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reeking rabbits

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About reeking rabbits

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    Up north
  1. If its plasterboard fixed on to a timber frame house like mine, this is what i did.... I used a 650mm wide strip of wooden block board, this was then screwed onto 2 of the wall studs inside a cupboard then the cabinet was screwed onto the board and into the floor. Police were more then happy with it, he even commented on how well fixed it was. If you find concrete or blockwork to fix to i wouldn't bother going to the extra hassle of using resin and threaded bar etc, get yourself some Thunderbolts.. their designed for fixing into block, concrete etc take a serious grip! all you do is dr
  2. Cant fault cz rifle's, i've got two (.22 and HMR) both 452 styles. Had a shot of a 455 thumbhole, nice rifle. One thing i did notice was the extra weight which was the reason i ended up getting the 452, i do a far amount of walking on my shoots so wanted my set up to be as light as possible. Maybe worth considering? The thumbhole stock did fit me well and loved the finish!! RR.
  3. I'll see how the bsa handles first then take it from there, 10cm groups at 35yards sounds good to me!! RR.
  4. Thanks for the information lapin2008, i've got a old bsa scope i might try out first to see if that works. if not probably order either a hawke scope or red dot sight here's the links to them.. http://www.scopesdirect.co.uk/proddetail.asp?prod=HawkeCrossbow3x32MAP http://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/proddetail.asp?prod=reddot30mm Yeah its one of the cons with using a crossbow is trying to find the bolts if it hits the ground. Thanks for the offer but i stay well up north so picking it ups out the question! I'll try get my hands on a pile of foam and some duck tape, see what i can
  5. Hi guys I came across my crossbow i got years ago, been doing some target practice with it using the open sights which have been ok but i wanting some kind of sight for it. Had a look around, there seems to be two options a scope or a red dot sight has anyone tried used a crossbow with a either of these sights before? Its just for target practice (got the rifles for hunting and know it illegal to hunt with it!!) so not planning on spending loads, Just thought i'd post this to see if anyone has any thoughts on which type of sight would work best. Also does anyone know what target ma
  6. Been using air rifles for years was planning to buy a new air rifle but decided to get my FAC instead, took 7 weeks for applying to it coming through the front door. .22 - vermin Control .17 HMR - Longer Range Vermin Control On an open ticket both with mods. RR
  7. Doddsy got it spot on, there's a noticeable difference while using a mod with .22 subs. I'd also add it makes a difference when trying for new permission's, one of my new permissions has a condition that i use a .22 with a mod because of the owners horses......... the other condition is i don't shoot the black rabbits because their "cute"! If i didn't have the mod i wouldn't have gotten that permission and for the price of a SAK mod (Around £30, Great bit of kit) and putting it on your FAC its a no brainer! RR.
  8. 6 weeks start to finish, think it was about 3/4 weeks from interview to it being delivered.
  9. I just fitted a rimfire magic kit, took 2 days to arrive which is very good considering I live in Shetland. 10 min to fit, good clear instructions with the kit. Also watched a video on YouTube on how to fit it. As said above transformed my trigger on my 452 HMR.
  10. Considering the weihrauch hw60j is double the price of the CZ's i'd hope they'd have a better finish/more refined features then a CZ (i.e better trigger) to justify the extra cost . I was on a strict budget and no way could i afford £1300 for a .22 and HMR before adding scopes, rings etc.. After putting 30 odd rounds through the HMR i will be fitting a trigger kit, from what i've heard this should improve the trigger a lot.. maybe even to the standard of a hw60j?!? I still managed a 1.5" group at 100m tonight, that's me only ever fired 30 HMR rounds in my life time! hopefully that will improve
  11. Unless its in Shetland can't see myself making it! Pigeon watch... Care to enlighten me?
  12. Yeah I know what you mean, had both the rifles out yesterday and I'm very happy with both of them, so happy days... Not good news for the rabbits though!
  13. Ha ha wondered how long it would take before someone from WSF commented! Is there many guys from wsf on here?
  14. Went out to my dads land to zero in my new CZ this afternoon. Got it almost spot on, think it still needs a little fine tuning the wind really picked up with drizzle as well so not ideal zeroing conditions. My brother went and spoke to a farmer from up the road that he used to work for and after saying about my new rifle's he said i'd be more then welcome to shoot on his land, as he's got a slight rabbit problem. The man that used to shoot all his rabbits moved away 5 months ago, the farmer usually just shoots the rabbits that come within range of his house, so some of the fields are full
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