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Is this a crow or a rook ?

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Silly question but Why is it a crow. whats the difference between a crow a rook and a jackdaw.



might make it easier for people that don't know the difference as to how you can identify the two when on your own out in the field.



I'm out shooting them tomorrow, if the rain holds off, on a polo field. with luck i will try and take a few phone photos showing the difference between the two ( jackdaws are all in around the house at the moment so air rifle one of them for the photos.



This one with white in it from last year. there was a few around on the fresh drilling's but don't see many until the drilling is done then there's crows every where.




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most certainly a young ROOK, yes it has hoodie type feathers at the top base of its beak, but young rooks and hoodies both have this, but the tell tale is the lack of thickness at the base of its beak, a hoodie / carrion crow would be alot thicker

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