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New Law On Lamping??

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Well, since i started this debate i'm sure we've all got pretty much the same viewpoint, so let's do something about it?


I remember when, just weeks before the change in hunting with dogs law, i got an email from another hunting pal wanting me to sign an online petition. The emphysis being on "weeks".


So, would any of you out there be willing to sign a petition when we have as much time as possible to gather as many names as possible? Shooters, Stalkers, Dog men, Anglers, the whole bloody lot of us?


What you thinking lads?



The reason I mentioned angling is that there are a massive amount of participants campared to shooting, they appear to be next on the anti's list, and they too have been threatened with a ban on night fishing such as is enforced in much of mainland europe, (bloody channel tunnel). There is a movement to bring all angling bodies together as they do just as you mention, fight their own corner only, I'm alright Jack etc.


A combined body for all country sports would be a massive benefit particularly for the small number of shooters etc :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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i think if we could get the airgunners,netters etc all to respond then we must have a large number of voices. you are quite right about the anglers there must be millions of them,many of whom pursue other field sports( as i fish).

that being the phrase of the day,FIELD SPORTS.

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Just off the phone to one of my old lamping mates, last night. He'd been talking to some of the big-wigs from SACS (Scottish Association of Country Sports).

According to them, there's the distinct chance of a law being brought in to govern "night shooting".


In no patricular order the highlights are


1, Written permission and firearm certs must be carried at all times when out,

2, Only foxes can be shot,

3, Police must be notified the time you begin and when you finish,

4, Police must be told of the vehicle, reg number and persons "night shooting",

5, Guns, calibres and serial numbers to be notified to police.


Some of it seems good practice, but unless you do all the above, guns, vehicles, and all will be confiscated.


The reason? Apparently to free police resources! Seemingly, the police are getting pee'd off at recieving calls during the night along the lines of "i've just heard a gunshot outside my house" kind of thing. Prompting swat teams, helicopters etc!


Personally i think it's a load of cr@p, not to mention unworkable, and i for one am against it.


Any of you guys heard of this and what's your opinion?

firearm certs must be carried at all times when out shooting by law in Scotland anyway, i also inform nearest local police if i get any new permission, i also give them my buisiness card with my mobile phone No. on it, just in case they get any calls regarding shooting in the areas i shoot, its not the 1st time i have been called by policeto see if its me out shooting, before they waste a journey to come and have a look, they have also phoned me in the past to come and shoot wild animals that have been injured in road accidents, the most bizzare being to come and shoot an injured cow that had got onto the main Edinburgh to Galashiels road (A7 ) and caused a severe accident involving 3 cars.

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anything that limits what you lot can shoot is a good thing ...most of you are way to trigger happy anyway....stick to clays! :yes:


HA! Just you wait. I hear that there is a move to start up a charity to be known as the NSPCP. National Society for the Protection of Clay Pigeons. What harm do the poor things do? They don't eat crops or food plants, they don't break up pasture with their burrows, they don't kill chickens or new born lambs. They just sit in their boxes minding their own business and then you heartless lot chuck 'em up in the air and blow 'em to bits. Downright cruel it is. :cray::cray::cray::nono::nono::nono:


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at the end of the day this is a political argument. there are obviously other factors but the driving force is political and its the men in suits at Westminster who we need to get to in order to protect our rights as pursuers of fieldsports. by appealing to our MP's in a 'protect our rights or stuff your job' kind of way we can stop this from happening. now i have no idea how many people there are in this country who pursue one kind of fieldsport or another, but its times like these when we need to be united as a hunting community rather than have our petty arguments between different disciplines. i'm fairly confident that in any constituency in the UK there is a large enough margin of people who pursue a fieldsport to make a significant enough proportion of the vote. threaten the loss of job to an MP with enough support and you'd be suprised how quickly his/her policies could change. i'm not prepared to allow another situation like the hunting ban to happen just because some anti tossers think its cruel.

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anything that limits what you lot can shoot is a good thing ...most of you are way to trigger happy anyway....stick to clays! :yes:


Well, that post will be anything other than UNDISPUTED. If you are a dog man as your pretty picture sugests, don't you realise you are next on the list?


But of course I realise your post was a complete windup, or you are a complete twat

Edited by cyclonebri1
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Just off the phone to one of my old lamping mates, last night. He'd been talking to some of the big-wigs from SACS (Scottish Association of Country Sports).

According to them, there's the distinct chance of a law being brought in to govern "night shooting".


In no patricular order the highlights are


1, Written permission and firearm certs must be carried at all times when out,

2, Only foxes can be shot,

3, Police must be notified the time you begin and when you finish,

4, Police must be told of the vehicle, reg number and persons "night shooting",

5, Guns, calibres and serial numbers to be notified to police.


Some of it seems good practice, but unless you do all the above, guns, vehicles, and all will be confiscated.


The reason? Apparently to free police resources! Seemingly, the police are getting pee'd off at recieving calls during the night along the lines of "i've just heard a gunshot outside my house" kind of thing. Prompting swat teams, helicopters etc!


Personally i think it's a load of cr@p, not to mention unworkable, and i for one am against it.


Any of you guys heard of this and what's your opinion?

firearm certs must be carried at all times when out shooting by law in Scotland anyway, i also inform nearest local police if i get any new permission, i also give them my buisiness card with my mobile phone No. on it, just in case they get any calls regarding shooting in the areas i shoot, its not the 1st time i have been called by policeto see if its me out shooting, before they waste a journey to come and have a look, they have also phoned me in the past to come and shoot wild animals that have been injured in road accidents, the most bizzare being to come and shoot an injured cow that had got onto the main Edinburgh to Galashiels road (A7 ) and caused a severe accident involving 3 cars.

Strange I dont have a Fac to carry when I'm out shooting I have a shotgun certificate and I dont always carry it as I'm not obliged to when out shooting this is in Scotland

BUT the Muppet show in the Scottish Parliament thats a different kettle of fish they are making laws just to look as if they are actually doing something YIS

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Just off the phone to one of my old lamping mates, last night. He'd been talking to some of the big-wigs from SACS (Scottish Association of Country Sports).

According to them, there's the distinct chance of a law being brought in to govern "night shooting".


In no patricular order the highlights are


1, Written permission and firearm certs must be carried at all times when out,

2, Only foxes can be shot,

3, Police must be notified the time you begin and when you finish,

4, Police must be told of the vehicle, reg number and persons "night shooting",

5, Guns, calibres and serial numbers to be notified to police.


Some of it seems good practice, but unless you do all the above, guns, vehicles, and all will be confiscated.


The reason? Apparently to free police resources! Seemingly, the police are getting pee'd off at recieving calls during the night along the lines of "i've just heard a gunshot outside my house" kind of thing. Prompting swat teams, helicopters etc!


Personally i think it's a load of cr@p, not to mention unworkable, and i for one am against it.


Any of you guys heard of this and what's your opinion?

firearm certs must be carried at all times when out shooting by law in Scotland anyway, i also inform nearest local police if i get any new permission, i also give them my buisiness card with my mobile phone No. on it, just in case they get any calls regarding shooting in the areas i shoot, its not the 1st time i have been called by policeto see if its me out shooting, before they waste a journey to come and have a look, they have also phoned me in the past to come and shoot wild animals that have been injured in road accidents, the most bizzare being to come and shoot an injured cow that had got onto the main Edinburgh to Galashiels road (A7 ) and caused a severe accident involving 3 cars.

Strange I dont have a Fac to carry when I'm out shooting I have a shotgun certificate and I dont always carry it as I'm not obliged to when out shooting this is in Scotland

BUT the Muppet show in the Scottish Parliament thats a different kettle of fish they are making laws just to look as if they are actually doing something YIS

If i were you i would get in touch with your issuing force of your SGC and ask them to clarify wheather by law in there jurasdiction you are required to carry your shotgun certificate when you are out shooting, as a matter of intrest mines is issued by Lothian & borders , who issues yours.

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anything that limits what you lot can shoot is a good thing ...most of you are way to trigger happy anyway....stick to clays! :yes:


HA! Just you wait. I hear that there is a move to start up a charity to be known as the NSPCP. National Society for the Protection of Clay Pigeons. What harm do the poor things do? They don't eat crops or food plants, they don't break up pasture with their burrows, they don't kill chickens or new born lambs. They just sit in their boxes minding their own business and then you heartless lot chuck 'em up in the air and blow 'em to bits. Downright cruel it is. :cray::cray::cray::nono::nono::nono:



Lol you could be right mate....listen I'm only joking do a wee bit of rough shooting myself :victory:

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anything that limits what you lot can shoot is a good thing ...most of you are way to trigger happy anyway....stick to clays! :yes:


Well, that post will be anything other than UNDISPUTED. If you are a dog man as your pretty picture sugests, don't you realise you are next on the list?


But of course I realise your post was a complete windup, or you are a complete twat


Yip I'm a complete twat at the wind up with a pretty dog :gunsmilie::gunsmilie: We've been on the anti's hitlist for years

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If that get's passed.

The police would yet again be wasting there time. I mean how many people go shooting every night?

Ive been out 6 time's this week-they would be sick to death of me calling.


Police have got there priority's wrong, they should be out in the city centres catching drug dealer's and rapists. Than wasting there time trying to piss off shooter's.

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anything that limits what you lot can shoot is a good thing ...most of you are way to trigger happy anyway....stick to clays! :yes:


Well, that post will be anything other than UNDISPUTED. If you are a dog man as your pretty picture sugests, don't you realise you are next on the list?


But of course I realise your post was a complete windup, or you are a complete twat


Yip I'm a complete twat at the wind up with a pretty dog :gunsmilie::gunsmilie: We've been on the anti's hitlist for years



Then put in with all country sports folks instead of rubbishing your allies, :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

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