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Insurance from Countryside Alliance Ireland does not cover you for pest control/shooting etc if there is any form of reward, financial or otherwise. Also be aware that the law in the Republic in relation to "pest" species such as pigeon (feral and woodpigeon) and all corvids differs to that in the UK. The EU birds directive has been implemented more stringently by the Irish government. There are derogations for specific methods of control of these species when they are causing specific damage. Straying slightly from these rules can have serious legal ramifications for you. For example shooting woodpigeon over stubble in the summer months has resulted shooters having their shotguns seized by NPWS rangers and resulting legal proceedings. I dont imagine your father will be too happy to be shotgunless for the next season or two while the legal system snails its way to his case. Also what do you think An Garda Siochana's attitude will be to you and him if you have been involved in a suspected crime under the Wildlife Acts? It wont help you graduating to holding your own licence some day.

Your enthusiasm to not just sit around during your summer holidays is to be applauded. By that alone you have shown yourself to be of more substance than a lot of people your age. However i would echo the sentiment expressed on here that you should look for farm related work instead and build a rapport with landowners that way, hopefully leading to plenty of permission for you. There are professional pest controllers operating in your county. They are paying scandelous amounts for professional public liability insurance and pest control is their livliehood and not a summer hobby.

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Thank you for your very informative post spudlington

I have taken what you said into consideration and after speaking to a local farmer I have orgainised work for the summer and in return I get 40 acres to shoot on :)

thank you every one for your advice it is much appreciated .



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Well done on securing a nice bit of permission and work for yourself. Also well done on taking all the replies to your post in a positive manner. Many members on here several times your age would have descended into a slagging match by now!

Best of luck and if you want any advice on the specific legal situation in the Republic regarding any species feel free to get in touch, I'll help if I can.

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