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About Sky09

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 31/12/1973

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Wales

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  1. got a few sacks today at baileys diy abergavenny £11 a sack
  2. baileys DIY store brecon rd abergavenny a tenner a bag im up that way tomorrow might pop in and get some ...been looking for ages for it...Let us know if you can get some
  3. Your better off ordering it on line mate go on gain web site leave your number and they will ring you up with the local place that sells it nearest to you atb Cheers mate
  4. any one know were I can buy it im in south wales so local would be good
  5. Why are you what's your problem
  6. 2 hobs 1 Jill ready to go from a different litter
  7. Eight weeks old free to working homes 3hobs South Wales
  8. 3 hobs 8 weeks old south wales free to good working homes
  9. Sky09

    Kestrel Breeder

    anyone know anyone euro or American
  10. Sky09

    Kestrel Breeder

    can any one help out here looking for a kestrel breeder in the south wales area if you know of any pm me please
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