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New Law On Lamping??

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This does not sound very good does it!!!

The more information you give it seems the more they want!! , and there is still no guarantee they wont turn up!!!

Its funny when you do all the right things as in telling the land owner that you plan to go out lamping bunnies / Fox , then someone hears a shot and are worried so phone the police , the police take details as in area they are talking about!!

Now the police and their computer system which should be telling them who is the land owner with address and probably phone number too!!

So why on earth dont they phone the land owner who would tell them " yes i know someone is shooting on my land , and they have phoned me to say they are night shooting on my land - so everything is fine "Saves alot of problems really , the only thing is one upset farmer if they phone in the early morning!!!

To me this is starting to get out of hand and it will only become law if we allow it!!!

I have myself even phoned the police when lamping in a area which i think that i may have some sensitivity toward shooting , all they need to know is who you are and the land on which you will be shooting over - end of!!!

Sorry about the rant but if we are not careful , we will be dictated to next of what time during the day of when we can and cannot shoot!!

All the best...................




To be honest that would be even worse. I don't know many farmers that a) want the police knowing their buisiness, and B) appreciate midnight calls just to confirm there isn't a problem.


Farmers don't want issues like that and would lead to the loss of shooting rights, so the police would probably be very happy to take that option up ;);)


Totally understand your comment buddy and agree about how farmers feel!!!! ;) ;)

What i am trying to get at is that you have informed the land owner and have every legal right to be out there lamping!!

But heres the thing , if you choose to notify the police , all they need to know is your name and where you will be shooting too!!!

notifying them of the time scale is all well and good , but as i was told from the police centre from my area , there are still no guaranties they still wont turn up!!!

I think this is a very tricky subject with some rights and some wrongs , but just make sure your rights don't get taken away by legislation!!

At the end of the day , all we are trying to do is a wildlife management service to the landowners!!

All the best..................




It's a tosser Ray, we all get by by being straight with the farmers/land owners on who we rely to have some shooting. But they want a few less pests and no more hassle. No doubt a tactic the Chief Constable may wish to pursue.


the legislation issue is a future problem for us all. the anti's are against shooting and fishing in any form whatsoever. Maybe a combined approach is the best.


Angling preservations are getting on this line, so are SACS. Come the day we all need to be on the same side, Cheers.

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This does not sound very good does it!!!

The more information you give it seems the more they want!! , and there is still no guarantee they wont turn up!!!

Its funny when you do all the right things as in telling the land owner that you plan to go out lamping bunnies / Fox , then someone hears a shot and are worried so phone the police , the police take details as in area they are talking about!!

Now the police and their computer system which should be telling them who is the land owner with address and probably phone number too!!

So why on earth dont they phone the land owner who would tell them " yes i know someone is shooting on my land , and they have phoned me to say they are night shooting on my land - so everything is fine "Saves alot of problems really , the only thing is one upset farmer if they phone in the early morning!!!

To me this is starting to get out of hand and it will only become law if we allow it!!!

I have myself even phoned the police when lamping in a area which i think that i may have some sensitivity toward shooting , all they need to know is who you are and the land on which you will be shooting over - end of!!!

Sorry about the rant but if we are not careful , we will be dictated to next of what time during the day of when we can and cannot shoot!!

All the best...................




To be honest that would be even worse. I don't know many farmers that a) want the police knowing their buisiness, and B) appreciate midnight calls just to confirm there isn't a problem.


Farmers don't want issues like that and would lead to the loss of shooting rights, so the police would probably be very happy to take that option up ;);)


Totally understand your comment buddy and agree about how farmers feel!!!! ;) ;)

What i am trying to get at is that you have informed the land owner and have every legal right to be out there lamping!!

But heres the thing , if you choose to notify the police , all they need to know is your name and where you will be shooting too!!!

notifying them of the time scale is all well and good , but as i was told from the police centre from my area , there are still no guaranties they still wont turn up!!!

I think this is a very tricky subject with some rights and some wrongs , but just make sure your rights don't get taken away by legislation!!

At the end of the day , all we are trying to do is a wildlife management service to the landowners!!

All the best..................




It's a tosser Ray, we all get by by being straight with the farmers/land owners on who we rely to have some shooting. But they want a few less pests and no more hassle. No doubt a tactic the Chief Constable may wish to pursue.


the legislation issue is a future problem for us all. the anti's are against shooting and fishing in any form whatsoever. Maybe a combined approach is the best.


Angling preservations are getting on this line, so are SACS. Come the day we all need to be on the same side, Cheers.


Thanks buddy!!!

Right there with ya!!! ;) ;)

All the best.............


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Just one query here though. Are they on about lamping generally, or lamping foxes with centrefires? There's a helluva difference between a 22lr firing subs with a mod, which is probably favourite for rabbits, and say a 22-250 even with a mod. Bloody stupid idea anyway IMO


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thats true, if you accept an inch they will stick a mile up you. we can't allow an infringement on our rights,as it is a legal pursuit we follow( at the moment)

placidly sitting an thinking will not stop them( as with the dog/fox laws) we have a lobby and as such should use it.in any way possible.

write to mp's, basc or equivilent.

we owe it to the sport and to following sportsmen to defend what we have left from idealistic encroaches( alot of the bull they come out with is nothing more than that!).

humanisng of animals,implications of "feelings" and unfairness for example.

its ok to keep pigs and cattle in apalling conditions( even the eu norm fits this bill imo) but not ok to course a hare or fox? which suffers more?

a pig that gets its ears and tail chewed off over weeks( causing infection which will not be treated as it cannot be slaughtered with antibiotics in system) or a puppy which has its tail docked?

i'm not saying that all change is bad,by no means. but it should make sense.

its a legitimate passtime/hooby or even job we do.we abide the laws we have but i see the tradition we are as a country famous for across the world going down an eu toilet.

let them sort the dog hanging in spain,the shooting of song birds in italy first.


sorry i'm a wee bit touchy about this kind of thing :):icon_redface:

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thats true, if you accept an inch they will stick a mile up you. we can't allow an infringement on our rights,as it is a legal pursuit we follow( at the moment)

placidly sitting an thinking will not stop them( as with the dog/fox laws) we have a lobby and as such should use it.in any way possible.

write to mp's, basc or equivilent.

we owe it to the sport and to following sportsmen to defend what we have left from idealistic encroaches( alot of the bull they come out with is nothing more than that!).

humanisng of animals,implications of "feelings" and unfairness for example.

its ok to keep pigs and cattle in apalling conditions( even the eu norm fits this bill imo) but not ok to course a hare or fox? which suffers more?

a pig that gets its ears and tail chewed off over weeks( causing infection which will not be treated as it cannot be slaughtered with antibiotics in system) or a puppy which has its tail docked?

i'm not saying that all change is bad,by no means. but it should make sense.

its a legitimate passtime/hooby or even job we do.we abide the laws we have but i see the tradition we are as a country famous for across the world going down an eu toilet.

let them sort the dog hanging in spain,the shooting of song birds in italy first.


sorry i'm a wee bit touchy about this kind of thing :):icon_redface:


You and me too mate. Honestly i feel the only answer is a united country sports body, embracing the legal interests of anglers, archers, dog runners and shooters. If not the antis will divide and eventually conquer :o

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thats true, if you accept an inch they will stick a mile up you. we can't allow an infringement on our rights,as it is a legal pursuit we follow( at the moment)

placidly sitting an thinking will not stop them( as with the dog/fox laws) we have a lobby and as such should use it.in any way possible.

write to mp's, basc or equivilent.

we owe it to the sport and to following sportsmen to defend what we have left from idealistic encroaches( alot of the bull they come out with is nothing more than that!).

humanisng of animals,implications of "feelings" and unfairness for example.

its ok to keep pigs and cattle in apalling conditions( even the eu norm fits this bill imo) but not ok to course a hare or fox? which suffers more?

a pig that gets its ears and tail chewed off over weeks( causing infection which will not be treated as it cannot be slaughtered with antibiotics in system) or a puppy which has its tail docked?

i'm not saying that all change is bad,by no means. but it should make sense.

its a legitimate passtime/hooby or even job we do.we abide the laws we have but i see the tradition we are as a country famous for across the world going down an eu toilet.

let them sort the dog hanging in spain,the shooting of song birds in italy first.


sorry i'm a wee bit touchy about this kind of thing :):icon_redface:


You and me too mate. Honestly i feel the only answer is a united country sports body, embracing the legal interests of anglers, archers, dog runners and shooters. If not the antis will divide and eventually conquer :o


Just a shame that we seem to do their work for them. It always looks like terrier-men v lurcher-men v shooters v long-netters . . . And of course the really daft bit is that if all hunting were to be banned agriculture in the UK would be f**cked up all over the landscape. The antis could forget their free-range chickens, organic lamb, ya-di-dah, and just to top it off the veggies would have nowt to eat cos the dear likkle bunny-wunnies would have et all the crops. Roll on death and let me get outa here.

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being relativly new to english shooting i would have to ask,

does the countryside alliance not reprisent all such fieldsports?

does the basc not get involved unless a petition is thrown at them?

would it be worth starting such a petition on this site? on all forums.

would the mods accept/condone it?

i see lots of people starting these things in the interest of ONE or the other,surely these things affect us all irrespective of sport.its about hunting in general.

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being relativly new to english shooting i would have to ask,

does the countryside alliance not reprisent all such fieldsports?

does the basc not get involved unless a petition is thrown at them?

would it be worth starting such a petition on this site? on all forums.

would the mods accept/condone it?

i see lots of people starting these things in the interest of ONE or the other,surely these things affect us all irrespective of sport.its about hunting in general.

Sadly there's no such thing as hunting in general in the UK, too many political orginisations & entities consumed by self interest. :yes:


When the hunting with dogs ban looked like it was close to being a reality, the BASC chose the moment to put forward it's own agenda, trumpeting shooting as the only humane method of fox control.


If any one thing brings about the fall of field sports in the UK, it will be the 'I'm all right Jack' attitude of the different factions of countryside pursuits.

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wont work. what does it matter any how if you inform them ! if someone phoned up they will still send the firearms team out as they have to



There is one simple fact here and one only. This so called proposal is aimed at 'night shooting', well when your walking around a field at night, with a lamp you stick out like a sore thumb, not exactly hard to spot and not exactly stealth like at all.

So, why inform the law, when during the day light hours you can be almost invisible if you so wish. So following the illogical steps our law makes take, if they want us to contact the police before night shooting takes place, when we stick out like a sore thumb, exactly how long will it take these plebs to work out that it might be even more beneficial to call before day time shooting takes place, when shooters can come and go like ninjas?

So, we end up having to tell the police when ever we wish to go shooting, and then the police start to keep a data base. It then follows that should two people have shooting rights to a bit of land, and they shoot the place often, the police will then jump to the obvious conclusion that one of the shooters no longer needs to own firearms because the other chap is shooting the vermin six times as much..........


That's why it matters.



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surely everyone knows that any single method of fox controll is pointless.its a combination of shooting,trapping and work to earth which can make the difference( see salisbury plain experiment).

as seperate entities we lessen our lobby.

in germany ALL are represented by their grouping( landesjagdverband)falconers,hunters etc regardless of how they work.

surely this must be possible at least on a site like this,we must have a fair few men/women on here who are basc members?

any grouping of say 200 or more must be heard by an organisation which operates in their interest.

i would like to think so anyway.

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Well, since i started this debate i'm sure we've all got pretty much the same viewpoint, so let's do something about it?


I remember when, just weeks before the change in hunting with dogs law, i got an email from another hunting pal wanting me to sign an online petition. The emphysis being on "weeks".


So, would any of you out there be willing to sign a petition when we have as much time as possible to gather as many names as possible? Shooters, Stalkers, Dog men, Anglers, the whole bloody lot of us?


What you thinking lads?

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damn right i'll put my name to it. irrespective of whether the law is to be passed in england,ireland wales or scotland we should ALL be concerned.whether lamper,netter,long dog or terrier man.

can we get the moderators to put this on ALL FORUMS?

is it possible to consolidate all info( singatures) and send them to the respective organisation?

seems to be a little bit of big brother again.

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