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Bought this book many years ago when it came out .

Never got round to reading it for some strange :blink: reason ,anyway came across it in a box of old books i had stored away .so i thoughtnows as good a time as any to have a look at it. Any body else read it and if so what did they think of it :)

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Bought this book many years ago when it came out .

Never got round to reading it for some strange :blink: reason ,anyway came across it in a box of old books i had stored away .so i thoughtnows as good a time as any to have a look at it. Any body else read it and if so what did they think of it :)

Fantastic book :clapper::clapper: The way he explains the ways and mind of a thinking terrierman is just how i'd like to get the message across...if only i could express it as well

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once you start it you wont be able to put it down... reading lepus at mo... hope its better than trog, i wasnt a fan of that one to be honest

Ive read lepus thought it was o.k. As for TROGG had the book a while now and heard that many bad reports that ive never evan had a look at it :(

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Guest oldskool

everymans hand and nathan would be 2 of my favourites at the mo... wouldnt mind a look at tales of a rat hunting man... heard it was good?? i know its non fiction and not that it matters any but there is a badger fight in trog with an apbt and i wonder is nathan the bull terrier that is wrote about??

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everymans hand and nathan would be 2 of my favourites at the mo... wouldnt mind a look at tales of a rat hunting man... heard it was good?? i know its non fiction and not that it matters any but there is a badger fight in trog with an apbt and i wonder is nathan the bull terrier that is wrote about??


How much would you expect a hardback copy of Nathan to cost?

Not original, 2002 I think?

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everymans hand and nathan would be 2 of my favourites at the mo... wouldnt mind a look at tales of a rat hunting man... heard it was good?? i know its non fiction and not that it matters any but there is a badger fight in trog with an apbt and i wonder is nathan the bull terrier that is wrote about??


As long as you read it with a pinch of salt.....about 4kilos its perhaps his best book..........

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Well chaps just finnished reading EVERY MANS HAND .Let me just say what a great read it was the book had me gripped .only sad thing about it was that it had to come to an end. EXCELLENT read would advise any one to take a look this great little book :clapper: :thumbs-up:

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