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Lurcher stolen, Cumbria

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Hancock lurcher stolen in Cumbria, stolen from

garden kennels, all the hinges unscrewed.


14 month plus, Gunmetal grey colour 22-23inches with four white

paws and white blaze on chest.


I'll try to get a recent picture up as well, please keep your eyes

open in the area, as the owner is gutted, and spending all his

time searching.

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Its not my dog, but a good mates, It was stolen around the Dalton in Furness area, so anyone around there

please keep ypur ears and eyes open.


I seriously doubt it was antis that took it, but i suppose you never know.

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All I know so far mate, is that the lad was lamping, met up with 2 strangers who tagged along

for the night, to see the crack, then a day or so later my mate went to check his dogs, and the

hinges had been unscrewed from the lurchers kennel, and the dog was missing. The terriers

were left alone.


He spent 3 days searching all the usal places, but the dog was found wondering by

an old couple 9 miles away, who took it to the police station, and he recovered if from there.


Seems it was taken and either dumped or lost.


But at least he has her back now.

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