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About DaleH

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  1. Best of the lot is the one made by Wrights of Huntley, but it'll cost you more. Harkila roe sacs are better than the Titan for similar money. Or keep an eye on ebay. They show up on there pretty regular.
  2. Always had Zeiss.I find it helps to match your optical equipment. Scope, bino's and range finder. Started with BGATS and now have a pair of Night Owls.
  3. Mark Tony Martin, a man after my own heart. Only mistake he made was letting one of "theiving b*****ds" get away. It would seem that Sherrif has taken a different route but equally successful one to bring one of them to justice. I think we can all work out with whom Sherrifs problem lies. After all he's crawled out into the open to sling his bullshit often enough on here and else where in regards to this particular subject matter. Name him Roger, and do the rest of the forum members a favour.
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