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finished mews and start of my diary


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yes im touching his feet now, dont think i need to use tirings every time i man him. i want the bird to be with me because he is happy to be with me not everytime i pick him up hes getting food. if

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good thread but ur jessies are still wrong way fella not having a dig just trying to help .if you worried do one at a time.things like this is where a bird made to the hood helps people no end


yeah i know mate im hopefully getting a hood next week as i brought a vest this week. everytime i try to get to them he goes nuts and nearly footed me the other day so ive been putting a glove on my right hand and touching his feet and chest so hopefully get them done in the next couple of days. :thumbs:

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spot on saxon! you're on a mission now pal :thumbs:


Be carefull about trying to make him to the Hood now when he is coming on so well, its generaly good practice to Hood them as soon as they are taken up and make them to the Hood through the Manning and there after. You're now a good way into your Manning and basicly moving onto the trainning from the leash to the line, at the moment mate you don't want any set backs. this is only a personal point of view but someone who has never Hooded a bird before this could upset him slightly :thumbs:


Perhaps you could try him when he is confident around you and loose......

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if he is footing you ,you want to get a feather and sit there stroking his feet mate as you dont want a bird that you cant change his gear when you want to do anything with him ect ,as jasp said you would of been betterhooding him earlyer on in the begining mate.if you have been putting the food on your glove with the righ hand he will foot you as his weight is dropping ,his hunger is increasing ,dont let hi see you putting food on the glove close in when he is on the glove or u will end up with a footy bird .

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Thanks for your comments lads :thumbs:


thor is jumping about 6ft now but not responding straight away and his wieght is 1lb 5 3/4oz. We are doing all of his training out in the field now as my garden doesnt have the room and i feel he will be gaining more albeit it might slow things up a bit. The wind has really picked up at the moment here which is really making training difficult so we only done 4 jumps and then feed him up. For some manning i took him for a walk with my youngest son and the dog and a mate of mine and his dog he really doesnt mind dogs and he was even eating from a rabbit leg bone on the fist and sat nicely on a fence post even with the dogs playing about under and around him. Wont be doing any training till thursday now just a bit of manning as the mrs is working 12 hours and ill have the 3 kids. :censored: hahahaha

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great news mate and well done ,what was the birds top weight just on average a male harris goes around 1-7 unless ur talking peruvians ect .dont want you taking him to low just incase thats all


cheers mate, stupidly i didint take his weight straight out of the Aviary which was on a friday night i left him till the sunday to settle but his weight was 1lb 7 1/2oz when i took the first weight on the sunday morning so we are working on at a rough guess he was about 1lb 8 1/2oz.

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The weather is rubbish here at the moment with wind and rain so havent done much in the way of training so just been doing lots of manning. Today i thought i would take Thor somewhere a bit different so we went for a walk around a local wood with my dog. Got Thor boxed up which he has started to jump onto the perch inside the box now as i think he now knows box means getting out for a walk he has also started to eat off the fist now whilst im walking with him as before he would only eat when im static. As we were walking through the woods we had to pass a lady and her dog on a very narrow path which he did bate due to the 2 dogs jumping around each other but went back straight away a settled himself down. We stopped off on a bridge which i let Thor sit on the fence and have a look around at the trees and listern to the new sound of the rain coming through the trees and then made off to the edge of the woods where there is open fields. As we were walking around the fields Bomber my lurcher decided he wanted to burn off some energy and run past us at full pelt a number of times which i thought Thor aint going to like this but he actully seemed to be impressed with the speed he was running past us at and didnt bate once i think he is totally used to my dog now which will be brilliant if i can fly Thor at the same time as i walk Bomber. We made our way back to the wood but the rain really picked up so we sat on a fence under a large oak tree with Thor sat next to me on a post tied to my D-ring on the glove with access to the full length of the leash but didnt try to move away once and went on one leg and with Bomber sat under us on the floor, we must of sat there for a good hour looking over the open fields. By far the best manning session so far but i must say now i have started getting my lurcher into condition for the coming season with one day sprint work, next day bike work and the 3rd day walking with the hawk there isnt enough hours in the day but enjoying every minute of it. i go to bed thinking about training, i dream about training and my first thoughts of the the day is training i think im hooked for life.

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