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stolen bedlington

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I am about to open a hornet's nest here but it must be done, in june of last year our bedlington bitch was stolen by a group of :censored: lowlife who hide amoung the hunting community waiting to ply their trade which is selling dogs they have procurred by stealing onto unsuspecting people for profit.Our bitch is most probaly still in their grasp, as they think if they keep her for breeding they will see a much larger profit.Chilli has been widely advertised in various magazines including an article in Countrymans Weekly Jan 17 07 and again in a column for Doglost in this weeks edition which includes other dogs stolen in this area. She has not been seen, so I can only conclude that the person/s who have her know that they have a STOLEN DOG and they are keeping her well hidden but if they are found with Chilli, do they know that they will be charged with they new law "theft by finding" , which comes with a prison sentence, all for greed, worth it, I don't think so... We have had some fantastic help from local hunting folk and I do not mean to point a finger at any of these people , only the "bad ones" which there are a few.I need your help, I need to find my dog, if anyone knows something or someone then please contact me through this site, it will be confidential and will be in your favour . Ask yourself do you honestly know that your dog that you have bought could be a stolen one, how do you know? These :censored: steal from anyone and every one at any opportunity they can, when you go hunting it could be yours next , ask anyone around here

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hi my friend spoke to you a few weeks ago, over the phone, he to, had a bedlington bitch stolen last year by these scum bags, they smashed his gates in to get the little bitch ,he to as searched hi and low goes to the dogs homes every week, put endless posters up, but all to no avail, i know how you must feel because my friend is still devastated, and is paranoid about going out and leaving his dogs in case they come back. the best of luck with your search. regards collie john.

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When i lost one of my Bedlingtons a few years ago i did a chain email and sent it to evreyone in my address book and then those people did the same. I do hope you get your bitch back soon.

All my Bedlingtons are microchipped/tattooed and im slowly getting around to having them all DNA profiled which the Kennel club in the uk do and Vetgen in the USA do. This type of DNA testing help convict that greyhound breeder last year in ireland.

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Thankyou for your reply's , to colliejohn we did speak to your friend and we will give him all our support and any other bitches that we come across from whatever part of the country, we will tell him straight away. We have alot of people on this case now and we are collecting more and more evidence every day.to country maid yes our bitch is microchipped and she has been DNA tested so we can 100% identify her,


Thankyou for your reply's , to colliejohn we did speak to your friend and we will give him all our support and any other bitches that we come across from whatever part of the country, we will tell him straight away. We have alot of people on this case now and we are collecting more and more evidence every day.to country maid yes our bitch is microchipped and she has been DNA tested so we can 100% identify her,



Thankyou for your reply's , to colliejohn we did speak to your friend and we will give him all our support and any other bitches that we come across from whatever part of the country, we will tell him straight away. We have alot of people on this case now and we are collecting more and more evidence every day.to country maid yes our bitch is microchipped and she has been DNA tested so we can 100% identify her,



Thankyou for your reply's , to colliejohn we did speak to your friend and we will give him all our support and any other bitches that we come across from whatever part of the country, we will tell him straight away. We have alot of people on this case now and we are collecting more and more evidence every day.to country maid yes our bitch is microchipped and she has been DNA tested so we can 100% identify her,

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Thankyou for your support it just makes us more determined. but I would also like to say that so far 247 people have read this post and I can't believe :hmm: that no one has come forward with some information about any dog dealers in their region ie some one who has a constant supply of dogs, but have a little courage to come forward, I know it's easier to sit on the fence and watch, that was me untill I lost Chilli, but you have got to have a little backbone and stand up against these scum. Any dog is at risk but working dogs are so vunerable because of the "it's just a dog attitude" and the ease at which you can buy another dog and not care about the one that got away, its people like that who give dog thieves an easy time and they actually believe that they are doing a service because you were to lazy to do anything about it, they just take them off the streets! It is so easy to hide a dog in a house or garden

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