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27 Good

About wheal

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  1. she 12 weeks mate and a hand full
  2. bored so thought i would share this pic
  3. Only 6 but the oldest bitch in my kennels
  4. Thanks to everyone involved dogs back cheers
  5. wheal


    I was a site manager for a while and you no they not tradesmen when they turn up with wilko bags painters mainly,joiner by trade myself.
  6. wheal


    had 6 wins out of 7 good !!!!!!!!!!!! day
  7. its the same round my way mate nearly every earth is like a bomb site shocking mate.
  8. the thing is lads you never lose a s--te terrier to ground its always the decent ones!!!!!!!!!1
  9. one i had a few years back started young he self entered but died doing what he was bred to do a young age RIP rasp
  10. one i had a few years back started young and lost at a young age RIP Rasp
  11. rough neck round mouth !!!!!!!!!!
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