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About Ausnick

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    Mega Hunter

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    Queensland Australia

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  1. I used to breed quail and 3/4 of the chicks turned out to be males, absolute pain in the ass. I bred hundreds of the suckers too.
  2. So a terrier thats say 18lb weight goes into tight dark confined spaces for hours at a time to a big set of teeth in its own home and maybe do this sometimes a few times in the 1 day and every day its took out in its working life is not as admirable as a 70 to 90 lb lurcher taking 1 on the run? That is 1 of the most ridiculous statements ive ever read on here...and ive read some shite. Youv just said enough for me to know you either havnt done much terrier work or you play around with average russells, and yes I'll say it again it doesn't take what I'd call a great terrier to goe in to a den
  3. must have been some sight to see, from what I've seen kangaroos a'int slow and i'd imagine not every dog would have been able Like anything if you breed dogs for the job you're gonna have better luck, their pace and agility isn't on par with a hare though. It was always more about making sure the dogs learn to keep away from the back legs must have been some sight to see, from what I've seen kangaroos a'int slow and i'd imagine not every dog would have been ableDon't need a special dog to catch kangaroos at all All depends. Greys in pasture country are not difficult, especially on the l
  4. must have been some sight to see, from what I've seen kangaroos a'int slow and i'd imagine not every dog would have been able Don't need a special dog to catch kangaroos at all
  5. Those things have overrun my backyard here in the city.
  6. Why would anyone own a hunting dog that's human aggressive? What happens when it goes out of sight while hunting near a house, no stress? any human should be out of bounds to a hunting dog
  7. A 26-29 inch quality roodog would be my choice. As long as it doesn't have a high percentage of greyhound in its make up it would suit Australian conditions and that game well day or night.
  8. Even if they're considered a pest you'll still get charged for animal cruelty if caught by the wrong person. Some of the deerhound and wolfhound crosses do have the speed for fallow in the open but they generally start losing pace if the deer are turning too much
  9. Biggest mistake of your life ?
  10. They're basically just wild dogs and I've read they sometimes interbreed with strays and end up a lot bigger,so I was wondering if many dogs could do them. Is it illegal to hunt them? There's wild dogs and then there's dingoes. A mate went to court because he got caught dogging deer and dingoes, he said the dog that was used killed the dingoes as quick as his dogs would kill a fox with a throat hold... He got charged for aggravated animal cruelty for doing it but in court when the dogging of dingoes was brought up the judge didn't care and it wasn't apart of the charge. The laws here are
  11. Places where dingoes are worth running are really remote and the type of people that live in those areas aren't ones to talk about what they do or get on the Internet
  12. Plenty of stag and roodog lines getting bred that get the job done
  13. Plenty of stag and roodog lines getting bred that get the job done
  14. They will not throw one kick once on the deck. I've witnessed over 30 reds get killed. Only a couple were solo. 7 were killed in one hunt and all 4 dogs used couldn't hunt for 6 weeks afterwards. One dog was used on the sambar in one instance and she caught and killed two hinds and a good sized stag on her own in very rough mountains and she went on to catch 5 other big critters and kill them on her own that night, and it wasn't the sambar that made her sore. We couldn't believe it how a fully mature stag got tripped after a few attempts and the deer laid on its back squealing, not one kick.
  15. And then there's sambar deer over here that are as smart as anything, run down the hill quicker than a red, twice the size, twice the stamina, but once tripped even the biggest of stags will lay down and squeak like an elk bugling with just a single 28 inch dog on the throat. And on a flat or up hill they're as fast as a fox.I can't see anything taking down and holding down a Red Deer on its own let alone a Sambar...... Still happens though. Yeah in Fairy Tale land....A fallow buck puts sambar to shame in all areas except brains. The amount of pointers over here that catch and kill the odd
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