeons have been at the grain again and there was 1 sat up top right at the back, i know the full range of the shed is 40yds and i was about 3 yrds in .. perfect zero range for my rifle with the jsb 4.52s.. aimed straight at the middle of its head and missed! god knows why.. ah well you win some and lose some eyy! im sure il get another shot at it sometime soon so its not to worry for now..

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ive just been out this morning for a few hours trying to bed my rifle in so i put 1500 pellets through it in about 7 hours lol and my hand was shiny silvery grey color with all the excess lead!! thats from 3 full tins of pellets that hadent been washed or lubed. also i was getting pretty tight groups when i was really concentrating.


maybe its not so important but its probably worth doing anyway so you dont have to clean your rifle as much?!


there was a white pigeon sat on the shed roof outside so i got the gun out loaded it, 27 yards aimed and.. skimmed its head by about 3mm gave it a haircut LOL


got 2 squirrels within 2 mins of eachother 1 i hit in the thoat area so it needed finishing off. other way dead before it left the branch



then i went t check in the shed again because the pigeons have been at the grain again and there was 1 sat up top right at the back, i know the full range of the shed is 40yds and i was about 3 yrds in .. perfect zero range for my rifle with the jsb 4.52s.. aimed straight at the middle of its head and missed! god knows why.. ah well you win some and lose some eyy! im sure il get another shot at it sometime soon so its not to worry for now..

I like this post..very realistic skot :victory:


Pellet washing IS down to personal prefference but i personaly think its a waist of time.

Like you say Skot you win some you lose some.


Maybe a thread should be put up of peoples missfortunes when shooting air rifles..Show your bad shots the shot that go low ect.


But maybe its not such a good idea... as we have to make a good impression as to hunting with air rifles for those who disagree with it.


I wounder why the law states in the czech republic that hunting animals with an air weapon is forbidden.??


I belive its better to have confidence in your Own ability with rifle and scope..plenty of practice will do just fine in my view.


Theres this thing called the real world and its not always so pritty..nore does it always go according to plan.


Marty :thumbs:

Edited by Probuk
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yeh your not wrong marty. i bet professional pest controlers still miss with their air guns sometimes. im pretty confident at the right sort of range for me, wether i waash and lube my pellets or not.

In the real word ..id say so.


Lubing pellets is ok but no reason not to keep on top of maintaining and claning your barrel with a good pull through or felt pellet's and oil.




Marty :thumbs:

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Prob, I was bored the other day, so I bunged a tin of pellets in my ultrasonic cleaner. They all looked clean and there was no visible swarf or lead.


I should have taken a picture, but when I took them out of the cleaner they left a lot of lead residue in the bottom of the cleaner.


That extra lead can't help things.


It's easy to say "I've done it without for years and I don't have any problems" but how do you know if you might be able to shoot straighter and better if you wash them?


I generally don't bother, but that's because I'm a lazy git. I'm not about to start calling someone a geek for doing it!

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I don't do it..never have, never will. To me it just feels like an added choir. If you buy good quality pellets 9/10 they're pretty clean an very rarely need binning.a boy on facebook lubed his pellets with Napier stuff, and it caused it to smoke and make a loud noise (dieseling) ..I just think its a farse to get you buying . No one had a pcp back in the day, nor a range finder, or a mildot scope..now there's electric firing airguns. That's it next year I'm getting a Springer again lol I'm rambling on here like I date back to the 40's lol

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I don't do it..never have, never will. To me it just feels like an added choir. If you buy good quality pellets 9/10 they're pretty clean an very rarely need binning.a boy on facebook lubed his pellets with Napier stuff, and it caused it to smoke and make a loud noise (dieseling) ..I just think its a farse to get you buying . No one had a pcp back in the day, nor a range finder, or a mildot scope..now there's electric firing airguns. That's it next year I'm getting a Springer again lol I'm rambling on here like I date back to the 40's lol

Exactly..wounder whats going to be next. As for electronics..daystate come with a 5 year warrenty..good job realy, they spend just as much time at daystate as they do with their owners.



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Prob, I was bored the other day, so I bunged a tin of pellets in my ultrasonic cleaner. They all looked clean and there was no visible swarf or lead.


I should have taken a picture, but when I took them out of the cleaner they left a lot of lead residue in the bottom of the cleaner.


That extra lead can't help things.


It's easy to say "I've done it without for years and I don't have any problems" but how do you know if you might be able to shoot straighter and better if you wash them?


I generally don't bother, but that's because I'm a lazy git. I'm not about to start calling someone a geek for doing it!

Nothing wrong with being a geek mate...And a real geek loves to be called a geek :thumbs:



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I don't do it..never have, never will. To me it just feels like an added choir. If you buy good quality pellets 9/10 they're pretty clean an very rarely need binning.a boy on facebook lubed his pellets with Napier stuff, and it caused it to smoke and make a loud noise (dieseling) ..I just think its a farse to get you buying . No one had a pcp back in the day, nor a range finder, or a mildot scope..now there's electric firing airguns. That's it next year I'm getting a Springer again lol I'm rambling on here like I date back to the 40's lol


You don't know how much sense that makes to me!


It's that very reason I'm fed up of the point and click scene now, my superten which is for sale is über accurate to the point I have no fun shooting it anymore. It's that very reason I'm buying a decent springer again, I miss being in tune with the rifle and knowing so much I am doing could ultimately lead to a missed shot! I'm going back to where it all started! All be it with a decent scope ha ha.


Went out with my old man last night and asked him to bring his tx which is 13 years old and his AA410 for some plinking on one of our perms!


Do you know we had so much fun shooting ENPTY shotgun cartridges on their side with only the metal circle showing at 30 yards the AA410 didn't even come out of its slip!


Then a Maggie landed 30 yards away and was in thick foliage of a tree with only the top of its head showing. I knew if I was patient with the hold and steadied my breathing I could make the shot, bam and the Maggie dropped like a brick from the tree.


Here are the pics, the tx is .22





Edited by Mawders
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Iv only had one issue with my daystate, and it was a probe o ring..

Seen a few of the lads at the club having never ending issuse with them..There seems to be alot that can go wrong with all this added electric stuff..however they are smart looking thing like the Panther that was posted on here not long ago...Id like to own that for Purley looks alone.





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I don't do it..never have, never will. To me it just feels like an added choir. If you buy good quality pellets 9/10 they're pretty clean an very rarely need binning.a boy on facebook lubed his pellets with Napier stuff, and it caused it to smoke and make a loud noise (dieseling) ..I just think its a farse to get you buying . No one had a pcp back in the day, nor a range finder, or a mildot scope..now there's electric firing airguns. That's it next year I'm getting a Springer again lol I'm rambling on here like I date back to the 40's lol


You don't know how much sense that makes to me!


It's that very reason I'm fed up of the point and click scene now, my superten which is for sale is über accurate to the point I have no fun shooting it anymore. It's that very reason I'm buying a decent springer again, I miss being in tune with the rifle and knowing so much I am doing could ultimately lead to a missed shot! I'm going back to where it all started! All be it with a decent scope ha ha.


Went out with my old man last night and asked him to bring his tx which is 13 years old and his AA410 for some plinking on one of our perms!


Do you know we had so much fun shooting ENPTY shotgun cartridges on their side with only the metal circle showing at 30 yards the AA410 didn't even come out of its slip!


Then a Maggie landed 30 yards away and was in thick foliage of a tree with only the top of its head showing. I knew if I was patient with the hold and steadied my breathing I could make the shot, bam and the Maggie dropped like a brick from the tree.


Here are the pics, the tx is .22





Excelent stuff Mawders..Nice shooting :thumbs:

Now then lads...is there realy Any reason to stand there washing pellets to go shooting these horrible F :censored:RS





Edited by Probuk
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