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Lutra Lutra

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Lutra Lutra last won the day on January 7 2018

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611 Excellent

About Lutra Lutra

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    terriers, especially the Jack Russell. All working aspects of terriers and fox hunting. Birdwatching,Birds of Prey, Falconry, Shooting and all other Field sports. Interested in Air Rifles, Binoculars and Photography. Collects 1st edition and Antiquarian Bird Books, Hunting titles and all Natural History Books.

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  1. While on the subject of foxes and of being somewhat gargantuan in size, and it is often with great glee that foxes conjour such happiness and delight,esecially to the people who hunt them either by gun or better still by a good single Terrier which has been dug to to. Many years ago people and especially the (Terrier men), such news often brought great surprise amongst such hunting folk in general. However, through practical experience it was the somewhat smaller foxes that proved to be much more worthy of an a opponent. "How many times has a good sized Dog-fox seeked refuge behind
  2. Hello David, It was good to hear about your experiences regarding the Sparrow hawks hunting and catching young Rabbits. Of course any particular Falconer , naturalist or hunters know only too well that the (Spars) mainly catch birds and it is always the female of the species in question that will take young Rabbits. Many years ago in a certain local patch of Sherwood Forest, a place called (Thieves Wood) I contently watched a female take young Rabbits on numerous occasions. However, for one to witness such a spectacle is not a common occurrence, so you did decidedly well indeed to see such an
  3. It would be of great interest to find any particular people who fly such a bird in the modern day environment of today, however, I don't think the modern day environment suits such birds, and i'll commit myself to say in that it takes somewhat different a person to do a bird such justice. However , I may be wrong, but i'm not one for the new applied methods and the often new contraptions provided to falconers of today. I am talking of the perhaps my most favoured of the Shortwings: namely the very, somewhat difficult Sparrow hawk. The history of such birds happened many years ago now, wh
  4. The One, it is always accepted that amongst book collectors that the book has their original bindings, original wraps etc. However, the book was found at the right price and needed a total overall so to speak. Plus it was a book for my own personal needs. However, once again i'm pretty certain in that even a book like this could be sold at a profit to the right customer.
  5. There are still some good guys within the game and there are many good lads that still exist within the game". However, some of the lads, from the former years have still many a memory of which is so hard to find within some of the younger type today. "Like i've always said, I just look at a person's dogs and the way they react to their owner of which is the finest indicator that will alway exist between man and dog. Phil, I don't know if we actually read any letters of correspondence between you and Bert, I seem to think either David or myself may have done so. "We are talking perhaps near
  6. "I could quote many a saying by the minds of some great people, and also by some of the great minds i've had the fortunate pleasure of which to meet. However, I don't wish to do so. Also however, i've met some Terrier men and Lurcher men who perhaps didn't have the highest of education, but on that saying some of them had the astute ability to assess certain situations with the greatest of accuracy."They also possessed the sharpest ability to get out of certain unfortunate situations of when confronted from the( Bobbies) with the large hats upon their heads!
  7. I just thought i'd tell any people who are interested in books. I've been back to the Bindery earlier today with another 2 books for certain repairs and alterations. One book is by BB Denys Watkins-Pitchford of which a repair to the spine will be attended to , and also certain endpapers removed with new ones added. Also a book on "The Golden Eagle" will have new marbled boards, new endpapers with green quarter leather. Both books will again be somewhat transformed. Of course it is better to leave books in their original bindings, however, if a book is so damaged then one can pick a fine-
  8. Phil, I must admit i've been in striking distance of you ,so to speak. I think it was at one of the (Waterloo cups) many years a go but stupidly I never came over to speak. I perhaps thought i'd be intruding upon your space. Within hindsight I now know I should have come over and started chatting. David hated it, I mean talking to people. Whether the reason of so many things happening to him before, being let down, used, and so many other things. He suffered from terrible paranoia and delusions. And of course I won't call my own twin brother, but he's the most genuine and trustworthy person an
  9. Just some of my Binoculars. I'd like to hear from any members regarding of which optics they have and use please. My best regards.
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