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Arrianus, lange jacht & lure coursing

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Dear All,


Late May an interesting and recommendable book came out, carrying the same title as this topic. In Dutch so that may pose a problem but there might be a translation coming.


First part of the book is a new translation of the old Arrian text (about 120 BC), the Cynegeticus, on coursing and keeping hounds and related issues like canine health\whelping. Detail: the romans got their hounds from the contact with the Celts, before that they only had scent hounds, according to Arrian.


Second part is a short history of coursing with lots of greek\roman literature refs...


Third part is about Dutch coursing history. Who knew, this o so liberal but strongly anti hunting country has a rich coursing history!

Only to become illegal in 1924 due to mostly the shooting scene, coursing was popular among rich farmers and others in the North and West provinces. Authors provide interviews with the last elderly that have been involved in legal coursing in the Netherlands (brilliant).

A specific strain of long dog was kept, the friesian greyhound, that was occasionally crossed with English hounds.

Hounds were slipped by 2 or 3. When a hare was caught a "beschutter", a so called protection dog (basically a big lurcher) was slipped to retrieve the hare from the teeth of the coursing hounds.

Chapter includes nice and vivid coursing descriptions from "the Dutch Hunter" magazine dated at the beginning of the 20th century.

Beautiful but sad description of the last legal meet in 1923.


Rest of the book gives rules and details of Dutch lure coursing as it is.




Edited by Lennard
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